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Everything posted by elrockinMT

  1. Well, I was looking forward to watching the game on ESPN2 last night. Had a family gathering for Memorial Day so I put the VCR on. Got home and sat down to zip through the commercials and watch the game. In the 6-7-8 I wished I had zipped through the game and watched the commercials. MB deserved better. Maybe though this is his turnaround and good times are coming?
  2. Kenny Willaims won't be going anywhere. Bud Selig and Jerry Reinsdorf are to close. They want to be politically correct. I am not saying that in a derogatory way towards anyone I just think that's the deal right now in MLB. Jerry Manuel might go and maybe after this road trip we might see it, but I think what we will most likely see is a trade or two. KW and JM still think 6 1/2 out isn't bad and there's a lot of season left. Well, I guess we will see in September how that line works...
  3. I don't know if Carlos ever played firstbase? He is still learning LF, but you have to give the guy credit he hustles, wants to learn and shows heart. I don't think we will trade Carlos, but I can see us dumping Konerko. I don't think anyone wants Frank Thomas. I know one thing I am getting real tired of waiting for Konerko-Thomas-Maggs to start hitting on all cylinders and together. Seems like all you see are strikeouts and GIDP's.
  4. This is getting too frustrating. Usually you can spot somebody that's comming around or getting ready to roll on a hot streak, but none of the Sox seem to put 2 good games together. Carlos Lee is my pick on Tuesday because it looks like he might be the one?!
  5. We don't need anymore second tier players, CF or not. If we think Borchard is out CF of the future I guess the thing to do is play the guy. Now I wonder what the role for Rios will be though because it looks like he is getting pushed out and Daubach isn't getting playing time either. I think Daubbie should be at first base and Konerko on the bench for a few games. I would be in favor of a trade and sounds like KW has his eye on Giles or Drew. Either one as long as we don't give up the farm again.
  6. I am afraid I can't get a read on this team anymore. We follow up a win against the Tigers where it looked liked maybe the offense was coming around a bit and play the field in Toronto like little leaguers playing in a gravel pit. We seem to find a different way to implode every game. Pitching is good but we have no hitting; we get hitting and no pitching; fielding ruins a good performance; bullpen blows up to ruin a good outing by everyone else. I just don't know. It's just a roll of the dice now...
  7. Your comment could probably apply to anyone on the Sox, as far as hitting against Kevin Brown is concerned. I think at this point our only hope going into LA would be to throw Colon against Brown so our best is against their best. The LA Dodgers aren't that great of a hitting team either so maybe we have a chance.
  8. The one thing almost everyone agrees on is the fact that the Sox are flat out underachieving. I for one think they have the talent, but I don't recall a team with this type of talent playing this listessly for so long of a time. I want to hope they can turn it around and maybe a win like this can finally snap them out, but the concerns I have are the collars taken by the likes of Thomas, Valentin, Ordonez, Konerko, whoeever plays CF and Crede. Today Crede stepped up and so did Carlos Lee, who I think is the one bright light we have outside of the pitching. I have never seen such a disappointing display then what you see from Maggs and PK with a runner on first base. They are almost a cinch to GIDP. Frank is taking way to many good pitches and not hitting solid when he does make contact. The win over the Tigers Sunday came when hitters started going after Sparks' first pitch, which was most always a strike. They were aggressive.
  9. CREDE SHOWED SOMETHING TODAY. YEAH!YIPPEEE!!YIP!YIPPIE COYOOTTTTTTTEEEEEEEE!! Hate to sy bad about our guys but I still think the Tigers did us a favor by the IBB to PK.
  10. CREDE BLASTS ONE WHEN WE NEED IT!!!!! Tigers did us a favor by walking PK.
  11. Maggs is anoher one (in fact aren't he and Konerko tied for GIDP?) Why can't these big hitters deliver?
  12. I didn't know that Cooper called most decisions about the pitching. Makes sense, but I think we need to start stretching these guys out a little. I guess though I would have rather seen Glover than White at this point in the game.
  13. That's what we get when you use the best only for an inning (Marte) and have no offense in the late innings cause they all clocked out.
  14. I assumed the Carlos was sitting today after that beaning. I don't get a chance to see the line up. What a way to announce to the Tigers that your back though.
  15. "Konerko does it again." should be the headlines in tomorrows sports section.
  16. I tend to agree that maybe Dauback needs to be given a chance to play more. Let's see if he gets it. Maybe PK needs to sit a few games?
  17. I wonder why Thomas sat and Konerko played at DH? Mr. Double Play did it again on Saturday. I agree something needs to be done to bring in somebody that might jump start this team. I think it might need to be a trade rather than a managerial move though.
  18. We are almost 1/3 of the way through the season. Daubach is EXACTLY right. We are just luck that MN hasn't buried us yet. By all rights we should be 10 games behind. If there is any saving grace here it is the fact we play in what might be considered the weaker division. We are only 6 1/2 games out and if these guys ever play to their potential we can turn it around. But, your right we could have been buried already and would have in any other division.
  19. Frank Thomas I am trying to be positive positively.
  20. I don't have the opportunity to see how the Sox play daily by TV or attending the games like some so I don't know how they look in the field, how they react in the dugout, intensity, etc After a shutout by Detroit I have to believe the players are looking inwards and we'll see if their shame translates into a team effort to win. Will the beaning of C Lee bring them together? Will Wright step up today and pitch well? Monday, Buerhle goes in Toronto. Will he regain his form? I get to watch the game on Monday via ESPN2 so I will be anxiously waiting to see how the Sox look. Are the a team troubled or are they a team pulling together? If we lose today and nothing good happens Monday, which starts this 14 game road trip. Well, all I can say is I agree with DB's statement-"It isn't early anymore."
  21. Well, I was wrong and Heather was right, but she was just barely right. And yes, it can get worse. We just got shut out 1-0 by the worse team in MLB. It's like a nightmare!
  22. I refused to believe it earlier in the year, but now I do. We are in a race to see if we can catch the Tigers.
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