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Everything posted by SoxFanForever

  1. Listening to B&B on the way home they did a pretty good job of ripping the decision to play a guy whose last salvageable skill is fielding at the DH position. I really don't get this decision at all. All because he is like 5/13 career vs. Meche? Ugh.
  2. Woof, Linebrink is really washed up at this point.
  3. QUOTE (fathom @ May 1, 2010 -> 12:39 PM) Pierre needs a slump buster! More like a bunker buster.
  4. QUOTE (DBAHO @ Mar 25, 2010 -> 08:29 PM) I think they definitely go for a Niemi / Crawford next season. Certainly would be the cheapest option, when you consider the Hawks' contract situation also. I really hope not DB. I don't think Crawford is a very good option. Niemi has shown flashes this year but I would prefer someone with little bit more of a track record of success if we have the ability to replace Huet next year.
  5. QUOTE (Real @ Mar 25, 2010 -> 08:02 PM) The hawks are one of the worst defensive teams I've seen in a while. Huet blows, but they're absolute trash defensively. Kane is probably the worst, but he'll get a pass of course Yes, so terrible that they came into the night 2nd in the league in goals allowed. They also have two of their top 4 defensemen out of the game tonight. Get a clue.
  6. Great win tonight. Hawks really looked solid defensively. I really hope Niemi can look this solid for the rest of the season.
  7. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Mar 23, 2010 -> 10:11 PM) Loved the pilot, if Lost hadn't run 6 minutes long I would have caught the 2nd episode. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how this series takes off in the next few months. It has incredible potential. Agreed, I think they are really laying the groundwork for some good story lines with these early episodes.
  8. About 10 hours in to FF13 and I am extremely bored with the game already. It has really disappointed me. I think i'll be stopping over at Gamestop to trade it in for something else.
  9. Great idea for getting some life in this thread. Here are my thoughts... Who is your favorite fighter? Probably Cro Cop or Hendo What's your favorite fight? Cro Cop v. Wandy or Fedor v. Nog (take your pick) Do you remember the first fight you ever watched? If so, what was it? Shamrock v. Severn. Didn't really get into it until later in life though. Do you remember the fight that got you hooked? If so, what was it? Believe it was one of Cro Cop's many highlight reel KO's in PRIDE. If you could fight any one fighter for honor, who would it be? And how would you want that fight to go? I'd have to say vs Don Frye. Loser shaves his mustache (i'd have to grow a mustache first) If you could fight and finish any one fighter, presumably out of dislike, who would it be and how would you end it? Lesnar via brutal KO If you had the authority to book a 5-fight PPV card, and if you could book any fighter in the world regardless of promotional affiliation, what card would you make? Fedor/Lesnar, Mousasi vs. Silva, Gomi vs. Penn, Shogun v. Silva, Overeem V. Fedor If you could make any one change to today's MMA - be it a rule change, time/rounds adjustment, ring/cage adjustment, judging/scoring change, or anything else - what would it be and why? Use the ring for all events. Change current scoring system to account for damage done from the bottom, submission attempts, etc. Let's say you had a time machine. If you could go back in time and collect one legendary fighter who was then in his prime, and then bring that fighter back to today and have him face a current opponent, what fight would you make, and who would you pick to win? Tyson V. Lesnar. Toss up. Which current fighter out there now do you think will be known as the best of this current era in 10 years time? Fedor Name an athlete from another major non-combat sport that you think could have been a top contender in MMA. Jim Thorpe If given 12 months of training under a great coach of your choice, how many of Bobby Lashley's current opponents (some nobody, Bob Sapp, Jason Guida, Wes Sims... maybe there's someone else) do you think you would *not* be able to defeat? And keep in mind Jason Guida can't even cut weight without cramping up and quitting, so you might not even have to step into the cage for that one. I weigh about 170. Even with a great camp I would still get my ass stomped by all of them probably. Which fighter would you be most scared to face if you had to? Probably brock and the dick tat on his chest. Let's say you're in jail alone with some dude who thinks you're pretty. Which MMA fighter would you most like to have your back? - Edit: I mean like which fighter would you want protecting you. I'm not talking about being mounted here. Aleks Emelianenko. Dude is practically Russian mafia. He probably could take care of himself on the streets.
