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Everything posted by easyw

  1. I hope they never go. The Sox are the anti-Bush team. They beat the LA Angeles in the ALCS. The Angels are the team of Orange County, a notable hot bed of right wing extremism. Then, in the World Series, they beat the Houston Astros, the team that represents big Texas oil money and corporate crooks (like Enron). To drive home this point, one of the biggest bastards of them all was in the stands rooting the stros on - Bush Sr! The Sox represent the old school Democratic Chicago political machine! Its funny that Ozzie and the trophy visited Chavez before Bush.. that must really burn Bush up, really get under his skin. VIVA CHAVEZ! VIVA LA REVOLUITION!!!
  2. easyw

    Best Song About Sex

    anything by The Pursuit of Happiness... Or Kool Keith...
  3. link And the thing that gets me is - these women are actually fairly good looking... I would do them!
  4. A lot of guys got shares - I'll bet Anderson and maybe Shingo got in on that action. I heard the clubhouse manager got a share. That's triple his salary. I'm sure the IRS wants to pay him a visit!
  5. Stapp and Creed couldn't find rock in a quarry.
  6. In obvious violation of copyrights laws, I am purchasing a DVD recorder with the intention of reproducing the games WITHOUT the express written consent of the Chicago South Side Ball Club and Major League Base Ball. If Selig wants to come after me, he knows where to find me!
  7. Ted Leo & the Pharmacists - "Little Dawn"
  8. I considered it last year.. will consider it again this year... but probably won't go... I wish they were still in Florida. I've got an open invite to hang at spring training with a pal who works for the Twins... so I could stay down there on the Twins dime... and see the Sox - if they were still in FLA. DAMN!
  9. ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I have better thing to do with my time... like sleep.. and not at the UC.
  10. Cool, thanks.. East or west of the river?
  11. My search continues: Food-4-Less had ugly t-shirts stuffed inside a plastic mug. $10. Dick's has some stuff, but its still at WS prices and spread all over the huge store. Sports Authority had the best selection (and highest prices) of anyplace I went. The stuff is already 30% off, but since it was priced higher to begin with, the prices are about the same as Dick's. Caps n shirts $20 each. I'll try downtown again this week. Does the Grandstand have any stuff on sale?
  12. What 'failed socialist policy' would that be, professor?
  13. Another thing to keep in mind, whatever the figure is for "full" season ticket holders, I'd bet about half of those seats are corporations, NOT individuals. The Sox have a huge - and growing - fan base, but it is not one with deep pockets.
  14. Yeah but OU is such a small time program, I just love to hear it, again and again... With the football team on the right track (seriously, 4 wins is HUGE), this may be the Golden Age of Ohio University sports. Frank Solich is GOD! But keep an eye on OU basketball - they have tough opponents beyond the under rated MAC this season - Cincinnati, Kentucky, Detroit and Rhode Island - all notable teams...
  15. My source had him going to the Angels... glad I never said that publicly, I would've been dead wrong. I also heard there might be some bad blood between Rooney and Farmer due directly to the WSCR deal. Same source, so take it for what its worth... Congrats to Rooney - a great one, a total class act. Big loss for Chicago, big gain for St. Loo!
  16. The number of season ticket holders will increase. What was it in 2005? 11,000? So, maybe that figure jumps to 15,000? No surprise that prices went up. We're lucky they didn't go up by even more than they did. For me, it doesn't matter whether a bleacher seat costs $24 or $27.. it might as well be $100, because that is just an absurd amount of money to pay. There are 6 monday 'hal price' nights, and I plan on attending one of those. And $6 beers? Forget it! I'll drink the parking lot. You'll see an increase in attendance. But I think most Sox fans are like me - we simply won't pay our own hard earned cash to get into the park. I use my connections - friends with other teams, friends who work for US Cell, season ticker holders.. etc... 2006 will definately be one of the Sox Top 5 in franchise attendance.. no small feat for a club that's been around for 100 years....
  17. you heard it here first: Ohio University! Top 25! Spoiler in the Big Dance!
  18. McCarthy's big-league experience no longer qualifies him as a 'prospect'. As for Collaro, take a look at his stats. If he can learn a little bit of paitence at the plate, he might make the show... I think he's a notable prospect in the Sox orginization.
  19. There was one guy at Adams and Wacker selling stuff last night. His swag carried the MLB symbol of quality that appears to be so important, but he wanted $10 a shirt and the design was ugly. I'll check out the Food-4-Less in Bolingbrook today... Thanks!
  20. I used to work with a variety of pro athletes, most of them are real vain assholes. I get the impression that most of the guys currently on the Sox roster, at least before the World Series win, are generally pretty accessable, and not too full of themselves. 2006 wll be a different story. I can't list all the pro sports dicks I had to deal with. Suffice to say, among the worst were Mike Hargrove, Kenny Lofton, Albert Belle, and Mike Fratello. I also had a run-in with Coach K, but can't blame him for sorta being a jerk to me. I also came to blows with a guy who is now an anchor on Sports Center. I don't want to say his name, cause he's really a nice guy, it was just a misunderstanding (at the time). A lot of guys I got to know and were super nice. Some that I remember the most are: Doug Buffone Ron Rivera Otis Wilson Clarence Scott Rick Sutcliffe Fuzzy Zoeller Jimmy The Greek Mike Pruitt Chico Carasqual Minnie! Double Duty Norm Van Lier Alan Bannister (good ol #7) used to live in my neighborhood in Woodridge back in the late 1970s-early 1980s, before even .220 hitters were making millions. He didn't live there long, and we generally left him alone. I did get an autographed ball from him. He was nice, I guess.
  21. Why is it that Tom Collaro is never on any of these lists?
  22. I highly doubt the officially liscensed MLB stuff is going for like $5 for a shirt or $5 for a cap... - 4 for $15... If so, please let me know where...
  23. I've had good luck with the non-MLB stuff. My gear form the 1983 AL West Championship is still goin strong...
  24. Thanks for all the suggestion... I'll check out Madison and Wacker today, since its only a few blocks from my Ivory Tower. I'll drive up Manheim tomorrow... If all else fails, there is a Food-4-Less about 20 minutes from me. About 2 weeks ago, I saw a guy selling bootleg Sox stuff out of the trucnk of his car in the parking lot just west of the track on 35th street (west of Sox Park, east of The Grandstand). I wonder if he's still around?
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