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Everything posted by Heartattack19

  1. What are these "Cheecky Panties" That you guts speak of?
  2. I was Lucky enough to go to Boston in 1999 and saw the Sox paste the Carmines on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. The day before the sox lost like 18-1 to Pedro so I wasa little worried. ne of my favorite Sox players came up huge in my game, Craig wilson hit two home runs over the Green Monster. Always liked him beacuse he was a hometown guy. Fenway was great, we were along the first base side. We took public transportation, but their "T" is not match for our "L"!
  3. Is it true that UIC is tearing down the baseball foeld on Roosevelt to make way for a Chemistry Building. If so, that is a shame, it is a great field and has a great veiw of the Skyline. Plus, it is the site of my only home run i ever hit over a fence!
  4. Moose is old time Chicago, he went to my alma mater, archbishop weber high school (now closed) and back then, they did not even have a baseball team! met hime in 97 when i was a freshman, really nice guy.
  5. Bo love for Scott Fletcher, Craig Grebeck, Dan Pasqua or Mike Huff? What about Lyle Mouton or the Deacon Warren Newson? I won a years worth of free oil changes from ESPN Radio because Charlie Hough was the answer to White Sox Trivia, Great pickup in the early 90s
  6. Man, i was paired with Giselle, but my gay love match was none other than the gretatest man of all! Homer Simpson!!!
  7. I lost respect for Rome when he kept calling Jim Everret "Chris Everret". That was a huge low blow. Everret dared him to say it again, Rome did,and Everett took him out!
  8. When i was a senoir on varsity, we were playing St. Francis De Sales. I was playing Right Field, the batter crused one over my head. The ball hit the fence and stopped on the warning track. The plastice advertisements from the fence fell down and the ball was sitting on this big plastic sign. I get to the ball and fall down. Get up, go to throw, fall agin, the ball flew backwards. Again the same thing happens AGAIN! I chase the ball, and proceed to overthrough the cutoff man! Another time, lost three consecutive flyballs in the sun against St. Pats, with sunglassess. We were up 1-0, lost 2-1 because of that one inning. Bad Memories, funn tas hell now 8 years later!
  9. Thank you, this saves my night! You think working at ESPN Zone they would give me a TV!
  10. What radio channel are the sox on, im at work and on 100 they only have the friggen bulls!
  11. QUOTE(whitesoxin' @ Mar 2, 2005 -> 08:02 PM) Ouch 16 games in four years isn't pretty. And you are absolutely right about the conditioning. In the past ten years, my school had a .750 winning percentage combined in those years, but last year we were just barely above .500. It was mainly because nobody did anything in the offseason like lifting weights or conditioning, and it came back to bite us in the ass. The coaches learned their lesson and are beating us to death so far this year. Yeah, it hurt a lot, i even brought a goat to a game against prvidence in 1997. We were one hit and lost 21 - 0. I was playing catch with my best friend, overthrew him and his lung collapsed and he had to go to the hospital! Do all the work, it will pay off eventually.
  12. Guys, I know all the stupid conditioning does not seem like it has a place in baseball, but it does help. I would love to be in that shape again, you could play a doubleheader then play floor hockey and not be tired at all! now, if i run to first i am DONE. I hated it at the time, why are we doing all of these bleacher climbs, wall sits, and basketball agility drills. I think if my team took it all seriously, we would have won more than 16 games in my four years!
  13. How about Kevin LaPage, I know his team is not great but hey, the nine guys who work for RJ Racing did one helluva job!
  14. I was there too! Single greatest game i have ever seen in my life. Butter thrw the first beanball, i think Tanyon Sturtze threw the seond. Wasn't it Doug Brocail who ran out of the dugoutwhen the secong Tiger got hit? I still carry the ticket stub in my wallet and meet at least one person every year who was at that game!
  15. What about Kelly Dransfeldt? I know he was not the most talented, but he was pretty clutch in his time up with the big club. Is he even invited to Spring Training or did he sign elsewhere?
  16. I always thought that Steve Finley and Jay Bell were on the juice. They have a couple og huge years with the Diamondbacks. Plus Finley played in SanDiego and Houston with Caminiti. The Southwestern players seen to be more suspect because of the proximity to Mexico and the ability to get the stuff from there.
  17. Hi everyone, i have a question. Back in the day, i think it was 1994, i remember 105.9 playing a parody of Nugents Cat Scratch Fever but it was about the Sox. I cannot find this song anywhere so i was wondering if anyone had it or even remembers it.
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