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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by chisox05

  1. Our bullpen imo will actually be descent this season imo This is what i am expecting Closer-Ugeth Urbina Setup-Shingo Takatsu Setup-Damaso Marte This combo would arguably be the best in the majors. Shingo should have an era of around 2.3-2.8 and would be a great situational pitcher. Damaso should have an era of 1.8-2.2. And we will be able to get urbina cheap after a relatively disapointing season last year. Mid-Neal Cotts Mid-Cliff Politte Mid-Arnie Munoz Mid/Long-Felix Diaz/Jon Adkins Either Felix Diaz or Jon Adkins will not be with the team next season IMO. Cotts should have a pretty good year, coming in on every 2-3 days and pitching in the 6th or 7th inning and place him against weaker hitters to increase his confidence- 3.50-4.00 era. I had mixed feelings about politte and i am hoping for consistant 1 inning work every couple days giving us a 3.50-4.00 era. I am VERY hi on munoz and am expecting him to be big for us w/ a 2.50-2.80 era. I think this would actually give us a pretty descent bullpen. We have lots of depth and "versaitility" in the mid relief. Cotts a left hander that can get a big strikeout. Politte who can kick it up to 98 mph and has good control of his slider and fastball. Munoz a lefty who has a great curveball . Felix Diaz with a great changeup. In the 8th and 9th innings, I think we should play it more by situation. Urbina will be our "assigned" closer but if the situation is right, imo, we should put marte or takatsu in. The relief combination will be very solid Imo, what are your thoughts?
  2. I agree.... I am expecting him to have a 250-260 avg w/above average defensive skills, good baserunner, smart player, 3-6 hr. I think he is overpriced at 4 million but I wont dwell on it and will be a vizquel fan for this upcoming season.
  3. Wasnt there a book about how much of an ass bill wirtz is?
  4. Hey man, your BENCH players give your starters rest, a starter doesnt give a starter rest!
  5. Yes, orton was a practical lock for heisman as well as 1st round pick. Now, he might be getting booed at Purdue and he might not even be a first day pick. It is very unfortunate although he put it on himself a bit with all those interviews he did to increase his chance at the hesiman.
  6. Yes, it was gutsy. Although, Roberts is like a 90-95% success in stealing bases. The whole frign world knew he was going. I didnt understand why they didnt pitchout. Also, some1 said that if he was caught francona would be with the likes of buckner and bla bal bla......Well, it was game 4, 3-0 yanks, i dont think he wouldve taken that mcuh heat man.
  7. That makes no sense, because some1 should HAS to be your DH in the AL and I would be very happy having one of the best hitters in the game fill that spot. Baseball is a whole lot different than football and basketball because it isnt a team sport. It is individuals playing on a team with very few team oriented plays. Frank isnt a leader but really who is a leader on this team???Now the valentin is gone, who will be up on the fence rooting for our team every pitch and coming through in the clutch. Honestly, besides jose there really hasnt been a leader on this team for some time-since ozzie was a player.
  8. Bonds and sheffield did so well because they have been taken unknown steroroids that couldnt be detected. You cannot build yourself up the way giambi,bonds,sheffield,sosa, etc. have. You just cant do it in such as short timeframe.
  9. Cmon, why would u want sammy to go??? He always gives me a good laugh at cub-sox games at comiskey when he gets booed. He is terrible and will completely destroy next year's cub team if he remains.
  10. DH only ass??? Ok, so ur saying u want a player half as good as frank to fill that spot???? He consistantly as a tremendous obp and great power #'s. IMO, he doesnt get the credit he deserves. He also doesnt get any credit for doing any s*** like roids and illegal drugs. Why?? He doesnt need to, he was filled out at 18. I cant believe that people did and still think it is possible to become so much bigger and stronger as bonds,sheffield,bagwell etc. have become. :fthecubs
  11. Andruw Jones I remember midseason we had a practically done deal- jones for ordonez, so obviously kenny likes him. I am keeping my eye on all of these guys that kenny targeted but couldnt get in offseason and midseason. Also, because of jones fairly large contract, we could trade something like garland and borchard for him. This would give us LF-Carl Everett(Im actually expecting a solid year from him) CF-Andruw Jones(Very solid all around player) RF-Aaron Rowand(Coming off big year-not sure what we will get this year) WITH LF/CF/RF-Timo Perez(Much healthier and faster(injured w/out telling any1)and he is a great clutch hitter and great arm, can play lfcfrf all well)
  12. Seems a bit pricy to me. I think we could(ve) got(get) cabrera for 3 yr 18 million.... I think that is much better quality, and id much rather have a 1 yr deal w/ vizquel. He had his best year since 2000 and that worries me since he might be just trying to make his last cash in before becoming a manager. Anyway, i dont really like this move but i still will be a vizquel fan if it goes through and hope he does well.........
  13. I would not want clement on our ballclub. He is WAY to inconsistant and we have enough problems with inconsitancy as it is. I also believe he would be BOMBED in the american league, i believe he has a terrible interleague era and w/l record
  14. Yes, good point on schilling but i still dont believe we would have made the world series, never the less win it.
  15. There is no f'ing curse in chicago. The Red Sox have actually had MANY world series contenders and they WERE warrant of possibly having a curse. Although, when my f** cub fan friends sometimes subtly talk about there curse, I laugh, and say, maybe when you guys dont suck for 5 consecutive years i will consider it.
  16. Yes, if u have any idea how salaries work in mlb. Johnson would be getting paid around 16 million if he were a free agent. He is getting paid 16 million, meaning he is worth what he is getting paid. also meaning that if we gave up practically anything, dbacks would be getting a good deal.
  17. If he commanded anything more than garland id be shocked. He is getting paid 16 million!!!! That is probly what he would be paid if he was in free agency........Meaning we shouldnt have to give up much for paying for FACE VALUE!
  18. LoL, yes, if he was a native hawaiian who cares, get injured! OMG
  19. Wow, krenzel is probably the best handofferer i have ever seen!
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