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Everything posted by Heartattack19

  1. That made me so mad when they switched, my team was all 10's in the hitting end, i even used my math degree to come up with a spreadsheet that would give the breakdown of who to play against a particular pitcher, it gave me the odds of hitting a home run against a guy and all that crap. I lost the spreadsheet when my computer crashed at work and was so mad i never tried to redo it. All i had to eneter were the card values from the pitcher and hitter and it would give me all the values. It felt good to use something i learned about in school!
  2. I used to play showdown as well. My friends always kicked my but, so i bought an entuire box of cards and assembled a super team, which dominated for a short period of time until i think it was 200 when they changed the system hwre players who previously could not hit a home run or triple could with the use of strategy cards, so i spent money on a crapload of cards i could only use in about 10 games! After they changed to the new system, i gave up and went back to Strat o Matic
  3. I really like strat o matic. I went crazy last year and bought a bunch of card sets and other teams. I mainly wanted the 2000 and 2005 White Sox, but also the 93,94, and 1990 white sox teams. I played a lot with one of my friends, but then life started to get in the way. My dad and i always used to play strat football, the avalon hill war games, and sports illustrated football. I remember him getting mad at me when i was like 7 years old because i found a walter payton run he could not stop and would mix it in just for first downs. I think the least amount of yards that could be gotten was like 4. He could not belive he got beat by me finding a loophole in the game at such a young age!
  4. The Jalapeno ones are where it is at, those things kick ass! I am partial to the dill pickle seeds as well, nobody else on my team likes them, so i can be greedy and not share! I did bring a bucket of Big League chew for the season, the sour apple BLC is the best
  5. It is pop!!!! In college we had a bunch of people from St. Louis, they made me crazy with their "soda"... I personally like RC, but coke is a close second. For non cols, Dr. Pepper, Lime Jarriots and Green River. Root Beer has to be berghoff, that is some good stuff! The best tasting pop is from the gun at a bar, granted, i should not drink pop at a bar, but it is the best, i think they use more syrup in thier mix so that it is really sweet.
  6. a hot dog stand in my area, Toots, on Montrose and central lost their lease two years ago, only now has the new owner of the property began work! It is crazy when people try to get high rents or force the tenants out, then they have no rent money coming in, unless they need to show a loss for tax purposes or something. I am beginning to think that anything to do with money and taxes is a game, see what you can do to minimize your tax liability if you have good money coming in from other sources. I know i am oversimplifying, but i think it is all one big game...
  7. It always amazes me that these successful businesses do not own their locations, but i guess the start up costs are so high that it is prohibitive to buy the land outright. And who knew that Goose Island itself (the island) would become popular, it was all industrial and run down for the longest time. Now these landlords will have a huge empty space with no tenants.
  8. I also read in the paper this morning that it is not easy to tranquilize a big cat, if the dart hits a bone, it is useless, and you risk making the cat angry-something i would not want to be faced with...... I did see a coyote in columbus park one day this year, right by Austin and the Ike, it was pretty big, just walking across the baseball diamonds.
  9. My dad and i were at the sox tigers brawl in 2000, it was amazing, we were in the left field bleachers, it was a great saturday to see a game! I still carry the ticket stub in my wallet! I was also at the Sox Cubs brawl, i saw A.J. coming home and knew he was meat unless he did something to barrett, that was fun as hell! I wish ventura took a better approach at Ryan, but instead, he got noogies! I never saw the Mark Whiten one, i do remember the A's one when Steinbach was beaned, i think Rickey Henderson squared off against Scott Fletcher, i think scooter would have taken him out!
  10. The muffler shop is right by my house! Along with the huge meth lab that got busted on Linder, exciting times in Belmont Cragin!
  11. I agree with that, since Paulie is my favorite Sox player. I still think it is crazy Cameron was traded for Griffey, but then again, it was not the early 90's Griffey.
  12. I hope the Brewers can pull it off this year, they just ran out of gas at the end of the year. A veteran like Cameron will be a good influence on the younger guys, and man, the Brewers have some talented youngsters. I always wanted more from Mike, i knew he was a decnt player, but in his time with the sox, i always wanted more, in my mind, what he did was never good enough.
  13. Wow, i forgot that we had El Duque twice, that is kinda funny.
  14. Charlie O'Brien played for the sox the first part of 1998, i think he was the first White Sox Catcher to wear the Hockey style catcher's mask. God, Mike Bertotti, Todd Rizzo, Pat Daneker, Chris Clemons, Nelson Cruz, why do i still remember these names, for some reason i still have a Larry Thomas card hanging on my bulletin board. It has been there so long, i think it would be illegal to take it down!
