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Everything posted by elrockinMT

  1. I thought Esteban Loaiza was great. It's the first time I had seen him pitch and was thrilled to find the game on ESPN2. I was a bit concerned about how often he had to shake off Olivo and it was mentioned a few times by ESPN's Buck Martinez. He said EL likes to pitch quickly and the failure to get on the same page with Olivo was holding him back. However, he sure came through when needed. I surely enjoyed watching Wed. Now I see that the Seattle FSN is broadcasting Friday's game (Danny Wright pitching) and I get that channel followed by WGN on Saturday night. I am loving this...
  2. Imagine my surprise when ESPN2 had the Sox-A's game on nationally. I am hostage to TV whne it comes to seeing games. All I can say is the seance worked and like my lucky shorts I don't think we should abandon the seance while we are winning. I hummed all through the game. Of course there were some that are still struggling. Mags, even though he hit a triple(homer) didn't look real good, Konerko wasn't hitting again and valentin grounded into a double play with the sacks packed with Sox. But, you gottta love the Big Hurt, Graffy and Olivo. ESPN's Buck Martinez had positive things to say about Jerry Manuel and the Sox as a whole. It was a good night enjoyed by one and all.
  3. The old baseball rule for GM's was you never trade a good pitcher for a hitter because good pitching beats good hitting. Of course Garland hasn't been pitching good lately, but he has shown he can. He has talent. Everett may be good, but I am not sure we need him. Trading for another OF guy is going to cause some rethinking of what we do and when we do it with guys like Borchard. Texas wants pitching and we have it, but do they really have what we need for now and the future?
  4. It was GOOD last night! There was a lot of positives, but still some struggling. We could have won 20-4 if some guys had come through.
  5. I do enjoy this site. I may not worry about any others
  6. Your right rafacosta. Let's hope they can mend that broken heart soon! Like tonight!
  7. KC lost today and the Tigers are going for their 4th straight win and lead Baltimore. The Sox can change things around. We need a gigantic esp type group tonight. Loaiza pitching so we have a guy that wants to show his 5-0 start was not a fluke and also make up for that loss. At about 9:00 PM CDT( add or subtract wherever you are in relation to Chitown) I want us all to start the Sox chant for a win. Zen-Buddha things can work people. Love, Jarry Manuel
  8. I enjoy the SoxNet so much I would like to get in on others. I remember reading a post about some others. Can anyone help with addresses?
  9. How about me? I change my mind everyday.
  10. I have to applaud your comments. I would never root against the Sox either. If we can agree that criticism is born out of frustration then we have every right to criticize subpar performance and losing. We all want to win. The players, the coaches, the manager, the fans all want to win. We a very good team. KW made some bold moves and brought in some good players. I didn't like the attempt to trade Frank either nor did I particularly like the Koch for Foulke trade, but there is a rationale behind it. Billy Koch and Bartolo Colon are key members to our team. I want them to perform to the level they can and the level baseball people expect of them. I will root for them. JM has a level head and doesn't panic nor does he rant and rave. I can respect that. I will still criticize too, but I love the Sox and won't ever consider wishing them to lose.
  11. I don't think Bobby Valentine is the answer either. He doesn't know that Buerhle and Colon pitch to Alomar. He was saying that Olivo is a young catcher and he and Buerhle aren't in sync yet, but after a few more games they will be. If you want to manage the Sox, and maybe he doesn't anyway, you got to know the players and the roles.
  12. When I was a kid (my wife thinks I still am) and playing little league ball Nellie Fox was my hero. I bought my first baseball glove and it was the Nellie Fox model and had his signature on it. I can remember seeing him on TV with a big wad in his mouth and the cheeks puffed out. Once he reached out and smacked a high outside pitch into left field with the bases loaded and to win the game and I remember the announcers saying he was the best bad pitch hitter they ever saw. Rarely struck out too. I think one year it was less than 15-20 times in over 600 at bats. Fox and Aparicio those were the days.
