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Everything posted by shagar69

  1. im convinced that gordon is the next MJ. seriosly
  2. signing koskie means that the jays will be more likely to trade hinske. how bout hinske, wells, batista, for crede, lee, diaz, and borchard
  3. of yea, definitley. if we cant sign him to an extension itd be stupid to give up Bmac
  4. dont beleive it until i see a link
  5. if we can get hudson and sign him to an extension, id trade Bmac.
  6. i would assume that it would make it MORE likeyl that they would trade burnett for RJ. burnett makes less money so the dbacks would be more likely to want him. i
  7. another deal that is "supossedly" close to happening: vazquez + cash for burnett
  8. also saw on ESPNEWS that renteria will sign with the redsox pending a physical.
  9. wells and batista for borchard, lee, and diaz. OF is wells, rowand, dye.
  10. shagar69

    anna kournikova

    who cares, anna kournikovas hot
  11. no way we send both PK and garland. its gonna be one, more likely PK. how bout PK+ borchard + diaz + couple yanks prospects for johnson, and vazquez for us. that would probably work
  12. lol, yea great trade. i mean garland is a good player, but if u can trade him for a stud SP like garland, why not make the deal.
  13. on WSI, it said that tom shaer reported that there are serious talks between the yanks/dbacks/sox about a deal that would send either PK or garland to the yanks for garland. then the yanks would send our guy along w/ prospects to the dbacks for johnson. talks could heat up this weekend at the winter meetings
  14. at the money we gave him, its a pretty good deal, as long as he stays healthey
  15. who cares. its all about the I-L-L-I-N-I
  16. yea, but they didnt, did they, hahaah b****. and Ann Arbor is a whore, trust me
  17. wow, the colts are dumb. NO receiver is worth 10 mil, WR are one the most overrated players in sports. they should of saved their money so they could sign som Def. players. but, i hate the colts and manning, so im happy
  18. i would def. cheer. it is an amazing accomplishment by an amazing player
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