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Everything posted by Jake

  1. Robin Ventura was a damn fine player and if he's going to be here, you've got to make the third base spot his to lose
  2. I haven't had a problem the entire time I've used the thing
  3. FWIW, the FCC said yesterday that ISPs can charge Netflix and others for their use of bandwidth, so I wouldn't expect Netflix to support a higher-bandwidth format any time soon
  4. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Dec 5, 2013 -> 12:25 AM) Noah > Aldridge /bulls fans last summer No. Nobody wanted to make that trade because it hardly made us better in the next two or three years, especially when we had to lose Jimmy too. It wasn't a good deal to make unless you knew Rose would miss another season.
  5. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Dec 4, 2013 -> 10:11 AM) None of these phones seem to do much to me...mostly gimmicky useless stuff they did just to say they did it. But for what actual need/reason, I don't know. The idea of a phone you can fold in half to fit into a pocket is one thing, it has practical uses, but a slight curve in a screen smaller than a movie theater screen, I don't get it. I read that the next gen of iPhones might be covered in Sapphire glass, which is supposedly practically impossible to scratch or break. A phone that I can't damage is something that could tempt me back to the dark side...
  6. He showed no signs of being ready at the plate. I really, really like him but his run in AAA was quite a big step down from what he was doing in AA already. I'd like to see him get his walk rate in AAA again before bringing him up to the MLB where he was a 1:30 BB:K ratio last year
  7. Jake

    Phone Protection

    I no longer carry my HTC One in a case because it is extremely sturdy and I've seen it be torture-tested by CNET, so I know it can take a beating and still be functional. It doesn't show wear easily because of the aluminum, so the minor scuffs and such aren't there. I use a screen protector that I honestly never even notice, because I know that I would end up scratching it. Love the glass on this thing though, as that has taken impacts a couple times and shows no signs of damage. I broke two iPhone 4 screens -- those things were built very poorly. I'm not an amazingly careful person by any stretch, but the impacts that broke those screens were ridiculously light. I was using a case on those, too, of course. For me, it is basically an "it depends" proposition. Depends on the phone, build material, what I'm going to do with it, etc. I put a case on my tablet because I toss it in my backpack and I want it to be somewhat protected from all of the things rubbing up against and possibly the weight of those things.
  8. Curved/flexible phones? Anyone think these have appeal? I just don't see it right now.
  9. I mean, maybe he'll kick ass? Have to wonder if we have something arranged to send Dunn out of town
  10. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 4, 2013 -> 08:53 AM) My thoughts exactly. Gotta play the veterans, they've earned it. We fired Ozzie and cut Darin Erstad a long time ago
  11. Jake

    Why Not Cano?

    Enough teams will start saying this and then his price will go back up to where it was speculated originally
  12. I can't wait for when some of those guys are flops and we will all agree that the teams that picked them were dumb and they were clearly bad picks
  13. Let's be real, Salty sucks. He has one season in his career above 1.9 WAR, strikes out more than Adam Dunn, and was cut loose in favor of AJP after being benched in favor of David Ross in the World Series
  14. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 3, 2013 -> 08:04 PM) Swapping Cano for Ellsbury probably makes the Yankees worse, not better. What was the point of this signing if they can't keep their biggest bat? Also getting McCann and pursuing Stephen Drew and Omar Infante, things that probably aren't possible if they are spending on Cano. That is, unless they know something about the ARod case that we don't...
  15. I mean, if we wanted him we could pay him. But it wouldn't be a good allocation of our resources at the moment
  16. This has a high probability of being a big problem in the future. I see no way they sign Cano at this point.
  17. If someone said I can have Salty for 3/21 or Beltran for 3/48, I'm picking Salty a thousand times though
  18. QUOTE (chw42 @ Dec 3, 2013 -> 02:05 PM) At $1400, you might as well build your own computer. That setup you have might cost you $1000 + whatever it costs for the monitor (won't be touch screen though). I thought about doing that. At this point, I have so much stuff going on that I can't really dick around with building a computer. I also value the touch screen quite a bit, as well as not having a tower. The low imprint is a big bonus for me as I expect to be living in shared spaces for the immediate future. I ended up paying quite a bit more to get the higher resolution (the other choice being 1920x1080), since I felt like poor resolution was something that would likely lead to me wanting to replace it. The main alternative would have been an iMac, but for 27" it was quite a bit more for not as much/similar specs (7200 RPM HDD on iMac, but a fast i5 instead of i7, 1GB GPU vs 2GB GPU on the Lenovo, same RAM, no touch screen but similar resolution)
  19. I'm not going to get worked up about Hahn passing on him. I might have paid him that much, but he's a super-duper-high strikeout player that has had one good season in his career in a pretty decent lineup
  20. QUOTE (Eminor3rd @ Dec 3, 2013 -> 03:20 PM) You are CONSTANTLY deriding these metrics by using them in a context for which they are NOT meant to be used. These numbers are only inaccurate if you insist on asking them to do things they are not designed to do. They are NOT "the end all," whatever that even means, and absolutely nobody is claiming otherwise. The reason no one has EVER suggested that we "cancel the playoffs and give a WAR trophy" is because that's totally ridiculous. WAR exists in order to allow us to try to compare the sum of different players' contributions under a common frame of reference -- and that is EXACTLY how lasttrip just used it, and it lended an interesting insight to the discussion. It was never meant to be able to predict team W-L records or to imply that adding X player will add exactly Y wins to a team. It is a metric that STRIPS CONTEXT and it would therefore be ridiculous to expect it to hold up when context is introduced. It gives us a frame of reference, DA. That's it. Please stop pretending it's not useful just because it can be misapplied. The most significant misuse of statistics is using bWAR. Their s*** is all f***ed up. FanGraphs. Please. They have better offensive, defensive, and pitching metrics to calculate WAR.
  21. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Dec 3, 2013 -> 10:32 AM) My S4 acts as a remote for any TV, smart or not. Yeah, my One does that -- Google Now always notifies me when I'm at my parents' place because they have a Samsung TV. Asks if I'm watching, but I've never fiddled with it
  22. With the exception of the McCann signing, which I thought could get a lot more expensive, teams seem happy to pay catchers so long as they don't have to pay them for a long time
  23. Isn't there some cool stuff you can do with Samsung Smart TVs and Android phones?
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