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Everything posted by elrockinMT

  1. I think it is very possible he will be a starter but not this year
  2. Absolutely terrible news. My prayers for Liam and his wife. He is a fighter
  3. Good luck to Adam Engel in San Diego. Gold glove caliber IF’ef who knew and accepted his role with the team. He was a team player
  4. Too much doomsday talk about Eloy playing OF defense. He is a young player and it only makes sense to keep him ready to play defense when needed. He can relieve in LF or RF when needed and anchor that DH spot
  5. I think the plan is a return to a healthy team and the ability for those players to produce. We added Benintendi and I think Colas should be in RF from Day One. Hope springs eternal and we are equal to any team on opening day. Baseball is the greatest game ever and win or lose the Sox are my team. I accept the facts as they are and refuse to wallow in loathing and pity. The team belongs to Jerry R and he doesn’t have to sell if he doesn’t want to do so I don’t get all crazy about how much he wants spend on overpriced free agents or not spend. My suggestion is to relax and find a hobby to relieve your stress. .
  6. BillyHamilton is a fun player. He can bd a good role player as he can play defense and steal a base. I would like to see Engel back also
  7. What’s with the 2016 posts on Garcia? I is s thus a time warp? Did we get hacked?
  8. Reading all the negative comments about the Team management and our players makes me wonder where folks get their information and what stats do they use. Plus We are led to believe that absolutely no one wants to play for the Sox. The unbridled negativity is truly stunning. Now we have posters making positive comments about Benitendi who hit .188 in his time with NY and was injured. Supposedly his defense in not as good as it once was and his power was down to THREE homers, but now he will rebound in Sox park with 25 or more. These same folks think Abreu after another .300 season and 15 homers was washed up and needed to go. I love you all though.
  9. This is the type of report you like to see. Sometimes you find a diamond in the rough
  10. We would have the same thing with Adam Engel at much lower price. The acubs are basically paying about a million dollars a homer
  11. I wouldn’t think Montgomery would be available. Just look at the history of this franchise. When our best players are in line for big pay days they are allowed to wall. Anderson will be a free agent in a year or two and most likely will hit the market
  12. I predict that there will be no Sox trades. We have the nucleus of a good team and can fill any needs we may have with our minor league players. I think Free Agent signings are still possible but at bargain prices
  13. I think you’re going to overboard eithe the talent offer. I could see a Gavin Sheets. Jake Burger and maybe Davis Martin
  14. The Sox made a mistake by not keeping Jose. He was the team leader IMO and a very good player. There was no reason not to offer Jose the money Houston gave him. But, it does seem this is the playbook the Sox go by with their best players when they hit free agency
  15. I have an idea let’s bring in a relief pitcher with the bases loaded and walk the first batter faced
  16. Well this is a very depressing season and if the player’s have packed it in it’s just embarrassing. But, I am a Sox fan and will not speak Ill of the team
  17. J hope Cease can stop the losing streak and I hope Pollick can help either win
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