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Everything posted by elrockinMT

  1. PK is a huge disappointment. However, saying that I think he really showed some good glove work getting those low throws from Crede. Not saying Frank couldn't have, but PK is a better glove man than Frank, if for no other reason than the time he has spent at firstbase. The one thing about Konerko and his hitting is that he is making contact. I think he has to do just what Walker and Manuel have been saying to the others and that is hit the line drives and go with the pitch instead of trying to hit the homerun all the time. I think we will see Paulie back in the lineup either at DH or IB when we get back to Chicago. We'll see if he puts the advice to work.
  2. The Sox win on Saturday was a great game. Well played and with some inyensity, which I haven't seen for awhile. The Big Hurt is bringing it and Crede showed why he is the Sox man at third base. Mags was making good contact. I am still disappointed in CLee. He may have to ride the pine for awhile. Let Daubach have a chance for a couple games. Colon was the master last night though. Brilliant performance and coupled with Buerhle, Loiaza & Wright's games we showd some good pitching. I hope Wright and Garland can start showing some consistency.
  3. We don' trade Loaiza, or any of the top starters we have. I think we should be trying to sign Colon to a multi-year deal, as well as going after Buerhle again. Make them offers.
  4. Watched the game on WGN Saturday night. Colon was absolutely brilliant. He had almost pinpoint control and I don't remember him using anything, but a fastball and occassional change till late in the game. This is why I think we should be trying to sign BC to a contract rather than rent him for a year.
  5. Magglio Ordonez. I think he is ready to break out.
  6. It's to the right of the screen when you first log on. I had to change my post to indicate to the right of the screen. Go left and you'll be in Kansas.
  7. We have a possible mistake on the game calendar for those of you still looking forward to Sox games. The 9th is lsited (Monday) as versus SF, but it is an off day and everything should be moved up a day. The series versus the Giants starts on Tuesday.
  8. I'll be watching from the easy chair. There's always hope, I think?
  9. I wonder if any Sox players are gonna be accused of corking their bats.... I wish they would, I wonder what they'll find in all their bats....Rotten wood?? termites??? Plush??? The Sox are so bad that MLB might let them cork their bats just out of pity.
  10. I was still supporting Manuel up through last night, but after another turn around in the offesne and only 4 hits, after 11 Thursday night, I think someone is gone. Since no team wants a hitter that can't hit there won't be any trades made and that leaves only Manuel to go.
  11. Ok. I'll be watching the Sox on TV Saturday night. Colon pitches so we'll see if he can pitch as good as Buerhle and Loaiza have been doing. If we get no offense once again and lose I think the axe may actually drop this time. What do you all think?
  12. Joe Crede. I hope he can build on the two-hit Friday night game.
  13. I called them a pathetic bunch of stumble bums. I think we are on our way to another 5 or 6 game losing streak.
  14. At least Olivo used his toothpick, er I mean bat, and showed up lee and Crede. Pathetic bunch of stmble bum hitters. 4 big hits tonight and one guy gets two of them. OK fellows great showing once again.
  15. Crede just seconded Lee's statement
  16. I guess Lee answered that question
  17. Alright let's see what we are made of...
  18. Pathetic offense couldn't hit their way out of a paper bag. Couldn't hit a fly ball for a homer in a phone booth. SCORE SOME RUNS!!!!!
  19. Frank gets overpowered and Ordonez pops it up. The only thing to be thankful for is that it wasn't one out and Maggs grounding into another DP. However, I think I am giving them too much credit.
  20. LA is pulling out all the stops. Pitching change for Thomas now. Shuey in...
  21. They brought in the lefty to keep Jose on the right side, but he coaxed a walk. Good going
  22. Graffanino struck out for the third time this game. Somebody needs to tell them to get the bat off their shoulder before their in the hole 0-2.
  23. That was close. Flash must have been able to reach back for more when needed. It's a good thing the only offesne as inept s the Sox is LA. We need to score now.
  24. Here we go again. He's going to blow this game for us.
  25. Flash is giving up way to many walks and it comes back every time to bite us
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