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Posts posted by Randar68

  1. Any chance he could start next season for Charlotte Jason? It'll be interesting to see who are starting for the Knights and Barons opening day next season to say the least.

    He'll be in Charlotte if he isn't in Chicago.


    Remember that the's likely to pitch in the AFL, so you could probably consider that about AA level.

  2. Ya, I sure messed up the board two days ago didn't I randy, lol. 


    Was listening and Bmac sounded sharp, but your right, he is going a bit deeper.  I think one thing he's doing, although I could be wrong, is trying to waste a few more pitches.  I know REx mentioned he thought he didn't waste enough pitches.


    Its hard to tell though just by listening to the broadcast.

    IMO, pitchers shouldn't "waste pitches". throw pitches out of the zone? Definitely, but that has tot be done in coordinationo with your pitching sequence in an attempt to oget the hitter to swing at an un-hittable pitch.


    IMO, that's the role he should be using his change and cutter in. He uses the curve when ahead too often (throws it in the dirt) and better hitters pick it up early enough to lay off and make him throw another pitch or 2.

  3. 7th inning:


    bMac strikes out first batter on 3 pitches or a 1-2 pitch, 1 out

    pop-up foul to right side on first pitch, 2 outs

    Gave up line-drive single to LF on 0-2 pitch, Martel butchers it in LF, and hitter moves to 2nd base.

    ahead of next hitter 0-2, ends up striking him out.


    7 IP, 9 K's, 2 BB's, 4 h's, 1 WP, 1 ER (HR)

  4. BMac's 6th inning:


    on 1-0 pitch, BMac knocks down a come-backer and throws him out at first, 1 out.

    3-2 pitch popped up to Spidale in LF, 2 outs.


    josh Barfield batting (hit 2nd inning solo HR)

    Struck out on 3 pitches (looking on first 2, swinging ono 3rd), 3-up, 3-down.


    7 K's, 2? BB's, 3 H's, 1 wP, 1 ER, in 6 IP

  5. Winston-Salem stays hot. they won behind a solid start from Brian Miller and 2 hits each from Lopez, Rogo, and Fields. Sweeney had the night off.





    Bristol won 6-3 with 3 runs in the top of the 9th. Francisco Hernandez 1-4 w/ a 2 RBI double.




    Kanny lost 7-3, box score not yet posted.



    Charlotte lost 5-3 after Grilli got called-up and Campos made tthe start


  6. I've got another question for anyone. What is Brandon's strikeout pitch? Fastball? Curve? Is it his control?

    Curveball, but he uses the fastball out of the zone equally well when ahead in the count. He throws an occassional cuttter and change and those just basically scare the heck out of hitters considering his other pitches and control... The change has a chance to be a real weapon if he gains enough confidence in it to use it more than just 3-8 times per start.

  7. Thanks alot Randar, by the way, welcome to the boards. You know alot about the Barons and thats a big asset to this board.

    :chair Rex is the man for the Barons. I joined here a couple weeks ago to get away from the trolling bulls*** at WSI, but that got all dumped when jason blew the upgrade! :P ,

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