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Everything posted by elrockinMT

  1. I wonder the same thing. Is there a positive in the fact Crede has 2 hits tonight?
  2. A runner on second with less than two-outs and we don't score again. That's a wrap people. I'm glad PK hit the ball hard, but if you don't go to RF with the hard hit ball all you have is a hard out. Like I said MB deserves better.
  3. Buerhle is pitching just as good as Ishii. The guy deserves better than the offense we have been delivering. He hasn't walked anyone and Ishii has given up two free passes. Ish has 9 K's to MB's 6. It's that solo homer. How about the throwing error by Olivo did it lead to a run?
  4. I'd have to get a dish to get MLB Tv. Who does Ishii think he is Sandy Koufax? Always their best game of the year is against us! Of course when you can't hit the ball they all look like Koufax! mlb.tv is via your modem on the computer. You really need at least a cable connection or faster. I can go full screen at my office with a dedicated T1 line. At home I have roadrunner cable connection and have to go about 1/2 screen. It isn;t always perfect, but pretty good. OK, I heard about that, but I have dial-up, which might not be very good for MLB TV? The gameday thing is screwed up because it had Big Hurt striking out and I see now he walked.
  5. I'd have to get a dish to get MLB Tv. Who does Ishii think he is Sandy Koufax? Always their best game of the year is against us! Of course when you can't hit the ball they all look like Koufax!
  6. I have to log on MLB Game Day and watch the dots appear on screen. So thanks for the recap. I hope we can score more than one run, but these solo homers always seem to get us.
  7. We have to be positive so I second that
  8. Crede is striking out an awful lot and looking bad on pitches down and away. Let's hope whatever it is gets solved sooner than later. He has the talent, but maybe he needs to go back to Charlotte. I'd like to see the Milman (H Perry) back, but he's on the DL I think.
  9. Yes, it might happen, but I don't think so. I guess we will just have to wait and see. Interesting to see what the take is when watching Hawk and DJ on WGN Saturday night.
  10. Nice to see this post. My father-in-law, who is 93 YOA was at Utah Beach on D-Day. He was a naval demolitions expert and was wounded on 6 June. He also received a bronze star for gallantry. I'll let him know the SoxNet had somebody who remembered our heroes.
  11. I still think the Colon deal was a good one. KW didn't have any idea our offense and defense would suck so bad, nor did anyone else. I also hope we try and sign Colon past this season. We should have tried to pick up Liefer again too, unless the waiver selection starts at the bottom of the standings meaning TB would have gotten him anyway.
  12. I blew it on remembering the relief pitcher. James came to the Sox in 1985. He was really great that first year with over 30 saves and an ERA of just over 2.00. I can't think of who the '83 guy was. I think I saw someone list Dennis Lamp?
  13. Trying to remember the starting four: Hoyt, Dotson, Bannister and Britt Burns. Bob James was the RP. I think Burns pitched the last game of the playoffs and the Sox-Blue Jays were 0-0 after 9. Burns stayed in and gave up 3 runs in the 10th. Announcer was commenting about how Burns had pitched his heart out and said something like, "Hold your head up young man because you pitched one heckuva game." Burns had his career cut short because of a degenerative hip condition.
  14. They must not have a real terrific farm system either because their claim to fame is spending tons of money on Cuban and Japanese ball players. I think they are getting old and that is going to come back and bite them sometime. Of course they still win and are the hated yankees.
  15. Who could forget Lamar Hoyt. I think Greg Maddux must have cloned himself to be like Hoyt.
  16. Lots of big talk from the yankees and especially Steibrenner about a big trade. There was speculaion on Kenny Lofton, but settling for Sierra doesn't really seem to be a great move by the Yankees. The guy can hit some, but is limited.
  17. I don't remember if I picked Frank twice, but if not my choice is Frank (The Big Hurt) Thomas
  18. I thought we were in trouble from the beginning when we lost 3 to KC. I just kept hoping it was a fluke. I still have to believe we can come back and make a run for it. The Sox PR dept is touting how the 83 Sox started so bad and then came back to win the division. I think they won 99 games that year.
  19. Wasn't that the year that Wilburrrr pitched both games of a double header? I think it was against Detroit. Yes, I think it was. But, if I am not mistaken I think he finished game one, which was either a suspended tie game from earlier and then started game two, or something like that. The post on the 72 Sox was right on too. I loved that Dick Allen. We got him from LA for Tommy John.
  20. Reported that as the Sox went on the road trip and playing interleague they thought about bringing up Miles. They decided to stay with 12 pitchers though. Question: Do we think that might have been the start of an infield shakeup or just simply adding another position player. I would have hated to see Miles just sitting on the old pine.
  21. Problem is, some weeks we have an off-day Heck, some days we off an off week.
  22. This a great post. I loved the '67 Sox, as I have so eloquently said before. The pitching staff led by Horlen, Peters & John and the relief corp, which was simply oustanding, Locker, Wood, Wilhelm and McMahon. That pitching staff was really something and I think the team ERA was the lowest in baseball history, if I remember right. The offense sucked, but we still had guys like Pete Ward, Tommie Agee and Don Buford. Walt (No-Neck) Williams came up that year and we saw trades bring Rocky Colavito and Ken Boyer. I remember Boyer was out with a pulled hamstring and was sent up to pinch hit in a game and he couldn't even run to first. He got a hit off the wall and drove in two runs for a win and had to hobble to first almost getting thrown out. That team battled. Of course there was Eddie (The Brat) Stanky running the club and he just kept picking on the big powerhouse clubs. He always had something to say and was great press. I liked the '77 Sox and to hear the Na-Na song after a Sox win at Comiskey was awesome. You always thought they could come back no matter how far down they were. If they had the '67 pitching staff I think they could have been undefeated. '83 was fun as was the 1990 team that we first saw the likes of Thomas and Ozzie Guillen. Can't forget 93, 94 and '00 also.
  23. Jerry Manuel won't be going anywhere soon except to LA. The only issue I have right now is the fact we had 11 hits but can only get three runs. If it weren't for Frank Thomas leading the way we still would be winless. I can only hope that it means we might be coming out of this and things will start falling into place. AT LEAST WE WON and the pitching looked pretty good. Even looking back at last nght and Rick White even went two scoreless innings.
  24. Frank Thomas is the man!!! Koch stood up tonight!!! We needed this one bad!!
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