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Everything posted by elrockinMT

  1. Relief pitchers who can’t do their job haunts us again
  2. There is no conundrum. Burger and/or Sheets may get demoted this season, but 2022 will see them all on the 26 man roster remember that they were called up to fill in
  3. It’s only one bad game tonight and besides who does good against McCullers anyway
  4. Not a good combination of being wild and then not able to close it out with two strikes on the batter plus not getting the first batter you face out
  5. All eyes are on Leury. Two bad defensive plays. If he had not made the first bad play this game would be tied
  6. From what I can find it looks like Neslony was traded to the White Sox and assigned to Birmingham
  7. Rumor out there that the Beaves are on the verge of acquiring Adam Eaton from the Sox.
  8. It’s early in the game. Let’s wait for the Fat Lady to Sing
  9. Eaton was a good player, but I think age and injuries caught up to him. Still a bit of a surprise considering we have players who could be sent down as the have options left
  10. That senile old man as you called LaRussa had probably forgotten more about the game of baseball than we will ever know
  11. He just came off that leg injury so their being careful not to push it with the poor field conditions
  12. Eaton just can’t catch a break from characters
  13. It wouldn’t have been overturned. He looked safe
  14. Trades based on three loses is a panic move. We have at a minimum a 5 game lead after tonight. All teams go through rough stretches
  15. He just needed one more good pitch. Tony is simply giving the pitchers a chance to show some gumption
  16. Grandahl was starting to look healthy and ready to produce in the middle of the lineup. Bad break for him and the team
  17. It’s only the top of the third. It’s not the end of the season. We can come back
  18. Poor Umpiring is costing us today but it’s not the first time this year
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