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Everything posted by elrockinMT

  1. I wouldn’t have given Schwraber $20M a year either. And I have the money
  2. As stated in the posting let’s strive mightily to win. That’s my opinion
  3. My feeling is the players are having fun and they respect Tony LaRussa. The remark that Tony isn’t smiling and the team is losing is pure hogwash. This isn’t the comedy store
  4. I am not one to complain but it seems our relief pitchers give up a lot of homers to the first batter they face
  5. I would certainly behoove us the strive mightily to win this game
  6. The last two games against the Twins have been an absolute embarrassment
  7. Really hard to figure out this offense. Twins score six runs on four homers. The Sox get runners on it’s GIDP of a pop out. Stone said we haven’t out homered at home 52 of 53 to 32. We are missing home run power fro Eloy and Yazbut really no one has stepped except maybe Abreu
  8. I have never seen that before and now I know why. Never ever happened before. Terrible base running blunder
  9. Yermin premiered with the Giants on Sunday and doubled
  10. I don’t think there was any rehab assignment but all reports are that he feels good
  11. We must continue to strive mightily to win this game for a sweep. I feel good about our chances
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