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Everything posted by elrockinMT

  1. Hahn has made some questionable move for sure, but he has made a number of really good moves too. Injuries have affected the Sox in a major way
  2. Billy Hamilton is a good role player addition. Shows good defense, is a good bunter and has very good speed
  3. Lots of moves but the professional armchair GMs continue to gripe
  4. He really hasn’t sucked all year just some of it
  5. It is much more fun to win than lose. The way the Sox won makes it even sweeter. There is no stopping this team now!
  6. Please just let us enjoy this great comeback win
  7. I’m at a loss for words folks. I want to say wait until tomorrow but how many tomorrow’s do we have left
  8. If my posts and positive attitude make you depressed please call the help line ?I just don’t believe in giving up so soon
  9. Maybe this will make all you depressed people feel better: Been in this game one-hundred years, but I see new ways to lose 'em I never knew existed before. Casey Stengel
  10. The team will do something as soon as Anderson, Hendricks and Crochet are ready to return. You can also add Moncada
  11. Tomorrow is a new day and a new game. Nothing wrong with being positive
  12. Other than poor defense and lack of situational hitting what bothers me the most is the relievers not generally getting the first bitter they face OUT! It seems they must give up the obligatory home run and lose the game
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