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Everything posted by Jake

  1. QUOTE (chw42 @ Nov 15, 2013 -> 06:29 PM) HTC One Google Play Edition will get Android 4.4 in a matter of days. It's a good thing that Android is no longer as fragmented as it was before. Google now has a tighter grasp on updates with Google Play Edition phones and the Moto X/G line. And by releasing a lot of their updates through the Play Store via their apps
  2. I bought NBA LP today. Went with Chicago, Indy, Miami, Golden State, Clippers. I get the Grizzlies locally. I think Houston would have been my next team, followed by OKC
  3. Every team got $25 million this year from the new TV contract, so I would guess that salaries go up faster this offseason and next than the past couple
  4. What did we ever do to get Dee Brown and Deron Williams in the fold? The Bill Self Method™
  5. QUOTE (Reddy @ Nov 15, 2013 -> 03:18 PM) any chance Bobby Jindal rears his head again? He's actually got a decent record to tout in LA the last few years. I remember when he said that Hurricane Katrina was an example of how you shouldn't involve the government in crises. Because, of course, there was apparently too much government involvement in the Katrina effort. Of course, he lives in a state where more people claim that Barack Obama screwed up Katrina than they say the same about George Bush. He also recently tried to implement a plan that would abolish their state income tax while drastically increasing the state sales tax to compensate...which is stupid. It didn't pass, thankfully for non-rich Louisianans. He still says he wants to eliminate all corporate taxes. The latest poll (other than ones that his own consultants release) showed him with a 28 approve/59 disapproval rating within Louisiana. He is anti-amnesty and pro-fence. He supports allowing teachers to teach intelligent design and has signed a bill into law permitting them to do so. He claimed to not want any stimulus funding before accepting a great deal of the funding allocated to his state. So far, he has refused Medicaid expansion, despite the fact it will cost his state nothing in the short term. The CBO estimates that over the next ten years, it may increases the state's expenditures by 2.8 percent, which does not include possible savings from emergency room visits by the uninsured. Anti-abortion under all circumstances, unless the fetus unintentionally aborted while trying to save the mother. Has slashed education funding, both at the primary and post-secondary level. He has implemented a voucher program that has diverted funds away from public schools and is now going to be reviewed up by federal courts because it has disproportionately benefited white children to the extent that it seems to violate desegregation laws (by removing a lot of white kids from integrated public schools). I don't really think he has much of a prayer
  6. Brad at Rivals - "Last bit of info is Illinois for Cliff......we will see."
  7. Brad on Rivals said that he still thinks it will be Illinois, but also says that there are no parties involved that know except Cliff and his mother. Everyone else is guessing, including the coaches.
  8. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Nov 15, 2013 -> 09:48 AM) Your analysis is foolish. I wondered why you love Huntsman so much, then I recently discovered that he is very active on MSNBC (I believe some of his family even works there). NorthsideSox72, rather than watching MSNBC all day and parroting DNC talking points and ranting about the Republicans, put the remote down... read a book, perhaps do some charity, anything will be better than what you are doing. You need inner peace. Anyways, here is the real Converservative comparison between Huntsman and Reagan 1) Patriotism: Conservatives like to consider themselves patriotic. Loony Huntsman on the other hand is an extremist. When asked about Americans losing their jobs, he started speaking Chinese and bragging about how China is superior and that he goes to China all the time. That is not patriotism. Reagan was a beacon of patriotism. America and Apple pie. 2) Religion: Most "Conservatives" are religious within a framework of what is the current norm. That's pretty much a standard of "conservatives" everywhere; they want to conserve the way things are. Huntsman is a member of what many would consider a loony outsider cult. That certainly isn't conservative. Reagan stated that he believed in what is the religious norm in America at the time (Christianity). A conservative move. 3) Taxes: Conservatives support lower taxes, Reagan sure did. Huntsman wants to increase taxes on the middle class. This one is a no-brainer on who is more conservative. Reagan wins this round easily. 4) Immigration: Reagan did give out Amnesty, which is not conservative. Huntsman wants to replace U.S. workers with overseas guest workers. But what Reagan did is a more conservative move in comparison, Huntsman is just loony on immigration. Reagan wins again. I could go on, but I won't. I think you know I'm right Reagan shifted the tax burden to the middle class - his tax cuts benefited the highest earners much more than any other income group, with the effects being moderated more and more as you move down the income ladder. Lowest earners saw their tax rates increase significantly. He also shifted the spending burden to states, where tax rates had to go up to compensate - states are decidedly not progressive in their taxation, thus hammering the middle class even more. see also: http://taxfoundation.org/article/state-and...state-1977-2010 http://qz.com/74271/income-tax-rates-since-1913/
  9. Yeah, it doesn't really help anyone for him to play with a bum leg
  10. What I had heard is that when KU realized they might not get Okafor, they put the full court press on Alexander. This has caused him to reconsider, but AFAIK nobody is too sure which way he will go. KU definitely telling people that they went hard after him in the past couple days and think they might get him
  11. If Snider re-initiated contact with LOU, then he just changed his mind. You're not going to hang up on a kid. If Snider was perfectly happy going to UIUC and Pitino started calling him to see if he would change his mind, I don't consider that really ethical behavior. There are less ethical things you can do than that, for sure, but to me that's where it becomes likely that you aren't doing the right thing for the kid anymore.
  12. This would be a nice get. I don't think it should cost too much, but I'm not really sure what Oakland would be looking for nor do I know exactly why they would want to part with him
  13. I think you can really take advantage of a young kid that is making a very important decision
  14. I'm hearing third-hand (so take it FWIW) that we should expect both CA and QS to sign with Illinois, but if only one is to go elsewhere it is more likely QS than CA
  15. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 14, 2013 -> 11:11 AM) And push the Soviets over the cliff in the process. Taken together, that may have been the best thing he did as President. But it is really not a "conservative" method, since he was spending a ton of government money. Furthermore, he also dramatically increased spending on roads and infrastructure, as well as block grants to the states. He did a bunch of things that are often characterized as liberal policies. There are a lot of people that disagree with that idea I'd say the most interesting thing he did on the liberal end of the spectrum was telling Gorbachev that he wanted to completely dismantle their nuclear arsenals. His stupid-ass SDI ended up nixing the deal; he wouldn't give it up and Gorbachev was one of the two people in the world that believe SDI was a real thing that could happen. The other was Reagan
  16. Chromecast is cool but not really a Roku replacement
  17. Apparently quite a few people flipped from UIUC to KU as their pick today
  18. Now that I have a Windows 8 computer, I can see the appeal of some of the XBOX One software. Will also be interesting to see how their TV integration ends up working and being received in practice.
  19. Reagan basically used the military budget to stimulus his way out of an economic crisis
  20. QUOTE (bmags @ Nov 14, 2013 -> 08:42 AM) I'm feeling pretty good about 76ers now that they only have to go 13-60 rest of the way for me to go to richtown. Indeed. They're okay
  21. Question for all - it has been mentioned that we'll call the BoSox about Victorino. Would you prefer to sign Granderson for something like 4/$40M or trade something valuable for Victorino?
  22. It wouldn't shock me if we sign Granderson. It isn't, on its face, a horrible decision. It would absolutely blow my mind if we gave him $70M
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