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Everything posted by elrockinMT

  1. Watched on WGN. They put it away fast and I loved it.
  2. I'll be wathcing on ESPN today. WGN on Sunday, but we have to put up with Cubs announcers, which are every bit as annoying as the ESPN Baseball Tonight crew. It always seems that Fox, or whoever has the national TV rights go for the Yankees-Mets or Giants-Dodgers. It is sickening and just shows that real baseball does not enter into their knowledge of the game. All they want anyway is the playoffs and World Series. I wish that the bumps at MLB Hqs would start thinking of the millions and millions of baseball fans that rely on TV for their games and expand the broadcasting rights a bit.
  3. Then this on the fans booing: I really think the bottom line here is just like the Hawk said on WGN yesterday and that's, "the manager has got to know what his players can do and what they can't do." PK can't bunt. Manuel probably should have used Graffy, or the hit & run if he wanted to leave Konerko in. I am very disappointed in what I see as a lack of aggressiveness on the bases. I never see the hit & run used by the Sox. Harris stole two bases, which is great, but was anyone else in motion Thursday?
  4. I watched that fiasco on WGN yesterday and will be watching ESPN for today's SOX-sCrUBS game. Hawk and DJ were both very disappointed and said exactly the truth. Harris couldn't bunt and Jimenez couldn't bunt. They should have been able to becasue they have shown it before, but Konerko should have never been asked to bunt. Konerko should have never been up in that position in the first place. I wonder where and when did bunting become such a lost art, as Hawk put it on TV? The minor leagures should be the place young players are lerarning the art of bunting, as well as the other fundamentals of the game such as running, fielding, understanding the nuances, etc, etc. But, I think in todays game everyone is waiting for the 5-run homer. The guy that can hit the long ball is the one who gets paid the big bucks. Hitting coaches teach the swing, how to take a pitch the other way and all that stuff, but when is the last time anyone ever congratulated a hitting coach because his charges could BUNT, or execute the hit & run properly? Baseball in its desire to appeal to an audience has made the home run the most important thing in the game. Winning by executing the fundamentals is not important anymore. That's too bad becasue if the Chisox were playing sound fundamental baseball we would be in first place and not floundering like we are now.
  5. These players just need to play baseball and accept what the game is all about. Farnsworth wasn't doing anything out of line. By the way I don't think that was a brawl it was more like an old fashioned butt kickin.
  6. It's bad when the puppets on ESPN Baseball Tonight are saying the only team in the AL Central are those smirking smurfs (The twinkies!) The Royals are shot according to Dibble and they were the only ones battling the Twins. Well, I want to disagree, but please Sox give me something to hold onto because this just plain sucks. I can't believe Wright got started the way he did. He gives up only one hit and the Red Sox only have the one hit till Botch comes in to blow it in the 10th.
  7. I tend to agree the Dodgers aren't going to get Lowell, or at least with what they are offering. Don't know if the scrubs will offer anymore either. Beltre is suspect and nobody wants to take him on.
  8. So sorry, Charrie. That job belongs to Konerko and Lee and Ordonez and anyone else in a Sox uniform
  9. That's a stat that I hope we don't have to worry about. But I am curious too. C Lee with 3 GIDP's! I watched this thing on WGN and couldn't believe how inept we looked at the plate. Konerko comes up to bat in the 10th and tries to bunt not once, but twice, and looked worse than a little leaguer. Now Billy Koch is a different story, but gets the same failing mark. Here is our so called stud closer throwing a bunch of rinky dink curve balls and missing. I don't think more than 2 or 3 pitches hit 90-91 MPH. He almost blew the game last night and does today. I have read the rumor reports of trades and how teams are asking about Gordon. Well, maybe we ought to be offering Koch to these teams? Listening to Hawk and DJ saying over and over again how the Sox fail to produce when needed over and over again just makes you want to scream, "put these guys out of their misery." We failed to take advantage of the Twinkies losing three in a row and end up gaining one game. OK! Now with all that out of my system maybe we can sweep the Cubbies.
  10. I agree that Colon, Beurhle and Loaiza need to stay in Chicago for us to contend in the future. Bill Veeck rented players for a year because he had to in order to survive, but he knew baseball talent. Reinsdorf should know better than to try and play the same game that Veeck did. Jerry Reinsdorf, my fellow Americans, is NO Bill Veeck. Besides the Sox aren't in the same position financially. If he is serious about contending then he needs to put up some bucks to keep these guys or we will always be chasing someone else when it comes September. However, I don't think Bart Colon is worth $12M and anyone that pays that money anymore is just plain crazy. 8-10M tops and that's only if he starts producing. Colon has to know you don't win many games giving up 5 runs per every time out. He has been erratic, pitching brilliantly in one game and giving up 3 bombs the next. However, all the Sox pitchers and hitters need to heed that bit of advice and not just Colon.
  11. For all of us long suffering Sox fans from outside Chicago here is what is on TV: Thursday (Today) on WGN Sox vrs Boston at 1:00 PM CT Friday on ESPN Sox vrs Cubs at 2:20 PM Saturday maybe on Fox not for sure though on that one Sunday on WGN at 1:00 PM Sox vrs Cubs I'll be watching and thinking of you all.
  12. Game is this afternoon and it's not a night game. It's on WGN if you get it. Wright has to pick it up. We can't afford anymore inconsistency on the mound from the young guys, or any starter for that matter. We have achance to make a run at the Twins & Royals before the all-star break. If KC can beat the Twinkies we can too.
  13. I am afraid that you may be right. 13 GIDP's and an average of under .200. This has got to be one of the biggest meltdowns a Sox hitter has ever had. But, it's been happening since July of last year and just keeps getting worse.
  14. I agree that the Sox seem to get no respect from the media. ESPN BTN showed a 1 second clip of Loaiza striking out a Bosox player when they began their show and nothing after that at all about the game. However, Sportscenter had good coverage. Dibble does suck when it comes to his predictions and comments about who should start the all-star game. Loaiza deserves it and it's in Chicago at COMISKEY PARK. Frank Thomas also deserves to be there.
  16. It's that umpiring again. Squeezing the Sox
  17. Koch is going to give me a heart attack, if he blows this I am going to puke besides.
  18. Clujer you won't believe this, but you predicted the DP and while I am on cbs sportsline it comes up that Konerko grounded into a TRIPLE play. However, I see it was dp, but the line still shows triple play. Anyway I can't believe the season that Konerko is having. What the heck is going on with this guy anyway?
  19. Thed humming is working.... Is it PK in for daubach?
  20. Start the humming now people............................... Go Sox, score runs huuuuuummmmmm...............................
  21. It would be a good call clujer, but maybe Manule should let him have the chance to finish? Keep Koch warmed up just in case. Anyone know if we have Koch and Marte warming?
  22. I'm trying to run between soxnet and cbs sportsline tonight. Tomorrow I'll be watching the day game on WGN.
  23. We ought to be managing this team!
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