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Everything posted by elrockinMT

  1. YOU CAN PUT IT ON THE BOARD...YES!!!! Maybe we can say it again tomorrow with Loaiza pitching and wanting to show the Jays something!!
  2. Koch had to tease us a little in the 9th and then 1-2-3 and it's a Sox Winner. Garland was great and we got offense besides.
  3. Garland deserved the chance to pitch the shut out. Koch hitting the first guy is what makes this saver so worrisome.
  4. Well JM brings in Koch. OK! maybe the 6-run inning was too long of a wait and Jon tightened up or something. I wonder if those 6 were our biggest inning this year? I can't remember it's been so long ago.
  5. YEAH MAGS!!! I am switching back and forth from MLB gameday and missed the homer though. 8-0 yippee.
  6. I agre. Let him at least try and finish. He deserves it. If he gets the shutout by himself think what it will do for his confidence.
  7. It's a lot more fun when their scoring runs ain't it Rafacosta???!!!
  8. Your right. The key is for him to get ahead. If he gets that first pitch strike you know he's on his game.
  9. How can you figure this guy? Lot of us are saying to package him in a trade and then he throws a gem like this!! Way to go Jon!!!
  10. The coaching pipeline came Manuel and Leyland came from was the Detroit Tigers and Evansville, IN. Back in the 70's and early 80's Leyland managed the Evansville Triplets. Other managers, coaches and players in Evansville around that time were Jerry Manuel, Larry Rothschild, Les Moss, Bruce Kimm and Gene Lamont. I am sure there were others, but those are all I could think of off the top of my head. Not a bad list of MLB coaches. I agree about the quality, but check and I think you'll find that Manuel played for Felipe Alou as a coach??
  11. Konerko grounds into ANOTHER DP!!! What is he trying to do set a record for futility? Bench him!!
  12. I see that he pinch ran now, but I also see Konerko hits into another DP!!
  13. Did Manuel pinch hit Rios for Thomas in the 8th??? What was going on here? Or did he pinch run?
  14. Through 7 innings and Garland is throwing a shut out. No walks either WOW! Frank gets a cluitch hit. I agree that Frank should play first starting in Cleveland and let PK sit and talk with Walker for awhile and get his head straight. Still a couple innings to go, but after all the talk about trading Jon (including me) and the kid does this!!! I said it before you just can't get a read on these guys.
  15. Leyland, Manuel and others learned under Felipe Alou. (at least I think Leyland is in the group) But, what I see with Manuel is that he either follows his idea of the book or just flat does some goofy move that makes no sense. He lets a starter go six innings and then brings in 3 relief pitchers to go one each, instead of going with who's hot. He doesn't keep a set lineup often and refuses to play small ball. He doesn't even hit and run which you would think might keep Konerko and Maggs from hitting into so many DP's. The main thinking behind a hit & run is to have runners in motion and a batter that makes contact. We don't move...
  16. I think the Sox would be committing the same mistake we have in the past, if we don't try and sign Colon. Don't trade the guy. Keep him. We have been struggling with inconsistent pitching for quite sometime and when you get a horse like Colon you can stabilize the staff. Keep Buerhle and approach him again to sign along term deal. Keep Loaiza. However, the point is that everytime we go for a big name it is for one year only and we give up prospects. The other team benefits and we drain our farm system. If we are serious about winning we have to keep the stars. Now we can talk about trading Garland, Wright, Glover, White and iffy prospects. I think Konerko, Alomar, Valentin (even though I love the guy), and Jimenez are trade possibilities. I don't think Thomas will go anywhere. The worse thing we can do though is pull the trigger too soon.
  17. The expesne is why the schools use aluminum. I thought there was some talk of MLB helping, the college level teams anyway, with the cost of the wood bats?
  18. There's something un-American about using an aluminum bat in a baseball game.
  19. Never had the opportunity to attend a game at the new park. I have plans to do so though. I did get to old Comiskey in 1987 and that was special. However, I sat back from the 3rd base dugout and the overhang prohibited fans from seeing high fly's or popups. I saw Kenny Williams hit ahomerun. Wish he could do the same today. Where's the best place to watch the game when at the ballpark? If I were to order tickets I want to be close and personal.
  20. Thanks for doing this guys. I'll get achance to watch some of the Sox young prospects who are assigned to Great Falls of the Pioneer league when they come to visit my town. I'll let you know what I see.
  21. I'll be watching & thanks for the update. I vented in another post about the lack of winning so I am good now. The season is still young. Who knows we might be making a trade with Arizona?
  22. It amazes me how eloquently Maggs, and the other Sox, are able to state the obvious. It would seem to be appropriate now for me to ask the obvious: "Why don't you do something about it and start winning some ballgames?" I am getting tired too of all the obvious statements about how they are underachieving, and how they just have to hang in there and play better, and we are pressing now, etc, etc IT'S TIME TO WIN
  23. The Old Roman has me all mixed up today. 5-28 pick to click for me is Frank Thomas
  24. I am just checking on with Gameday. Doesn't appear anything has changed. We still are looking for the 5 run homer. I don't think this team can bat their way out of paper bag. Colon gave up another run. The Jays don't seem to have a problem bringing people in
  25. I am "SO-good-SA " is a conceited player and always has been. I don't think he plays for the team as much as himself. That's why the Cubs won't be in the playoffs when this seaon is all said and done. Of course with the way the Sox are playing that means two Chicago teams will be sitting in October.
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