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Everything posted by easyw

  1. And looking back, it looks like he did make his Spring training debut with the Sox on March 26 vs KC... and went 1 for 1... Now that the season has really begun, I'll try to stay on top of this. Thanks fer kickin my ass!
  2. Yeah yeah yeah... Collaro's impressive run earned him promotion to AA Birmingham this year. So far, thru 3 games, he is 3 of 14 with 2 homers, and eight strikeouts. How you like him now?
  3. I lost a lot of brain cells in Athens. Dye was an All Star once? Five years ago? Yes, he was WS MVP. That award easily could've gone to at least 2 or 3 other guys as well. He got hot in the series, which just reinforces my point - he is a streaky hitter. Dye's been on my fantasy team 3 years running. Weeks go by, he plays everyday and does nothing. Then, out of nowhere, goes 16 for 22 with 3 homers and 12 RBIs. So, at season end, he's got some numbers. Konerko also hits like this, but to a much lesser degree. Plus, he's better in clutch situations, from what I've seen, anyways. Maybe 'injury prone' isn't the best term for Dye, but he has had some notable injuries. I dunno, I just get this feeling that he's gonna go down with an injury this year. Like I said, I hope I'm wrong... Yeah, I was raised a Cub fan, but more importanly, I'm a Chicago baseball fan. I was at the clincher in 83, and the last game at old comiskey. I've put in just as much time on the south side as the north. The whole Cub-Sox hater thing is all hype.
  4. Sorry - yeah - I meant Anderson. Some of us work for a livin and I got like 5 things going on here. Yes. Anderson. Dye IS a streaky hitter. He has been prone to injury. He's, what, 33 years old? Is he an All-Star? What does he bring to the table? A lifetime .272 BA?
  5. Dye is streaky hitter prone to injury. Look at his career! He had a good year last year, I think he's due for a down one. I hope I'm wrong. Also, I heard, with my own ears at SoxFest, from Mack's mouth, that he preferred right field. How uninformed is that? Was anyone else at that session (the one with Thome where Mack showed up late)? Yeah, there was a whole room full of people. Sweeny has yet to play more than 2 months in the majors. I'm saying he's going to fail, but I'm not willing to be on his success either.
  6. Here's a thought - KW is looking ahead to the trade deadline. I agree that this trade doesn't make any sense give the current roster. The Sox need relief pitching, not more back-ups. Ozuna and Mack can both play on the left side of the infield. But Mack prefers RF and Ozuna can play just about anywhere. So... Maybe, if Mack does well enough, mid-season, you put Dye on the block for some middle relief help. Or Sweeney goes back to Charlotte. Dye will underperform this year, if he doesn't injure himself first.
  7. My dream would be that every sports talk radio station on the planet go off the air forever.
  8. Yeah but to Garcia, $100K is like $20 to you and me... Oh, yeah, I'm sure he just happened to be storing all this jewelry and other valuable items in his car while he was going out to dinner. Smells like insurance fraud to me.
  9. Jenks also missed the trip to the White House. I'm skeptical of these "reasons" he gave. I'll talk to my contact in the Sox front office, and get the real story. If its anything other than what's being reported, I'll post it to my crappy blog. I'd like to see BJ do well this season, but do not expect lightening to strike twice. Is he a flash in the pan, who was caught up in the enthusaism the Sox had last year? I think he has a 50-50 chance of going the same route that Mr. Zero did last year... A Jenks implosion is a definate possibility for 2006.
  10. Look at which school has the best program for your major. If you're going into broadcast/media (though I have no clue why you would want to go into such a crappy, low-paying job), take a look at: U. of Wisconsin/Madison Ohio University (NOT OSU!) I guess you also have to look at cost, your potential for admission, and how far away you want to be from mommy and daddy (and that b**** ex-girlfriend). When my time came, I decided I wanted to get far away from Chicago. I was 0 for 3 in the Big Ten (turned down at IU, Iowa, and MSU), but got into SIU, Ball St, Marquette and Ohio U. I went to OU in Athens,, and there truly is no place quite like it... The social scene is incredible, and its a very scenic place - it looks like a college is supposed to look. My only two regrets - 1) I should've majored in something besides broadcasting and 2) I should've taken longer than 4 years to graduate. Good luck.
  11. In that picture, it doesn't even look like Farmer is wearing socks. No tie either. Did he realize he was at the White House? What a class act..
  12. Hey - anyone been to Steve & Barry's? I saw an article in Time Out Chicago a few weeks back that said they carry all kinds of great university wear - sweatshirts, hats, etc, and all for less than $10... True?
  13. I've just received the sad news that STATS Inc will not be publishing a 2006 Scouting Notebook. This is tragic, as its been a part of my baseball acumen for many seasons. For the 2004 season, I tried using the Baseball Almanac, which was just awful. Any suggestions to replace this fine collection of info?
  14. I added some more of my impressions of the fest on my blog.
  15. Jenks Heat - I totally agree with you on the fans. But I have less of a problem with people who are seeking merchandise in an effort to resell it at a higher price - to me, they're just working. I put myself in the fan category as well - I went for the beer, the broads, the Q&A, thew winter baseball fix,... I met some of the players, but the last thing I would ever consider is asking them for is an autograph. I got there late, so I didn't experience any long lines to get in. I did hear that was awful. they should change the venue - that place smelled like ass.
  16. Yeah, but I don't them in the park when I go to games. I say leave the stuffed animal crowd to he Cub fans.
  17. I just got back from my first and last SoxFest. There is a difference between "fans" and "fanatics". It was creepy. really creepy. These people carrying around stuffed Sox bears, seeking autographs, and coming up with their own long lists for stadium improvements aren't normal. I need to take a shower.
  18. I'll be at the bar friday night. I'll be wearing the old school Alan Bannister #7 home uni (with shorts!) from 1976! Kidding of course. But I will be there. But I'm not going to wear a ball player costume.
  19. A "friend of a friend" who works in the Sox front office got me a pass for the whole weekend. I'll be there friday night. Any plans for a gathering?
  20. When analyzing a player like Crede, you have to look at the whole package. His BA may hover around .240, but he hits for decent power. More importantly, he is a CLUTCH hitter. How many times did he come up huge in both the regular season and the psot season? Probably more than other Sox player. Additionally, he is stellar at a tough defensive position. Rag on Crede all you want. He's a perfect fit for this team.
  21. On today's media call with Garland, KW mentioned he was going in for another surgery and he "hopes they get it all this time." Hope everything is OK. Anyone know more? Wish him the best.... he is in my thoughts today...
  22. easyw

    Best Song About Sex

    Yeah - TPOH... Moe Berg has more pent-up sexual frustration than any man should... that was one band, irreguardless of being Canadian, that was just a few years ahead of the game.
  23. DAMN! Can't go. When am I gonna get to meet you people? Maybe an opening day tailgate?
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