  13. Smoltz can really bring it. He wants to start still, but he is a dominant force in that Atlanta pen.
  14. I saw this fiasco in Oakland over the ESPN Baseball Tonight highlights. I can't believe what I was seeing. A Pop up three run error! The ESPN crew says the White Soc can't field. Harold reynolds says he has been harping for three and a half years about the poor fielding by the Sox. Then we get highlights of all the double plays the Sox grounded into. Konerko and Ordonez being the most talked about. Bobby Valentine (you want him to manage the Sox?) says all the Sox run the same way...BARELY. Frank Thomas diving out of the way of another INSIDE called strike three. I thought maybe we had sunk to rock bottom losing to Seattle, but it was just muck adn we're trying to dig ourselves down deeper till we hit bedrock. The last four games our vaunted offense has scored 5 runs. We keep waiting for tomorrow. I wonder if tomorrow might never come. This was horrendous.
  15. I think it was the Sunday game on ESPN when Jimenez looked really lackadaisical going to his left for a grounder and he missed it. Tonight it's a POP UP for crying out loud that leads to three runs. Who has ever heard of a pop up error leading to THREE runs? What is going on here?
  16. All I saw was the ESPN highlights and wanted to puke.
  17. I just saw the ESPN Baseball Tonight lead and it was the White Sox ineptness. I thought maybe we had hit bottom too, but after seeing tonights highlights I guess not.
  18. I don't want to take on an Old Marine (Roman) but I think wins will cure everything. Baseball players are men, even though they arguably play a kids game, and Manuel treats them like men. It's too early to dump Manuel and I think we can get turned around. It's up to the players to step up and deliver. If they don't do it by June I may be joining you.
  19. You got it WhiteSoxFan. Another was "when you come to a fork in the road, take it." That's like us right now. We are at a fork in the road and need to keep on trucking and not derail.
  20. Maybe we have the wrong Ward in there? Should we call Pistol Pete Ward?
  21. The yankees do suck. I can still remember the 50's and 60's and the rivalries we used to have. Al Lopez was the MAN!
  22. This is a good post. Let's keep our heads about us. We need some good Yogi-ism's right now. Like," It Ain't Over Till It's Over." There is a lot of season left.
  23. Where's Bill Veeck when we need him?
  24. Me too. But, IMHO, the Sox marketing sucks. All you have to do is go to a game at USCF when Ichiro comes to town or, in September, when Matsui comes to town and you will see that the Asian market is there and incredibly willing to fork over ticket money if there is a "hometown" player they want to see. But this team needs more Kids Days and Seniors Run the Bases Days There are lots of Asian in Chicago and I am one of them and I love the SOX. I was at the game last year when Buerhle pitched against the M's and USCF was packed. I say the attendance will improve if this guy makes it. But dont stop there, sign KAZ Matsui one of the best SS available off free agency after this season. Have the Sox ever gone after a high priced free agent from Cuba or Japan? I don't ever remember them even thinking seriously about it. I agree that we should be more active, but with the finances of this club I don't see how we can compete with the likes of George Yankee or even the likes of Seattle with the Asian community they have, which is a lure to the Japanese.
  25. There is trouble in River City. We all know that. Everyone is frustrated-fans-players-management-etc. However, with only 30 some games under our belt it's not the time to panic yet. I think June or even All-Star break time and if we are still lagging with this rather pathetic display of pitching and offense then yes we make moves. There is too much talent here, but the Sox live on the three run homer. We have no speed and Willie Harris isn't going to help unless he gets on base. Defensively he is still learning CF and it shows badly. Everything we do poorly is magnified because everything IS going poorly. People are screaming for Williams and/or Manuel to be beheaded. I have even fallen into that trap from game to game, or it seems even play to play. But, I don't think it's going to happen. We read to much into Willaims going to Charlotte. I think it's normal for GM's to visit the minors teams especially your AAA and AA clubs. Plus Wright was pitching and I am sure Williams wanted to see how he did. Maybe he wanted to talk to good defense-no can hit Rowand. I don't know I wasn't there so I can just speculate too. I read one post that a fan thinks it's interesting that Williams was going to Oakland with the team. GM's do that all the time too. They are with the team lots. We will get turned around and maybe this West coast swing is where the players pride and talent show up. Let's hope so.
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