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jackie hayes

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Everything posted by jackie hayes

  1. I agree w/ that, I just don't know about "best value".
  2. Speaking of Nov 3, anyone see this article in the Onion?
  3. Those people would be right on both counts. I don't understand your point.
  4. First, regarding your second FACT: I challenge you to show that Bush has signed his 180. Nowhere do I find any evidence of that. And none of this 'He has released all his records.' Show me something from a reputable source that states directly that Bush has signed his form 180. This is a plainly idiotic article. The claim is that Kerry was dishonorably discharged, even though we have proof of an honorable discharge, and even though his separation from active service in 1970 (long before Carter's EO 11967) states very plainly that his "character of service" had been "honorable." So you claim that sometime while in the reserves, Kerry secretly did something so heinous as to merit a dishonorable discharge. Not that anyone remembers it, of course, it was all very high level hush-hush. PLEASE. Just stop w/ all this bs. What is the best evidence that we have of each candidate's military history? Almost all of Kerry's fellow soldiers have called him a hero, while Bush's fellow soldiers...have we found them yet? If you have a relevant argument, make it, but cut out this hack noise. File under "Stupid conspiracy theories" (along w/ the Bush-bin Ladin connection), and forget about it.
  5. Funny! Pedro walks. Just throw a damn strike, Kiko.
  6. Ehh... The thing is, noone watches that for the full 1/2 hour.
  7. Okay, Cards, line up to smack Suppan on the forehead. What a dumb play.
  8. Steff, we'd all love to answer your questions faster. But you can imagine how tough it is, typing w/ one hand and all. J/k, agreed, overrated. This is the first time I've thought to myself, wow, HDTV would really make this better.
  9. He was also chosen as the best 1b in the AL, the "all star" 1b. But obviously Esty was the Sox all-star this year...
  10. I'm w/ you on that. But it's getting late in the day... Especially when it's Pedro against Suppan. That's the definition of a mismatch. Pedro walked Walker, but I think he still looks good, he's around the strike zone. He won't give this part of the lineup too much to hit, anyway. Mueller gets another E, c'mon Rolen!
  11. Great, understated catch by Edmonds. Again. Followed by a harsh drive by Manny, hr. Why no game thread yet? It's the World Series, people. Not much baseball left -- it's not the Sox, but ya gotta love the one you're with.
  12. Okay, I'm not GOP, but I do understand the logic. Basically, the argument is that taxes destroy the incentive to work. So consider the $2 mil expansion -- he might say, well, my personal gross profits from undertaking this will be $200,000 per year. Right now, I'll take home $130,000 extra per year. But after the tax increase, I'll only take home $120,000 extra per year. So the business owner might say, screw it, it was barely worth the extra effort when I got $130,000, let's just scrap the thing. Or he might say, it's not worth the effort of doing the full expansion, I'll just concentrate on the closest towns, a $1 mil expansion. I'll get less extra income, but I won't be away from my family as much. Obviously, that means fewer jobs. The key thing is that the success of the business has to depend very closely on the amount of time put forth by the business owner, personally, and that time must be valuable to him. I'm sceptical; there will certainly be an effect, but I think the GOP exagerates its size. The more direct effect on jobs is due to the reduced spending power of consumers. But I don't think even those negative effects will outweigh the benefits of rescinding the tax hike.
  13. I don't know about all this "be yourself" bs. I've tried that, but I keep getting the strong impression that my girlfriend would rather I was Jude Law.
  14. I'm sceptical about the height -- I admit I've never met either one, but just comparing him to Mike Hampton, I think he's got to be taller than 5'9".
  15. IMO Pedro's a #1 too, but we won't sign him. I don't know, I think if you want to go for it this year, this is The Move, if it's possible. RJ is just absurd. And we could finally resolve the mystery of the missing mph -- if RJ loses heat, then it will happen to anyone. I still don't see it happening. I doubt Johnson wants to come here, and I doubt the Diamondbacks will be eager to trade him. But if the door's open a little bit, I hope KW beats it down.
  16. I couldn't believe that. He even said Couch had "a good workout" -- I can only hope that was just being polite, o/w I don't know what he's thinking.
  17. Here's the link. I'm disappointed. Either Krenzel or Hutchinson has to step up, b/c Quinn is still on his heels.
  18. So, wait, the question was, why are humans more sacred than plants and animals -- and you're rejecting it, you're rejecting human exceptionalism? You think killing a person is tantamount to eating a salad? However a soul argument has been misapplied, I still don't see a radish as my equal. (Yeah, alright, I can guess the jokes -- everyone I've had an argument w/ is gonna come out of the woodwork now... )
  19. Ah, bulls*** that tries to be scary with jargon. Maybe if he said "EO 4483" one more time that would make it true. Unfortunately, Carter's first executive order was number 11967. Did his "experienced eye" miss that? Now EO11967 precludes prosecution of Military Selective Service Act violations. Funny -- by my reading of the act, it doesn't state that citizens can't protest (ie, it doesn't state, as the article implies, that protesters are "offenders"). My question is, how can anyone take such a dunce seriously? Actually, I find it funny that this windbag doesn't even blink in asserting that it is illegal to protest, doesn't even think about the obvious free speech problems there. At least there's only one more week of morons trying to piss on democracy.
  20. Hey, hey. Okay, if I have a son someday I wouldn't name him Jackie, but let's show some respect for Sox past...
  21. You're kidding, right? I'm a guy, so I'm no expert, but that's one thing I've never heard about Randy Johnson. My girlfriend, no big baseball fan, shakes her head every time he comes on the tv. But I still love the idea....
  22. If you had wanted to bet in Vegas on which rookies will play in the NFL this year, what kind of odds could you have got on Krenzel?
  23. I think they have to after today. They can't really think that Quinn showed enough to buy himself another week. And Krenzel may be better than Quinn, but I don't feel too safe w/ him at qb.
  24. Yep, hadn't even looked at that score. I still don't see us undertaking Miami over the rest of the season, though.
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