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Everything posted by SoxFanForever

  1. QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 6, 2009 -> 06:23 PM) how are you searching these? Scroll up to the Shipps post and he explains how to do it.
  2. QUOTE (fathom @ Jul 6, 2009 -> 06:16 PM) I agree, I think Danks is severely overrated on this site (and I'm probably the only person disappointed in Viciedo's season so far this year). I think Flowers can be a Mike Napoli type catcher for the Sox. BTW, has anyone seen what teams are possibly willing to offer for Javy in a trade now? KW better pray that Flowers pans out. If Flowers could turn into a Napoli-lite I would be thrilled with him. Also, I'm not saying that because of our past prospects being busts that all future ones will be. I'm just saying that saying you don't want to trade some of these guys for one of the top pitchers in the AL is silly. I'd definitely want to hold on to Beckham and Flowers. However, just about any of the rest would be fair game.
  3. http://www.soxtalk.com/forums/index.php?s=...ost&p=20190 Gross, I replied to a thread where there was discussion about the Rick White signing and I made a "K Lo" Kenny Lofton reference and confused everyone. Funny how many of the people in that thread are gone or banned now.
  4. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jul 6, 2009 -> 04:50 PM) Yeah. It's no Sex and the City but hey, some of us need to keep ourselves entertained
  5. But look at all those walks for player(s) B!
  6. QUOTE (qwerty @ Jul 6, 2009 -> 05:53 PM) This post belongs here also. Great post. I can't think of any top stud super prospect the Sox have traded away in the last 5 years that has turned into anything we miss.
  7. Realistically, how many good years does Roy have left?
  8. Prototype is pretty fun and addicting. I really enjoy the shapeshifting and going into military bases. Lots of cool little things in the game.
  9. Man, getting Hossa is great. Nice replacement for Havlat and probably cheaper if the LA rumors are true?
  10. QUOTE (EvilJester99 @ Jun 29, 2009 -> 06:09 PM) Seems to me the Cubs have finally gotten their very own Aaron Rowand.... Except Rowand ya know....won something with the Sox
  11. I didn't even know Hinske was on the Pirates.
  12. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jun 30, 2009 -> 12:06 PM) Hawks are talking to Bulin about bringing him back. He had better have somewhere to unload Huet if he is planning on doing that. Otherwise it would be stupid.
  13. QUOTE (dbaho @ Jun 30, 2009 -> 07:58 AM) There was a blurb on Rotoworld today saying that the Bolland deal is confirmed FWIW. Yep, 5 years at $3.3 per.
  14. QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Jun 26, 2009 -> 08:30 PM) Man that's high for the first couple years, at least. Off that, what does Steeger and Barker get? I don't see how you sign TKK for 6 or so each with contracts like that out there. We're going to lose Keith (or someone else, at least) when all is said and done. I like Bolland's game a lot, but I don't know how the hell Tallon is going to make this work. My guess is, he won't or won't be around to figure that out. Tallon has done quite a job of overvaluing or overpaying players so far. Soup, Huet, Sopel and now Bolland. I love Dave Bolland and think he will be a very solid 2nd center. I just think that giving him this big of a deal after one good year is a bit much.
  15. QUOTE (chw42 @ Jun 26, 2009 -> 06:44 PM) Castro's in the lineup cause Jose's pitching. Jose has a easier time communicating with Castro obviously. Communication with AJ didn't seem to be much of an issue when Contreras was actually good in 2005-2006.
  16. QUOTE (Soxy @ Jun 22, 2009 -> 02:37 PM) I've almost got a PhD in Cognitive Psychology and people, when I tell them what I do, always ask "Are you analyzing me right now?" No. And even if I WAS a clinical psychologist you better be paying me for that. At a part time job at JoAnn fabrics men (always men, never women) think it's hilarious to call me JoAnn or ask if my name is JoAnn. Despite that fact that I am wearing a name tag, that does NOT say JoAnn. Sorry Soxy, this made me lol.
  17. QUOTE (Stocking @ Jun 19, 2009 -> 04:35 AM) Maybe if it were unlocked, but its not. The first two generation iphones couldnt even send a MMS. The technology in the Iphone has been around for years in multiple phones, apple just did a fantastic job of marketing it for the everyday person. What model of Nokia do you have? I've been considering getting an unlocked one.
  18. QUOTE (JorgeFabregas @ Jun 17, 2009 -> 10:28 PM) Again, Ted Williams' BABIP was .429 the year he hit .400 and (of course) this was abnormally high for him. In the unlikely event that someone does hit .400 again, it is possible that thier BABIP will be over .400. Yes, there will be a lot of luck involved. But he wasn't a speed burner like Ichiro! How could he hit .400??
  19. Anyone getting the new Ghostbusters game today?
  20. Artie Lange is a moron. I don't even know why you would invite him on your show. His "act" got stale about 10 years ago.
  21. Was just watching "MLB Tonight: Batting Practice" on the MLB Network and they were discussing Matt Holliday as the best impact bat on the trade market this year. Jon Heyman was on there and was listing a number of possible teams that Holliday could go to and at the end said that the Sox were a "wild card" to trade for him. Thoughts?
  22. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jun 10, 2009 -> 02:27 PM) As evidenced by the Admin post at the top of the site, I think alot of people have noticed this. This site at times has become more of a site for negativity than for actual fans of the baseball team. There are people who take great joy in the failures of the team, because it gives them a chance to be critical of the management, or the players, or the ownership, or whatever it is that they dont like that particular day. Its exactly the reason that losing or critical threads are so much longer than the threads dedicated to success. I remember a few years ago when Soxtalk was a ghost town after losses because people were so down because the team we love didnt come through that day. Nowadays losses bring many more people out of the woodwork, and success is something that is just glanced at. It's sad really, at least to me. I came to this site to share my ideas, emotions, and time with folks who loved the White Sox as much if not more than I did. I hope someday it gets back to that point, because it was truly fun for most of us to share in our day to day emotions over the team, but always having the common goal of watching the Sox succeed. Not all of us are sad sacks who take joy in the failings of the team. Hang in there Rock. You aren't alone.
  23. I'll be there Sunday. Should be fun. "It means, the good land!"
  24. QUOTE (Princess Dye @ Jun 10, 2009 -> 10:03 AM) So you're booing one player so that they'll put in another that is hitting .234? To me, booing is a serious enough thing where you do it for a total travesty. This does not qualify. BA has defense but other than that Ozzie wants to get a LH bat on track if he can. Yesterday he didnt even start and people insulted him after he failed to score from first (on a questionable call at that) What over the course of his career has pointed to the fact that he will get "on track"? A handful of decent plate appearances last year?
  25. I'm so glad the Packers are done with him and have a quarterback that isn't dramatic.
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