  15. Jesus Pena - We kept hearing about his damm changeup and he was total garbage, king of blowing a lead in middle relief or letting the other team add to thier lead Alan Embree - Yeah, he threw lefthanded and 96, but it was straight as an arrow, he was the epitome of a gas can Ruben Sierra - he was terrible when he was here, and then he gets better the older he gets, what was up with that? Charlie O'Brien used to piss me off with that god awful grey chest protector Bryan Ward and his sideburns was pretty bad as well. What is up with all these failed lefthanders?
  16. I have really enjoyed playing Rock Band, it does seem that the guitar parts are easier than in Guitar Hero. The drums kill me, it requires way too much coordination!
  17. Man, i must have been lurking for a long time, i remember YASNY's thread like it was yesterday! This is totally out of left field, but did you hear what Kenny said about Rowand, i am paraphrasing, but he said something about it did not fit, i thought immediately of the report. But then the more i thought of it, i figured it was the fifth year, I love Arow, so i hope that my initial reaction was wrong and that the situation Kenny was refering to was money and years being to big.
  18. I remember when someone on this forum broke that Damon and Roger Clemens were going to be suspended, and SI wrote about it. I thought there was something to that poster's claim. If their names are on the list, baseball covered tthe players guilt for a few years. I remember waiting with great anticipation for the MLB announcement that Friday, and it never came. I have no doubt the MLB has been part of a conspirac, especialy with the prmoinant yankees and Red Sox Players
  19. QUOTE(G&T @ Dec 11, 2007 -> 12:08 PM) Wait a minute. I went to Stagg and I knew a Morgan Spurlock that, I think, went to Stagg. I was a year older than him. I don't remember if he played baseball but he seems to fit the description. How Crazy is that! I still can not believe he hit a freaking low and outside slider, granted we were at Loyola Park on the lake, which has a really short fence, but still! I will never forget that damm kid.....i could not belive he even hit the ball! Club Baseball was the greatest, we had such a good time playing and drinking, i think we played more basketball at practice than baseball!
  20. QUOTE(daa84 @ Dec 9, 2007 -> 03:11 PM) haha i used to know a guy named morgan spurlock who fits that exact description...probably the same guy....he would have been closer to a freshman or soph in 2003 though....ill bet its the same guy....never cared for him much either I bet it is the same guy! He was young then and talked a lot of s***. All i know is he crushed the ball, i am still pissed i mismanaged the bullpen and ran out of pitchers....(i sent the last guy who was able to pitch to go and get the keg, he was the only guy with a car who was not already in the game) The DePaul team had some huge Party the night before and got busted. I have heard the team is still defunct because of that. Club ball was a lot of fun, more drinking than playing and when we played hungover, we always played better.
  21. Completely off topic, but it still got me riled up! Morgan Spurlock is a name i will never forget. Back when i was captain of Loyola Universities Club Team (2003) our senior day doubleheader was against DePaul. They had this goofy lanky ass player named Morgan Spurlock who talked a lot of Crap. He went like 0 for 8, we came back from a 8 to nothing deficit, i ran out of pitching in the bottom of the last inning and had to put in my drunk ass starter from game one. He promptly gives up a game losing walk off grand slam to DePaul's Morgan Spurlock. Sorry for the rant, the name continues to haunt me to this day!
  22. I did like having the Ozzie plan, i got to go to opening day, a Cubs game, a few Red Sox Games and a Yankee Game, it was pretty cool. Only thing was it started to get expensive, and between playing baseball, watching it on TV, and going to games, i started to get burned out. The other thing was, i would have tickets to a game from my plan and then i would have the work season tickets fall into my lap, it happened three times, all at the last minute, whuich was great, but then i always had my two extra Ozzie Plan tickets that i could not give away (although i did get two extra No-Hitter ticket stubs because of this!)
  23. I work for a small firm that has season tickets, unfortunately if our seats are not moved closer to home plate, the boss does not want to renew. I personally had the Ozzie plan, i loved it, but then life starts to get in the way and some games were hard to attend. With a new mortgage and other so called responsibilities, it is not looking good to renew....as much as i hate to say that!
  24. i thought this was an act of fiction, that is what it said in the comments? I may be wrong though, the story seemed fa fetched, but then again, i would not put it past Bonds to do what is said in the story!
  25. Did the score actually go to air with this story?
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