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Everything posted by Jake

  1. You can't factor defense too heavily. Plays are assessed for their run value. You cost/save enough runs, you cost/save wins
  2. Somebody has to tell the two rookies on the right side who to block
  3. I get the feeling that while he isn't the worst lineman, he's not good enough to make up for the fact that nobody in the locker room likes him.
  4. QUOTE (TaylorStSox @ Aug 18, 2013 -> 12:40 PM) Seriously? He walks a little, has declining power and is on the verge of being fat. Everything about him screams roids. He's also ugly and has a stupid haircut. He is left handed though. sold
  5. QUOTE (Marty34 @ Aug 18, 2013 -> 11:22 AM) If you can get him for less then by all means yu do it. What did you think of the return for Alex Rios? to be determined
  6. Marty, that would be a horrendous overpay for LoMo. His price would be more like Dayan, which I'm sure you would be all for.
  7. Basically, I was unexpectedly pulled away from my work. I only save when I'm done with work normally because I have autosave set up to automatically save every 10 minutes. I was able to find a corrupted autosave file with about 10% of my work in it, broken up with symbols and other random BS with huge chunks missing. I was able to recreate things, but yeah it's frustrating. One of those times I miss my Mac. Yes, there are times when I would miss Windows on Mac too. Don't mean to start a war here too. I will say I'd probably buy a Mac if price wasn't a question or if I simply had a grand or so lying around.
  8. f***ing windows was working on a very important proposal on which I was already past due...had left my computer open for a nap... computer updated by itself and I lost all changes I had made (pretty much an entire day of work) because the autorecover apparently f***ed up
  9. You still retain team control like any other non-MLB player on these guys unless you explicitly release the player from that team control
  10. Unless you explicitly release the player from team control early (like in Cespedes deal), the years on the deal don't mean much
  11. QUOTE (ptatc @ Aug 14, 2013 -> 09:34 PM) Keith Law said today that Abreu is worth no where near what Cepedes and Puig were because he is not an athlete like they are. This line of thinking is usually borne out in the draft process as well. How often do you see 1B picked in the first round?
  12. I think teams are sometimes just careless with the waiver process
  13. Dunn's issue was reported on during the 2012 season. His young son (IIRC) developed a condition that was causing him to have frequent seizues, perhaps to the extent that his life was in danger. Dunn hesitated to comment on it much or say it caused his bad season, perhaps because he perceived that as throwing his son under the bus
  14. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Aug 14, 2013 -> 12:19 PM) According to the San Francisco Chronicle, Raiders coaches have accepted that Matt Flynn isn't "going to have success throwing longer than 25 yards."
  15. QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 13, 2013 -> 10:05 PM) I wonder if Lexi can turn it around defensively next year or if he should play second base for somebody the rest of his career. He has to be one of the worst defensive shortstops in baseball right now. He still rates among the best. The errors are bad but not enough to drag down all the other plays he makes
  16. QUOTE (CaliSoxFanViaSWside @ Aug 13, 2013 -> 09:41 PM) Looks like my theory about Dunn being a better hitter when playing 1st base is correct. .190/.288/.415./703 as DH. .258./374/.511/.885 playing 1st this year. So if the Sox get Abreu to play 1st they either should get rid of Dunn or tell him his future is at DH weather with them or someone else and hope he can wrap his head around that and play him at DH the rest of the year. Or play him at 1st a bunch see if he can maintain his good hitting and try really hard to rid themselves of him in the off season. There are some serious confounding variables there
  17. FWIW, it was a horrible attempt at a catch by Lindstrom. He didn't need to lay out as it wasn't actually that far away from him. Pitchers usually not used to those plays though
  18. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 12, 2013 -> 09:23 AM) I had a similar diagnosis several years back. Even if you don't go the medication route, just learning some of the behavioral/routine tools ("Stop, don't switch tasks" is a good one for me) and being self-aware can make a huge difference. It also helped my wife (then-gf) understand to not take it personally when I'd forget things. There has definitely been a boost of self-esteem, just understanding where some things come from (like forgetting things, some of my pet peeves, difficulty with certain tasks, etc). I'm hiring an ADD coach and am at least going to try out some medication, but I'd love to not need it forever.
  19. Jake


    QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Aug 13, 2013 -> 04:54 PM) The next Axelrod/Simon Castro, yay! Those two players could hardly be more different
  20. Jake


    QUOTE (BamaDoc @ Aug 13, 2013 -> 08:00 AM) Nestor Molina three scoreless innings 25 pitches 23 strikes Hope start of something wow
  21. Cespedes can get you wins on the basepaths and on defense, something this guy won't do. He has one tool - his bat - and it has to pan out or he's completely useless. Cespedes can have a down year at the plate (96 wRC+ this year) but still become a 2 WAR player (1.6 WAR so far, on track for 2.3/2.4 per Steamer/ZiPs)
  22. You should look at how Jermaine Dye was doing before he was unable to get a job
  23. We hear the comparisons to Ryan Howard. Remember what Ryan Howard looks like when he plays a little worse than expected - bad. We'd be rewarding this guy with what is basically the contract Ryan Howard received in his prime. It's kind of insane. I'll try to trust the White Sox, but hot damn is there a lot of risk if the price is as high as some speculate. Seems like an odd expenditure when you've just put yourself in an amazing position financially.
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