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Everything posted by elrockinMT

  1. Because of my distance from the source I am always interested in what may be blowing in the wind as far as Chisox trade rumors. Many of the folks on SoxTalk mention possible deals they would like, but what are some of the real rumors? Spring training is nearing an end and this is usually the time teams make a move to plug a hole. Can anyone help?
  2. I don't know when the first cuts of spring training are supposed to be made (anyone with an answer?) but I think it's too early yet to make a decision on any pitcher. Rausch has not looked good and his own mistakes cost him last night so he might be needing more time in the minors. Loaiza and Heredia are experienced and working hard (their hungry). Wright won 14 games last year and most likely will stay no matter his spring numbers. I wouldn't be surprised if KW uses some of the extras in a trade, but I don't know what position he would be looking to strengthen and might instead go for youth? I wouldn't think he would make any moves till the last week of spring training though.
  3. I agree that Daubach is a great pick up for us. One thing that sticks in my mind is the year 2000 and my opportunity to take ina game at Fenway. Daubach hit a homer to beat the Twinkies 3-2. I don't think we should be letting go of Josh Paul by not carrying 3 catchers. If he is out of options and we lose him to a waiver claim and not gain anything it's a terrible waste. I can't see needing 12 pitchers early in the season and if we go with 11 then a third catcher makes sense. If we don't need a third catcher then trade Paul and at least get something in return. However, all of this is contingent on Olivo winning and keeping the starting backstop job.
  4. If I remember right (or wrong) on the Hriniak style it was as mentioned in other posts, but he was a proponent of... going the other way with the ball meaning smack or slap it to right field if you were a righty, etc. There was a lot of complaining about that style from would be homerun champions thinking he was a proponent of singles and got blamed when power production dropped off. He might also have been a scapegoat for some and wasn't a favorite of management at that time. I had the opportunity to get an instructional video starring Hriniak and produced by the Chisox around 1993/1994. He talked hitting obviously and it was a good tape for youngsters to watch and learn from. I always had a lot of respect for the man.
  5. you answered you question in your response..the battle is wunsch can only pitch to a batter or two...munoz , who can come in and pitch 2 or 3 innnings , is better suited to pitch on a staff thats only carrying 11 pitchers this year instead of the normal 12 I tend to agree with the prediction thqat Wunsch will be in for a battle. I think someone who can go for more than an inning, let alone just one batter, is better suited for the Sox needs.
  6. The fact there is all these baseball game highlight tapes out there got me to thinking about archived video and/or audio of past White Sox games. I know you can find some old game tapes on MLB.com and from some collections like the Miley Collection, but does anyone out there know of some speciality shop or an individual that has old game tapes for sale? I always think back to the 1967 season, which was really special in my mind. I have been a Sox fan since 1959.
  7. Jose Valentin brings something to the White Sox that is key to any winning team. He brings leadership and aggressive play. Jose never gives up and refuses to let others give up. I hope the Sox don't make the mistake of trading him. I see no need to get a Jimmy Rollins especially with the talent we have waiting in the wings. I also can't see us giving up a Jon Rausch after losing Wells and Fogg. The Sox are one of the only teams that can fill its future starters from its wealth of minor league talent. The other being Atlanta. I think the Sox farm system has done a fantactis job of developing young hurlers. Trading them away would be a mistake. KW has made some good moves this year without giving up the farm other than Joe Valentine so let's not start now.
  8. Baseball, and especially White Sox baseball, is what life is all about. I have to wait for WGN or ESPN to broadcast a game so I can see the Sox. You guys who live close to or in Chicago and can go see a Sox game in person are soooo lucky. I am jealous. I hope to be able to travel to see a Sox game this year, but may end up out on the coast, probably Seattle to see the Chisox. By the way if the broadcast schedule is out is it for WGN and if so where can we access it (the schedule)?
  9. Whoa Nelly!!! What's this comment about trading Valentin? KW woud really be making a mistake there. What's the rumors on Jose? Valentin is a definite lefthanded threat and we don't have that in the line up. Daubach was signed as bench help. Kenny Rogers would be a good fit and brings a veteran presence to help Garland and Wright, but with his savvy might even help Beurhle and Colon, who are young and learning.
  10. I for one will miss the park being called Comiskey. I can't fault the Sox for the move and it's good business to rennovate and make it more "fan friendly". I have never had the opportunity to see a Sox game in new Comiskey. I did see a game at the old ball pak and I guess I can agree that's the place where we should really associate the name Comiskey Park. I was in awe of the stadium when I was there in 1987. The new park is more like Comiskey II- not really the same. Some say the legacy of 1919 is now dead, but heck I wasn't alive in 1919 and never though anything negative about the Sox teams I grew up with or even associated them with 1919. Call the park whatever you want, it really doesn't matter because in my opinion it will always be Comiskey Park in our hearts. The main thing is we have a winning ball club and a fun season. I think we will and that's what I am sure all Sox fans want too.
  11. Herbert Perry... Who can forget the Sox announcers after a Herbert Perry hit? THE MILKMAN (MAILMAN) DELIVERS I was really sorry to see Herbert leave the Sox.
  12. There just ain't any loyalty anymore!!!! It's going to be a few years yet before Beurhle can opt for free agency, but reading this and considering his past statements it is a sad commentary.
  13. When you look at possibilities for the Sox bench I think catcher is the weakest spot. I just have an uneasy feeling with Mark Johnson gone, even though Mark didn't hit for much, and relying on Olivo and Alomar. I want to believe Olivo is ready, but a September call up is not enough history. I just have to say I am not sold on the Oakland trade Koch for Foulke. But money and contracts are the name of the game now and I guess Foulke might have left via free agency leaving us with nothing. Personally though I think Foulke is better than Koch. As an eternal optimist I must believe Koch will save 50 games next year.
  14. I have to say that Daubach is going to be a welcome addition. Hits for power and is a lefty. I think that the Sox made a good pick up at a good price.
  15. KW signed Rick White to something like a cool million right? At that time he said the Sox really wanted the Tiger's Juan Acevedo, but Juan wanted to much money. Now I see the Yankees signed him for $150000 plus incentives that might go to $900000? What happened? Did Juan wait to long and want to much?
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