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Everything posted by Jake

  1. There are a million degrees of this injury so the available info isn't very helpful. Typically, the very worst are lateral meniscus tears and his is medial. A bad tear of lateral meniscus often results in complete removal of the cartilage, which would effectively be it for a high level athlete. This could be a 4-8 week deal if it isn't bad with not bad prospects. It could be several months. There is also a chance, regardless of timeline, that the joint is permanently altered. With that said, medial tears often co-occur with ACL/MCL tears (the "unhappy triad"). Given the difficulty there can be in diagnosing those injuries, brace yourself for the possibility that they "discover" ACL and/or MCL tears when they do the surgery. Either way, it is difficult to know the severity of the meniscus tear before surgery -- the fact that they are going right into surgery suggests that there is no question about a certain level of severity, though.
  2. Meniscus tear, requires surgery. Won't know duration or other details until they get a look at it w/ arthroscope
  3. So you're telling me the Yankees will sign McCann, Stephen Drew, and Omar Infante AND sign Cano? Sounds like they might be moving on
  4. It will be interesting to see what Deng is worth. Before the season, he seemed to be worth a lottery pick (in an admittedly bad draft). Now that we're in season, I'm not sure how it is affected. Just being an expiring deal will have some value, but I'm not sure how much. Jo should be coveted. If he Jo+Jimmy was going to get us LaMarcus Aldridge, Jo by himself should get us something very nice. Booz - my hopes aren't high there, but you never know. I don't know that anyone else needs to be traded or has much value. Someone might give us something for Dunleavy or Hinrich, but I don't know that we could get anything that would be useful in the long term for those guys.
  5. The main things that change IMO: Lu gets traded -- I think someone will want him, might get a good pick if we take a bad contract (and why not do that?) Zero question about a Boozer amnesty if he makes it to the end of the season -- but we now might try to trade The biggest one: we now market Joakim hard and get the best possible value for him, which should be first round draft pick. It just forces the restructuring process to occur a little sooner, plus dumping Jo who we otherwise would have kept for the "next core." Might be interesting to see how many picks and such that we can rack up
  6. Nick Friedell ‏@NickFriedell 11m I'd expect Bulls to release the MRI results in the next couple hours. They know the entire league is waiting to see what happens.
  7. K.C. Johnson ‏@KCJHoop 2m DRose MRI results expected afternoon PST, evening CST.
  8. Having it buckle and feel painful to put weight on right after injury is common. There are times when the person can walk on it and maybe even lightly run, but usually the swelling at the least will make this unbearable. Painful pop/rupture, maybe a few seconds of feeling non-horrible, then an extremely sore knee that will buckle under pressure is to be expected for several weeks
  9. Somewhere on the Twittersphere I read that they were thinking about sending him to Chicago to get looked at instead
  10. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Nov 23, 2013 -> 12:04 PM) No it was in the last minute of the game and there is some science that suggests ACL injuries can be related to fatigue. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19568192 https://digital.library.txstate.edu/bitstre....pdf?sequence=2 But whats done is done. His own doctor disputes that
  11. In their defense, they didn't want to block appointments. What they tried to do was shrink the size of the courts so there weren't any appointments to be made
  12. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 22, 2013 -> 02:34 PM) [cough] Where would he play. Where this guy plays QUOTE (Frank_Thomas35 @ Nov 22, 2013 -> 04:23 PM) FWIW Merkin retweeted this from Keppinger: What comes easy won't last. What lasts won't come easy. Jeff moving on to his post-baseball career of bad haiku-making
  13. My KGJ baseball was played so much that the sticker on the front is half melted off. Same for my Super Mario 64. Seriously, Super Mario 64 is one of the best games ever made. It would be difficult to make substantial improvements on the gameplay even today.
  14. Honestly, I won't blame him if he really breaks down. This is unbelievably awful. Yeah, yeah, we know he gets plenty of money and it's part of the reason he will eventually be fine. But he has invested a tremendous portion of his emotional livelihood in basketball. When he thinks about himself, he thinks "I am Derrick Rose the basketball player." Everyone he knows, even his family, thinks about him in this way. Success in basketball and success in life are synonymous for him. That has been taken away. The rehab for the ACL injury took a ton out of him. The length of time away from the game, the time it took, the fear of failure, the criticism coming at him...those all took their toll. To look ahead at all of the same but even more is probably overwhelming. Luckily (I guess), he has a long time to get over it.
  15. If it's a torn ACL, then I'll be thinking something I don't think I ever would have: it's too bad we can't amnesty him
  16. There is somebody who knows. The trainer on site is the best diagnostic tool for the ACL. They can manipulate the knee in such a way that there is little doubt. In my experience, trainers miss the diagnosis less often than MRI (swelling is often a confounding factor in both cases, but moreso with MRI since trainers can examine the player before the swelling sets in)
  17. I'm trying to think back to the original injury. This might hurt worse. Last time, we saw a promising season go down the drain. Right now, I fear that I see a promising career go down, and the foreseeable future of the franchise along with it. Maybe we'll get good news, but I have a bad feeling.
  18. With that said, there is little reason to think this franchise will be a contender in the future if Derrick goes down. You're pretty much just gonna be waiting for his contract to expire if this is another ACL at which point you can start really building again
  19. I don't watch for one game and this s*** happens
  20. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Nov 22, 2013 -> 02:19 PM) He still has to make sure the channels swap resolutions. Some broadcast in 1080i, some in 720p, he has to make sure he switches between two that actually change it. Yeah, it shows the resolution each time he changes a channel so he should be able to tell the difference.
  21. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Nov 22, 2013 -> 02:14 PM) This could potentially be caused by the TV, *OR* the cable box plugged into the TV, I assume via HDMI? It's also possible they are routing through a stereo receiver, which could ALSO be the cause for delay when the signals switch from one resolution to another. Do they have cable or OTA channels they can switch to see if the rendering takes just as long? That would remove the cable/dtv receiver from the loop. If he has cable (and not directv), he could plug the cable connect directly into his TV and he will still receive a few channels in which he can test to see if the delay is still present. Or, it's possible it is just the TV. I always advise people to go with Sharp or Samsung when it comes to TVs. He also has a AV receiver. I'll tell him to try that out, with the cable straight into the TV.
  22. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Nov 22, 2013 -> 02:12 PM) Does he have a cable box? Most likely it's coming from that. My directv receivers do this on all of my tv's, although I wouldn't say it's a long delay. A second or two maybe. Yeah he does have a cable box.
  23. I'm not a big fan of PER, so I wouldn't have posted about that. Would have been totally worthless in that sample size anyway. Our wings are much, much better this year
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