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Everything posted by elrockinMT

  1. What's the latest on the condition of Schilling's hand?
  2. Oldroman, if you don't mind I'll just add to your comments. I don't get to see many of the Sox games via TV except the WGN or occassional ESPN so I miss the messed up plays mentioned here on SoxNet. However, it most certainly seems that almost every game someone new decides to blow the game. The one constant is no hitting from Mags, Konerko, Crede, Valentin, the CF'er of the day and inconsistent hitting from Thomas and Lee. Jimenez hits, but doesn't field and Olivo negates his hits with bad running, and I could keep rambling on and on, but what's the use? The season stinks, the team stinks and losing stinks. I am and always have been a Sox fan, but I am tired of losing and seeing so much talent going to waste. It's time to do something starting at the top.
  3. You always hear, "Wait till next year!" They just didn't say which next year.
  4. I am looking forward to watching Loiaza pitch on Tuesday. The game is on WGN. The way the season has been going it is the only thing I have to look forward to as far as the Sox are concerned. Although the pitching has been good lately, excluding Wright, I still wanted to watch EL.
  5. I don't know if this team can wait another 7 games on this trip to do something. I was in agreement with others that this 14 game road trip was a make or break. If we can't beat the Indians does anyone really think we can compete with Arizona or LA? I can forsee us losing 7 in a row and having a ten game losing streak when we get back to Chitown. If that happens I think the season is over.
  6. We are now 2-5 on this road trip and include the Tigers series we are 3-7. We were supposed to clean up against Detroit and Cleveland, but instead they are showing us up. We have lost something like 6 or 7 straight to Cleveland. There are so many issues with this team not winning that I couldn't even began to try and disect the problems. We all know what they are anyway so what's the use of playing the record over and over again? I just can't believe the pathetic middle of the order we put up there. We have 7 more games on this road trip and by the time the Sox get back to Chicago we could be fighting the Tigers for last place. I agree it's time this team made some moves. We all want this team to win, but just can't get certain players producing. It's getting to late in the season to think we have a chance of competing especially when we can't beat teams like the Indians and the Tigers.
  7. Crede can't score the runner from second and now the Indians have scored twice in the bottom of the inning. Probably the end of the game for us. Konerko, Ordonez and Crede are not hitting. Wonder who takes the blame at the end of the game, if we lose?
  8. We win and lose as a team. I just want to see some wins for a change.
  9. Several of my esteemed compadres here at SoxNet have rais ed interesting possibilities for a lead off man. However, any player we get must move someone out and takeover that position in the field. Where do we need to make a real change? Wherever you look in the line up, or whomever you look at in the line up has pluses and minuses. Really I don't think Jimenez has done that bad, but you would like to see more speed. I would like to see more use of the hit & run, if we are not going to steal bases. CF is one place to look at, but it seems Manuel is going to give Borchard more time and thus a chance to show what he can do. I think Ricky Henderson might be a real choice, but where do you play him? Maybe RF and then move Maggs to CF? Borchard would have to go down to Charlotte then.
  10. I use a very scientific way of selecting my pick-to-click. For a huge fee I will share it with everyone.
  11. I am taking Jose Valentin for Sunday, 6-1-03
  12. elrockinMT

    Joey B

    Interesting stat on Borchard. I believe Manuel talked about the fact JB impresses him and Greg Walker because he is willing to listen and learn. He is very coachable. However, I think because he is still young it's going to be up and down with his production. As long as he doesn't start chasing the high one and the ones outside and low he just might have more good days than bad. Harris I just don't know about. He has potential, but I don't think he has been showing it at the big league level yet.
  13. Micelli, a second rate pitcher cast off from Colorado, made Thomas-Ordonez and Konerko look pathetic. Konerko is out on three pitches and gets a K.
  14. I think I will go with Frank Thomas on 5-30.
  15. You don't pick up a guy like Colon for one season. I would hope that KW and JR are looking ahead and past their noses! We would be better off signing Colon to a 3-5 year deal if at all possible. JR needs to show his commitment to a winner or sell to someone who will. We gave up some good potential for him and losing him after a year harkens back to the Ritchie deal.
  16. I like what Manuel did last night. Marte and Koch working together like that is super. I think Gordon complements them as well. It looks like Koch is the closer though just like Manuel said he would be. Now at this point in the season, if Rick White was coming in I think the score would be Enemy 10 Sox 0. Something stinks with White and I wonder if the guy might be trade bait or released even though he still hits mid-90's with the fastball. I think one of our minor league phenoms would work better than keeping RW around, unless of course Cooper thinks he can help him out? Anyone heard anything about it?
  17. We have the team to compete when they all do what their supposed to do. I was trying to think of the game stories from our encounters with the Twinkies especially. I think we showed we can compete and at least the games were close and if we can get the hitters going again I think we can take those smirking Twinkies head to head. I don't think we should be thinking of trading Lee either. All I have seen from him is hustle and a desire to improve. That's all we can ask of the others too ... hustle and show some fire.
  18. I think that BB2Night has a new format that's for sure. I am not so sure that I like it either. They do spend a lot of time trying to be funny and the banter between Harold reynolds and Bobby Valentine gets on my nerves. But, I don't get much more than that to watch other than Sportscenter.
  19. Probably the only one more frustarted with PK's performance is PK, or at least I hope so. Grounding into those DP's is just unreal. I think he is leading the league, which isn't anything to brag about. I think he should sit with Walker on the bench and get this figured out. Maybe the guy just thinks homer all the time, I don't know, but it's pure manure.
  20. Everyhting you guys said is right. No argument here, but I believe it can be done. If they don't do it, well we'll see you next year.
  21. The Sox can still do it. Rogers and others talk about how we need to get on a roll to catch the Twinkies. Well, this team has done it in the past. It can be done. Yes, we only won a single game last night, but the performance by Garland was superior. Coupled with Buerhle looking like he's ready to turn the corner and Colon and Loaiza we have the starters. Relievers except for one or two are steady. The hitting will be there and we started putting some hits out there and scoring runs. We need to get behind Jerry and all have a seance and hand holding and keep the faith, baby! Where there's a will, there's a way. Tonight Loaiza wants to show something to the Blue Jays. He is going up against Lidle (who we should have gotten last year) and we win 3-2 or 2-1.
  22. I missed the SportsCenter gag, but ESPN Baseball Tonight was much kinder. Peter Gammons said the most important thing he saw last night was Garland's victory. He said that with Colon and Buerhle pitching good (don't forget Loaiza Petie!) Garland stepping up like he did was big. He said the Sox can still turn it around.
  23. mreye, you just have to have faith and keep positive. Jarry Manuel
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