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Everything posted by shagar69

  1. IMO, its looking pretty s***ty for kerry right now. bush looks like he has florida. kerry HAS to win pennsylivania, ohio, iowa and/or wisconsin. i was really hoping kerry could pull missouri out.
  2. no way in hell bush gets cali
  3. are you nuts? borderline prospects for zito? no way in hell! this guys is young, relatively cheap and a very good LEFTY SP! he has had a couple of down years, but so what, he is only 26! i would definitley trade lee or PK straight up for him and probably would even trade rowand for him. and as for prospects, if you even considered that route, there is no doubt that you would have to start with Bmac.
  4. yeah and from the same report, BA said that the twinkies had the best draft once again in the MLB. how do they keep doing it?
  5. because this is the important election we have had in a long time. i know that every election is important, but this one is even more so because of the state of the country right now, with respect to things like sky rocketing gas prices, unemployment, and outsourcing. not to mention things like terrorism and the whole iraq, north korea, and iran issues.
  6. well thats what happens in a two party system which is what we have. and i believe that it is the most effective way. right now, im taking a comp. politics class and studying countries like germany, japan, russia. in those countries they have a proportional representation system which allows small parties to win easily. they have like 30 different parties in their congress, which is ridiculous! they hardly ever got any legislation passes since everything is so polarized. i think that is stupid. our system is by far the best IMO
  7. thats is very intersting. makes some sense, but i just cant see the dems just handing the election to dubya. i mean kerry is not the PERFECT guy i want running for the dems, but he does appeal to a lot of voters. even though there are MAJOR problems in the US, there is no way that the dems would just let the GOPs win the election. and IMO there is not way that gore will run in 08. IMO, a dark horse candidate for the dems besides hilliary would be either obama(it may be too early), or our very own cub fan governor, blago.
  8. shagar69

    Strange Sex Laws..

    the only one that makes sense is the maryland one. i actually think that it would be a good idea to do that. a lot unwanted pregnancies would be avoided.
  9. yeah i was referring to the signing, i should of been more specific. and also yes i have had too much bacardi.
  10. http://chicagosports.chicagotribune.com/sp...-home-headlines one of the stupidest moves a chicago team has EVER made
  11. yeah, im gonna be voting for my guy, and will try to support the other guy if he wins. althought, 4 more years of Bush= :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke
  12. wow, i just saw the IU schedule! its is ridiculous! mike davis is a moron. IU has to play UNC, Uconn, ND, UK, mizzou, and charlotte not to mention wisky twice. that is brutal
  13. yeah, but the chi-town dems make sure that illinois is always a democratic state during the presidential elections. IIRC, the GOPs havent won IL. since the 84 or 88 election.
  14. f*** you aquateen marathon. im missing family guy cuz of you!
  15. couple more really good ones: "Lois: You're drunk again. Peter: No, I'm just exhausted 'cause I've been up all night drinking. " "Peter: Gays don't vommit. They're a very clean people. And they have been ever since they came to this country from France. " "Quagmire (runs outside in a robe): Hey guys, what's going on? I was just jerki ... ed out of a deep sleep. " "Peter: At least they don't put their feminine ointments next to the mustard, Lois. That was the worst hot dog I ever ate." "Peter:Lois a boats a boat, but the mystery box could be anything....it could even be a boat!"
  16. Peter at a job interview: "Auctioner: Our first item is a pair of panties confiscated from a prostitute. Quagmire: Fifty bucks. Auctioner: She had nine STDs. Quagmire: Forty-five bucks. Auctioner: And when we caught her she wet herself. Quagmire: Fifty bucks. " "Peter: Ok, here's another riddle. A woman has two children. A homicidal murderer tells her she can only keep one. Which one does she let him kill? Brian: That's... that's not a riddle. That's ... that's just terrible. Peter: Wrong, the ugly one! "
  17. no, not at all. only on thurs, fri, and sat. nights. 3 out 7 days isnt excessive, is it?
  18. JFK. if he were not on that list, badnarik gets my vote. i also predict a big victory for obama, who if bush becomes pres. again, will run and win in the 08 election
  19. wow this rothlisberger is unbelievable! he has so much poise for a rook. and the pitt D is stepping up to. the pats streak is over today. brady already has a pick and dillon is out.
  20. sorry about the b****ing. as you can probably tell by the time that i posted that reply, i was just back from the bars, and wasted as f***!! and BTW, i forgot to mention that i dont have internet on my phone!
  21. naw, pisshands is too old. im surprised he has played as many games as he has the past few years. id rather just keep lee and get PK outta here. then put gload at first
  22. all of these projections should be in deep pink, or whatever you guys use here for pipe dreams. heres what the rotation will ACTUALLY look like Garcia Buehrle Ortiz Contreras Garland/Grilli shingo, marte, williamson, adkins,politte, cotts, grilli/garland
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