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Everything posted by elrockinMT

  1. Steff whatever happens I wanted to let you know I am thrilled to be in this website becasue I can get a real feel for what's happening with the Sox. I agree with what you said about KW and his youngsters. The Sox will not get involved in his private affairs. Waiting to see what's up!!!
  2. Id have to agree with your post. It does get tiring listening to Hawk and DJ comment about how good of a cut one of the Sox got on a pitch they foul off. All it tells me is they missed and continue to miss.
  3. elrockinMT


    It is too bad that the Big Hurt hasn't performed at the same level, or continue to improve on the second half of last season. However, I do think he is being squeezed by the umps too. I also see our pitchers getting pitches called balls and the opp. getting called strikes. Maybe it is only an inch or so difference in the location, but I think that is very hard to judge. One reason Frank may be getting constantly bombarded inside is that the other team knows there isn't anyone hitting behind him that is producing. Hitting is contagious and I hope we catch it soon.
  4. We need to quickly make a change in the lineup and this team and I think it starts in CF. You have a position player (Rowand or Harris it doesn't matter) who can't do anything with the bat except an occasional single. That means you are hitting 8 players instead of nine. Anyplace else we can improve after CF? If the CF also commits errors that give up runs we are a minus 2.
  5. Frank Thomas is mad as hell! I think he will step up and be the man. The Big Hurt is my pick to click for Tuesday.
  6. All I can say in my defense is when you lose 8 or 9 out of the last 11 you forget the good stuff from earlier. Buerhle has got to step up and keep the enemy down. Colon finally came through Sat night after the third and looked real good after giving up 5 homers to Seattle in the last 8 innings. Buerhle has lost 6 games? The aces have to be ready to pitch shut outs. The other teams ace pitchers do it to us! Why can't ours? The offense has sucked and I am at a loss to figure out how such a talented group can suck so bad.
  7. I guess Monday through Friday will be interesting in Chicago.
  8. At least the Big Hurt hit a homerun. How long has it been since Konerko or Crede hit one? I couldn't believe the pitiful swings that Crede has been getting. Konerko waits till the ninth inning and then puts a charge in the bal that ends up on the warning track. We seem to start hitting, but we really don't hit that well becasue when the bases have Sox on them the batter doesn't come through. They don;t seem to show patience early in the game and the next thing you know our pitchers are giving up the homerun ball and we're down 3 or 4 to zilch and dragging.
  9. That has been a serious problem with our relief corp. They come in and can't get the first batter out and/or they walk people and then give up the long ball. I don't see White throwing that bad. The fastball clocked at 93 or so and he seemed to have a good curve. He's just not consistent with hitting the spots.
  10. I have got to wonder about the hitting coach situation also. It seems that when they say ward is working with someone the guy gets worse. I thought Crede today was absolutely pathetic.
  11. Pathetic is all I can say. When is the last time this team won two in a row? Seeing some of the swings today makes me wonder if we are playing little league or MLB? Buerhle wasn't on again and this is another issue. Pitchers have got to step up.
  12. If the Sox ever decided to replace JM and you know it will happen sometime even if it's 5 years from now why would we want a retread as a manager? Our leaders have made some real poor moves in the past concerning managerial changes so why pick up someone who has been let go by another team? I would rather look at a fresh face with fresh ideas. The team as it stands now runs just as Bobby V said the other night...barely. We bring up a speedster and he hits less than .100. Can't run if you don't get on base. I hope Willie Harris starts to hit so we can see some speed. We have a few that might be able to run, a limited few yes, but we have some. Anyway let's root for the Sox today and hope we come out of the West 3-3.
  13. Colon really stepped up after the third. He looked like a different pitcher. I was impressed and it was super looking at how he pitched. I noticed that hand tremor too when he was in the dugout. I wonder what that was about? Anybody know? I thought it might be just the strain and tension on his hand and arm when gripping the ball and throwing those curves and 99 MPH fastball.