  10. Send Huet to the Rock. He is a detriment to the team at this point.
  11. QUOTE (smalls2598 @ Mar 4, 2010 -> 10:08 AM) I just bought one last Friday at the Costco on Clyborn in Lincoln Park. It's the 120GB one, with one controller, the original Uncharted game, and a Blu Ray remote for about ~$370 with tax. There were at least 30 more units there. Awesome, thanks. I'll be calling them shortly.
  12. So, I can't seem to find a PS3 on sale at any stores in the NW suburbs due to the shortage. Any suggestions of where to look? Thanks!
  13. Danny Richmond is like the turd that won't flush. He keeps coming back to the organization.
  14. QUOTE (FlaSoxxJim @ Feb 24, 2010 -> 06:47 AM) Is she still willing to take care of that for you when it happens?
  15. I think I need a PS3 just for the exclusive titles.
  16. Thanks for all of the feedback guys, much appreciated. Also, agreed on being friends. I have an ex I don't see very often anymore. However, we remain friends and can talk in a friendly manner when it arises.
  17. Ok folks, I have a little situation here and would appreciate some feedback (love reading this thread btw). So about 3 weekends ago my friend Kristen invited me out to join her and some of her friends at a bar to watch sports (can't remember if it was a Hawks game or UFC). I asked her if I would know anyone there since I didn't want to go out with a group of folks I barely knew. She mentioned her friend Sara and said that she is a sweetheart and I have met her before. I felt like this was a set up but I decided to go anyways. So, throughout the night Sara and I end up talking, having a good time, etc. She got fairly drunk but gave me pretty strong hints (I can be blind to signals sometimes) that she wanted me to ask her out. So at the end of the evening as I am walking her and her friends to the cab I ask for her number and she happily gives it. Later on the weekend I gave her a call to get together some time the next week. She says she would like that and we make plans. We have dinner the following Thursday, she seems to enjoy herself and I do as well. As I am dropping her off I ask her if she would like to get together again. She says she does and we decide to talk later on to make plans. The next week I call her and get no answer. Leave a voicemail and wait for a call back. I eventually hear back about a day and a half later. She invites me to join her friends and her out that coming Friday. I agree to join them. That Friday I join them and it is a group of people I don't know and her. I do my best to have fun, talk to her friends, have a good time. She spends a majority of the time talking to one of her girlfriends. Confused by this, I text her friend Kristen who introduced us. I ask her what this girls feelings are on me and whats up with her. She shows interest sometimes, other times she doesn't return a call or text. Kristen tells me the girl has pretty much dated seriously with people since 8th grade (she is 25 now) and just got out of a bad long term relationship. She thinks she is trying to figure out what she wants, enjoying herself etc. I end up seeing this girl again the next night with a group of mutual friends. She seems to show some interest, wanting to talk to me, asking me to join her to come outside to get her jacket, talk to her while she smokes, etc. I end up calling her last night to just see how the rest of her weekend was. Again, no answer, no reply to my voicemail, no text. Just nothing. My question is, is this girl uninterested? Playing games? Hard to get? Lost interest? What do you folks think I should do with this one? I'm attracted to her and have fun when I do hear from her and spend time with her. It just seems like she is keeping me at arms length.
  18. QUOTE (CanOfCorn @ Feb 8, 2010 -> 01:08 PM) Article further said that the 'hawks would have to find a way to send Huet down to the minors to negate his contract, but there were scouts at a Bruins game. Great job of homework by ESPN. At said game, Thomas didn't even play for Boston.
  19. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jan 20, 2010 -> 07:48 PM) I'm f***ing psyched for Mass Effect 2. Anyone else? Yup, pre-ordered it a few days ago.
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