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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by chisox05

  1. This game gave me one of the biggest lows in my life, one of the best hi's in my life, and then one of the biggest lows in my life. Today, though, I am very proud of Hinrich and Deng. I will be honest.........I hate(d) Deng at Duke and if the bulls drafted him, our management would be stupid. Although saying deng was a good pick is a bit premature, I will admit he has done a great job and I am the idiot. Gordon however i loved and was esctatic with the bulls draft of him. Well, I think I should take a break of judging collegiate players maturation to the pros.
  2. I completely agree. Why go vizquel- a guy who has limited "upside" and who might never be the player he was this year. Instead, we should go with cabrera, the best defensive player in the majors, one of the best gap hitters in baseball, and an improving hitter who will get dirty(with the twins) and create some unity with the club. Also, this leadership business is BS. Vizquel is NOT a leader nor is cabrera.
  3. It amazes me how much he improved his free agent status after a superb playoffs stint. I mean IMO, he would be getting 15-16 million and now i am hearing talk about 18-20+ million. Personally, I think he should get a contract similar to vlad's last year.
  4. Look, what they want and want they will get are 2 very different animals.
  5. Garland certaintly isnt calm when talking to the media and has made many references that he "doesnt care" about getting booed off the field etc. First of all, the only part lee improved was defense. He still is lazy and doesnt run hard to first base or even run hard to balls hit to him in the outfield for that matter. And in these days, improving your all around game ,which btw lee hasnt done, for by a vast majority of players is to increase their chances of getting a better contract in the future.
  6. I think so too but do u have a link or something to this information?
  7. Great Point! Many dont understand that youth over "old" doesnt matter if they become fa's right after the year. If they are both equal injury prone wise and the "old" wont decline, it all depends on who is more talented Youth DOES NOT matter at all in this situation w/ deciding either hudson or RJ. I think RJ is a better pitcher and would rather have him mainly because we wouldnt have to give much if at all and if we do, arizona would pay a significant amount of his contract. Hudson, however, is much more valued because he is cheaper and "younger" even though imo he has less talent than RJ.
  8. I have a lot to learn!!!!! HA! I apologize for saying that trying to take out a rival's catcher is a good thing! We need that attitude on our ballclub, it often brings teams together(ala 2000 chisox-tigers fight although a little different situation) We have too many guys that dont care(garland,lee and many more) I think you have a lot to learn man.
  9. Yeah, it doesnt make sense. IMO, that shows that you dont have faith in your ability that you will be able to play even better and get an even larger contract.
  10. Oh, he is very injury prone, he is one of those guys, that here "always is soemthing"
  11. Comcast is nice, most of the things on their i am interested in- now i dont have to wait an hour on sportscenter to c a few words on a chicago team or a highlight on a chicago team. BTW, GO BULLS!!!
  12. I believe this trade would never happen. I dont know what ozzie has said exactly about castillo but imo, he has a bad attitude. I will never forget how pissed he was when tim raines hit a game winner when he was on deck prohibiting him from continuing a long hitting streak. That was probably one of the most egotistical selfish things i have ever seen. Also, I haven't heard anything that florida/miami would be at all interested in trading castillo. I am saying this because ozzie supposedly wants a "team" with a good attitude that has good work ethics. Now, my personal opinion is that teamwork and attitude dont matter at all in baseball. It is a game of individuals playing on a team in which the manager has the duty of managing it. Luis Castillo is probably the best fielding 2b ever outside of robby alomar(back in his hay day). He is good at what he does hitting wise-slap and run, and he would be an ideal leadoff hitter for our ballclub. Also, I would not like to trade munoz and i believe their would be many other players the marlins would want more than munoz, who are far less than value. I guess that is because my extreme love for little arnie.
  13. This is aside from his off field stupidness, but imo he is a poor manager, he is way way to aggressive as far as stealing and hit and runs and i was very pist when he was for a time even considered to be in contention for the chisox job.
  14. Cards Part Why the f**k would the cards trade a spec and 4 million for a guy they couldve easily signed last year. He was overpaid by a whole lot last year and looks even more overpaid after a very disapointing season. Therefore, the a's should pretty much unload rhodes which i doubt beane wouuld do because of his ego and tehy would pay for 15-25% of his contract. Also, konerko and lee part. the a's are a team that wants value-they dont want guys who have relatively low obp's and are paid at relatively face value. This trade has many many other flaws as well.
  15. Kenny could be targeting garpar. I mean, he did trade maggs for nomar last offseason.....kindve..... I am looking for the odalis perez, nomar garciaparra and all the other rumored players the sox could potentially get last offseason to be targeted be kenny this offseason.
  16. Id be very happy if the sox were to acquire lieber. I liked lieber a whole lot on the cubs and his approach to the game hasnt changed since his injury. He still is the same pitcher and he is one of the few guys that i wouldn't place him as "injury prone" even with his devestating injury. Lieber is super conisistant, something the club is lacking greatly mainly because he has pin point control, and his stuff doesnt change day to day(ala Garcia/Garland/Contreras). If we could get lieber under 7.5 million per, id be happy.
  17. The sleeper of 05 wsox minors will be kris honel- i am not sure all would consider him a sleeper but still, i have high expectations fo him coming into next season.
  18. Hey man, i honestly think baseball needs more "dirty" plays. doing that s*** is legal and we need more of that especially with the new "pretty big" rivalry against the twins. Torri hunter try to injure our catcher and quite frankly i admire that unlike some on this forum. We need more players with a "torri" type attitude imo.
  19. I think at uribe's peak it would be 360 obp 300 avg 25 hr His worst would be 240 avg 290 obp 10 hr
  20. Range is very misleading, it more is relative to who your pitchers are. I have never heard of zone factor though
  21. Yes, i am pleased with this day, but he need 3-4 games of BRIAN ANDERSON type of play until he OFFICIALLY breaks out of his slump. I honestly believe that if he goes on fire until the end of arizona leauge and the other one, pending our transactions, he will have a shot at making the team and if he makes the team, he would definetely start.
  22. No, Id rather get d lowe, pedro, cabrera, and mirabelli I like mirabelli and would actually prefer him over ben davis although ben davis IMO still has lots of potential, even to be a top 10 catcher.........
  23. If we trade lee i would be thrilled to get erstad Although, if we trade konerko, first of all i would be mad that we trade konerko and i like to have my 1b to be a great hitter with 30+ hr power. LF-Erstad CF-Rowand RF-Everett And we trade lee for RJ If thats are post season i wuold be pretty pleased.
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