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Everything posted by SoxFanForever

  1. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Nov 12, 2008 -> 06:51 AM) Im right with you, its been ridiculous this season. Agreed. Can't wait to see what happens next week after Monday's show. Yowza.
  2. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Nov 12, 2008 -> 08:54 AM) So if I were to buy a PS3, why would I want more hard drive space? What is it used for? Saves, gigantic mandatory game updates, misc downloads.
  3. As long as they win about 20 more games at home they can hold up a Confederate Flag up in the after they win for all I care. I think you guys are worrying too much about the stuff that doesn't matter off the ice. If that is all we have to nitpick about then I'll take it.
  4. QUOTE (EvilJester99 @ Nov 8, 2008 -> 11:13 AM) I wouldn't mind Shanny but don't the Hawks have needs at center more than wing?? Not to mention a little thing called cap hell... He is also really slow at this point in his career. Would really be slow compared to the rest of our young guns.
  5. QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Nov 7, 2008 -> 01:34 PM) So Urijah Faber loses the title this past Wednesday night. Shame, with a win you'd really have to put him in the best p4p discussion. Filho puts on a weird/disappointing/awful performance. Time to get this guy some help or something...it's obvious something was wrong with this guy. I'm kinda glad Faber lost. He was extremely cocky and acted like he couldn't lose. Love that he tried to throw a blind elbow and got popped. Made me laugh.
  6. QUOTE (kyyle23 @ Nov 6, 2008 -> 12:42 PM) Yanks did it with Arod, I dont think they would have any reservations about doing it with Hudson Didn't they do it with Womack as well?
  7. So did they say who was the best or top of the league?
  8. QUOTE (lostfan @ Nov 4, 2008 -> 10:41 PM) Carlos Quentin for secretary of defense. I think they need a new office for him...Secretary of Offense.
  9. QUOTE (Texsox @ Nov 4, 2008 -> 10:34 PM) Jos concession speech was one of the greatest political speeches I have heard in a long time. In my lifetime he is easily the best of the runner ups. I've said from the beginning we had two great choices and his speech spoke volumes about his character. Agreed. It's funny because I voted for him in the primary and still went with Obama in the election. I wonder how big of a detriment Palin was to his bid.
  10. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Oct 29, 2008 -> 01:37 PM) Here's something else as well: When Parkman's dad was killed, it made the african guy's painting of the Villain's not true, unless his death was a mind trick kind of like parkman's was. There is still one other face in that painting that we havent been introduced to yet. Any thoughts on how Peter is going to get his power back? I'm wondering if it will have anything to do with future Peter.
  11. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Oct 28, 2008 -> 11:59 AM) I didnt think it was bad at all. Im just really wondering how Peter is going to get his power back. Same here. I just watched it last night and for a "set up" episode I quite enjoyed it. I'm still wondering what Sylar is oging to do. After letting Peter survive I'm wondering if he is having is doubts or if he is trying to infiltrate Pinehearst like Daphne is trying to infiltrate Primatech. Can't wait for next week.
  12. Nice way to start the season. Rose 1 dime short of a double-double
  13. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Oct 28, 2008 -> 11:11 AM) God damn Heroes is so good. I dont even care if I am in the minority, this show has me riveted. So pissed I missed it last night. Definitely catching it online when I get off work.
  14. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Oct 28, 2008 -> 09:31 AM) Daley is a crook. He's just better at it. It's like the grass on Scottish golf courses. Generations of development and care have created a superior grade of the product. That is a great analogy Rex.
  15. QUOTE (SoxFan562004 @ Oct 28, 2008 -> 08:28 AM) It didn't suck going in. It had a lack of marquee names, but you had two of their top 10 LWs in Sherk and Griffin (which IMO was the fight of the night), two arguably top 5 welterweights in Kos and Alves, arguably one of the top P4P fighters defending his belt and the guy the UFC had as their #1 HW contender before they went to the 4 man mini-tournament. Not to mention the undercard had a lot of intriguing matchups, ie Horwich making his debut against Miller (which was an awesome ground fight), the feud between Franca and Aureillious (sp?). Like I said, it didn't have a ton of big names, but it had a lot of great matchmaking, not every card can have Kimbo on it
  16. I'd boo too if I paid good money and saw a boring ass card.
  17. QUOTE (kyyle23 @ Oct 25, 2008 -> 07:36 AM) I rented the Incredible Hulk yesterday. The fight scenes were awesome, especially the final scene. I actually came away thinking that this movie was really set up for a nice run if a production company could commit to the franchise. A few minor things bugged me, The Hulk clap and Hulk smash were pretty cool. There was a really cool mix of the comic book and tv show genre, I liked the old school sad TV show music, and I also liked seeing Lou Ferrigno in his second Hulk cameo. Agree with you here kyyle. I think they also set up the character nicely for the Avengers film they plan to do.
  18. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Oct 22, 2008 -> 09:28 PM) By the way this if for 360 to avoid any further confusion, lol. Still up for grabs. I'd love it if you still have it.
  19. QUOTE (shipps @ Oct 14, 2008 -> 06:46 AM) I know its early but does Khabibulin give us the better chance in goal than Huet?It seems like the book on Huet is gonna be to shoot high and your chances are good. The book should tell our offense to not make boneheaded passes creating breakaway chances for scrubs coming out of the penalty box.
  20. QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Oct 13, 2008 -> 10:05 PM) Hawks off to a tremendous start to the season. Look at the bright side. Maybe Tallon and Savvy will go before too much damage can be done. Seriously, something better turn around soon.
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