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Everything posted by SoxFanForever

  1. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Sep 8, 2009 -> 05:46 PM) <!--quoteo(post=2007758:date=Sep 8, 2009 -> 05:04 PM:name=Athomeboy_2000)-->QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Sep 8, 2009 -> 05:04 PM) <!--quotec-->V on ABC looks kind of interesting. It starts Nov 3rd. For those too young to remember or weren't born yet, this is a remake of an 80s TV show. If Robert Englund isn't in this one I don't wanna watch it
  2. QUOTE (whitesoxbrian @ Sep 8, 2009 -> 03:38 PM) People predicting GB to win 10+ games are going to be wrong, IMO. Winning 10-12 games after winning 6 the previous season is going to be extremely tough, especially since the whole defensive scheme is different. I understand Raji is a stud, but going from a 4-3 to a 3-4 and getting an immediate upgrade isn't going to happen. Next year? That isn't even certain, either. Why is it going to be hard for them to convert to a 3-4? They have a solid DT in Raji as you stated, Capers has a history of 1 year conversions from 4-3 to 3-4 and they have a number of very solid LB's. If that is your line of thought then I suppose the same could be said for the Bears' O. They just upgraded QB with Cutler. That means they probably won't be good on O this year or next year.
  3. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Sep 5, 2009 -> 12:10 PM) I'd rank it a notch just below Pulp Fiction. Was thoroughly entertained throughout. I'd agree with whoever mentioned that the dialogue felt a bit more natural this time around which was a plus. Loved the various scenes with the ever-increasing tension. I will most definitely see this again at the theater although I wish I could switch . Waltz delivered an Oscar-worthy performance.
  4. QUOTE (BaseballNick @ Sep 6, 2009 -> 07:30 PM) I assume you're suggesting that whatever the Sox would sign Figgins to would have to be a really bad contract? I've read that he'd probably sign for 4 years $44mil. Obviously, that's not chump change, but Fangraphs.com suggests that his output this season alone is worth $23.2mil. He's been an injury risk all throughout his career, but when healthy, he's a difference maker at the top of a lineup. Also, his defense has made major strides at 3B (UZR/150 of 11.2). Personally, I'd welcome that bad contract. The perfect reason that any stat site should be taken with a grain of salt.
  5. QUOTE (Kenny Hates Prospects @ Sep 3, 2009 -> 09:17 PM) *fighting back tears* He's still guilty to me, damn it!
  6. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Sep 3, 2009 -> 01:18 PM) I've read on most horror movie websites that Halloween 2 remake is god awful. I'm just sick of dumb remakes of horror movies. Whoever remade "The Fog" should be banned from making movies. Forever. I fell asleep within 10 minutes of that movie starting when I watched it with a girl I was dating at the time. Same goes for Skeleton Key. Man, some real bad movies around that period.
  7. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Aug 31, 2009 -> 08:32 AM) I got to play a heavy dose of Batman: Arkham Asylum, and it is farking sweet, and incredibly deep. I bought it a few days ago and I've been hooked. I love all the character bios, interviews with the Arkham doctors, stealth elements and upgrade options. It is really a fun game and I haven't been bored once. Still, once MW2 comes out I will be hooked.
  8. Happy birthday guys! SSI, don't try to drink your weight's wroth of alcohol today
  9. I guess if Frankensteiner can compare Rios to BA I can compare him to BrandoFan?
  10. QUOTE (Kenny Hates Prospects @ Sep 3, 2009 -> 01:18 AM) The green ranger is going into MMA. The red ranger did gay porn. The pink ranger posed topless (remember this from back in the day, had the pictures). Someone else on the show murdered a family supposedly to pay for an operation to get a sex change and then, while in prison, attempted to cut off his penis with a razor. ...and that's all I know from a short google search. There are probably a thousand more tales to tell. I remembered that show as a kid, and I guess I can see how they've all ended up so f***ed. Those putties (sp?) that they'd fight (basically jobbers, jabronis, etc.) were pretty creepy, like they'd wear tight chubby suits and hide out in rocky outcroppings waiting to jump out and suddenly defile these productive young members of society sexually, and then they'd get their asses kicked, but in the process they'd anger the head child molester, who had this gigantic robot thing that I'm sure was capable of holding a lot of candy. So then the power rangers would make their own robot and fight the molester robot and then something else would happen and yadda yadda. But the point is, these wholesome young actors were severely traumatized. I feel bad for the green ranger and getting crushed in MMA probably isn't what he needs right now. I think the tales of the red ranger being in those movies was refuted a while back.
  11. QUOTE (PlaySumFnJurny @ Sep 2, 2009 -> 04:16 PM) Jack Quinlan? Wow, nice call. You are correct sir
  12. My dad went to the same high school as Hillary Clinton. He was a year or two younger. His brother was her year. He has some pretty good stories from back then. Especailly high school reunion stories regarding her brother. My mom's father was the Cubs' radio announcer on WGN in the 1960's. She met a ton of Cubs players like Ernie Banks as well as other popular Chicago figures such as Stan Mikita. After that they set up a charity golf tournament that used to be held at Medinah and I had a chance as a kid to meet a lot of the same people. I met Minnie Minoso, Stan Mikita, Kevin Butler, Johnny Red Kerr and Tom Dore and got the autographs of a ton of others.
  13. Temp job at a company my mom worked at. A few months later a full time position opened and I applied to it after already being a temp there. Been here ever since.
  14. He looks like Simple Jack in BigSqwert's avi
  15. Off of that list I'd definitely have to go with Martin Kampmann vs. Carlos Condit. I really enjoy Condit's fights.
  16. Ricky Jr. could barely throw it to the cutoff man.
  17. QUOTE (Brian @ Aug 29, 2009 -> 09:42 PM) Sorry to break up the monotony of the QB arguement, but I used to hate Ochocinco, but after watching Hard Knocks, I love that guy. He is awesome. Child please... Haha, I liked his "kiss the baby" line.
  18. QUOTE (WCSox @ Aug 29, 2009 -> 11:03 PM) Jose already lost his job. He's been demoted to the bullpen. But apparently humiliating him by DFAing him with just one month left on his three-year deal is a better option because it'll save the Sox money. Oh wait, it won't. Ummm... because it'll create more roster space. Oh, no, that won't matter either, with the rosters expanding on Tuesday. Oh, I know, it'll allow the Sox to placate the angry and sadistic members of its fan base! Yeah, that sounds like a winning formula. Contrary to what you believe, the world doesn't revolve around the bottom line. Concepts such as effort, past performance, seniority, and class all play a role in the way that employees are evaluated and handled. Now that in no way means that Jose shouldn't suffer any negative consequences for pitching poorly. But he's already been demoted the bullpen. And with the rosters opening up in just two days, he won't be squeezing a more deserving player out of a roster spot. So there's no tangible benefit to kicking him off the team at this point. I'm sure that you'll be really disappointed when Jose is still employed by the Sox at this time next month. But if it makes you feel better, you can head over to his house and kick his dog around for a while. Wow, nothing like going over the edge with a post. I think you are taking your "respect for a veteran" to the extreme.
  19. QUOTE (TitoMB345 @ Aug 29, 2009 -> 08:54 PM) I officially love you. Thank you sir
  20. Can we hire Tom Thibodeau to improve our defense? ...oh wait...
  21. Beckham is coming off as slow and tired. His swing looks way slower right now.
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