  14. Bartolo Colon looked like a different pitcher after the third inning. Very impressive and a refreshing performance to say the least. CLee really hustled for that fly in the 9th and I thought he had it. Obviously so did the Mariners. Great hustle. Lots of energy last night. Hopefully Buerhle will step up today too. I am just glad we won and it was a comeback win too!
  15. This an issue for the Williams family to deal with and not us as Sox fans. No matter our feelings about KW we should be thankful it's not one of us having to face the issue with our children. I have been there before dealing with issues of my children and I can feel for KW and his wife. One thing is the young man who is 21 years old. He is responsible for his actions and he alone, not his father. The 16 year old is another matter. This is not the issue to be using to make comments about KW and his ability or inability to run the Sox. If he wasn't a prominent sports figure we wouldn't have heard a thing about this issue.
  16. Your telling me... Actually at times she will watch the games. She's good at bringing the beer and putting the dog out.
  17. Ok I was wrong about the chant, but 2 out of three ain't bad as they say. Maybe Danny will get it next time.
  18. I made myself comfortable last night in my living room coaches chair, the dog by my feet, a box of cracker jacks and a beer(lite of course) and kicked my wife out of the house. I wanted to see Danny Wright and his succesful return. I was cheering like crazy ywo batters into the 1st when Jose hit that homer. Then things started to crumble. It looked like Danny was just not comfortable on the mound and was rushing everything. He did top out at 94-95 with that fastball though. Mags did one heck of a catch on the Japanese guy, whose name nobody can pronounce and Konerko showed great fielding too. Daubach dove and lost it and 2 runs scored. Well, I saw his face on replay and the guy tried hard and gave it his all. He just ain't a Willie Mays. I was so disappointed in our hitting. The Mariners hit line drives and we hit fly balls. Frank flew out 4 times. Well at least he's getting wood on the ball and not striking out. Jose tried a little league play in the big leagues when he unsneaked from second to third on the pitcher. Might have taken us right out of the game, but I guess he's trying to make things happen, but let's use our head here guy. Ok I will be watching WGN tonight. BColon pitches and it's about time this 8 million dollar plus guy delivers. We need solid pitching to win tonight. What do you say Sox fans?
  19. If the guy plays against us I don't care in the Hawkeroo calls him dippyroo.
  20. He wasn't smooth that's for sure. The Mariner's broadcaster, Dave Henderson, was impressed with Danny though. Of course Seattle was winning. I thought Wright was rushing things and later it seems he said the same thing. Alright I can live with it as long as the next start is better.
  21. Ok BigHurt 52235 I'll be watching also out here the the NW. Let's do that Sox win chant together during the games. It has worked the last 2 times.
  22. I have to wonder about that 2001 injury and its long term affects on Frank. I also think he got himself so screwed up last year and it has carried over. He looked good on Wed and Thu nights. I think he is going to prove something positive.
  23. I think Willie might have the tools to make it in the bigs, but he hasn't looked good out there so far. I for one love the bunts though. We can't always be looking for the big tater. We have to be able to play little ball too. I think he might be down to AAA again soon if he doesn't start producing more and maybe Rowand will be back up. I don't see Borchard till later in the season.
  24. I don't think Williams is going anywhere and that was always my initial thought on the matter, but I thought there might be something to it with all the inside info people seemed to have. I went so far as asking someone who covers the Sox and they didn't think it was going to happen during the season anyway, if at all. Lots of rumors out there that's for sure. You see some differences in opinions on personnel surfacing now between JM and KW. After Garland's last outing JM says maybe we should look at our options in the minors and KW says no and he is sticking with who is currently on the roster. This one isn't over that's for certain unless we start winning.
  25. Here's my prediction. I am basing this one on what I see happen aganist us with a new pitcher, who has just been brought up. We always get our butts kicked by some unknown. Wright has experience and that's the difference so I think he will pitch a real good game lasting maybe till the 6th or even the 7th. Whether we win or not will be dertrmined by the offense, which started to produce in Oakland with some glaring exceptions. Koch might be coming in with a save situation tonight. Our area gets the FSN-Northwest and I will be watching The Sox on TV tonight. Tomorrow night it's WGN so I am hoping Colon can pitch like he's supposed to.
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