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Leonard Zelig

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Everything posted by Leonard Zelig

  1. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 19, 2005 -> 12:20 PM) Jim Rome=Kotex Boy + a better face for TV QUOTE(winodj @ Apr 19, 2005 -> 12:21 PM) Jim Rome = Kotex Boy half as articulate. Then I guess you guys shouldn't watch, but I thought some on here would be interested.
  2. Jim Rome said he will have Jermaine Dye on his TV show this afternoon. Not sure what it's called or when it's on because I work, but it's on ESPN.
  3. The Sox have to be one of the more diverse teams in the league.
  4. QUOTE(rudylaw @ Apr 18, 2005 -> 06:58 PM) Did any one see the Yankees 2nd inning? Yeah, I was listening on XM before the Sox started.
  5. QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Apr 14, 2005 -> 11:31 PM) Supersteve, When you get so good you can dominate the computer at MVP every game, simming becomes more fun. Im not there yet with MVP, but I was there with Madden. SB When you get that good, try putting the controller down for a few minutes, go outside & ride a bike or something.
  6. QUOTE(kman @ Apr 14, 2005 -> 07:27 PM) wtf uribe u crakhead I doubt he called the play.
  7. I listened to the game on XM and heard the Cleveland announcers. It sounded like AJ was having a tought time in the first few innings. Anybody who saw the game have any insight?
  8. QUOTE(DonkeyKongerko @ Apr 13, 2005 -> 10:25 PM) Wow even ESPN has us at #4 up from #22. I for one am shocked and appalled. How are we supposed to fly under the radar if everyone is ranking us so high? ESPN has us ranked #4 and they still won't show any highlights on Sports Center. But they show KC vs. SEA and ARI vs COL. :headshake In fact, I don't think they even mentioned the score. Think this has anything to do with Ozzie's comment Sunday night? Three of the top 10 plays didn't even involve sports. Cherry trees blossoming in DC, people lining up at the wrong theater for Star Wars, and college kids taking a garden gnome on spring break. Not sure why I even still watch this crap.
  9. ESPN 1000 actually broadcasted the first couple of innings of the Sox game tonight, up until the Bulls pregame stuff. I'm not sure who those guys are because I live out of town and usually cannot tune that channel in. Whoever those guys were that were doing the game were goofing around a lot and making a bunch of jokes. When Everett was up in the first inning, they were talking about how he had been swinging the bat well, and one said, "You gotta love a hot Carl!" I could not believe my ears. I almost pissed myself laughing. Anybody who does not know what a "hot carl" is, just do a Google search. If you are easily offended, I would recommend not looking it up.
  10. QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Apr 13, 2005 -> 08:43 PM) Oh, hell, I contributed to it. I just feel like we've all stated our positions and noone's budged yet, so enough. Anyway, if there's going to be a grammar thread, just start a new one in SLaP, it's out of place here. I understand, I just showed up late and threw my 2 cents in.
  11. QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Apr 13, 2005 -> 08:04 PM) Good Lord, let this die. You don't have to read the thread.
  12. QUOTE(daa84 @ Apr 13, 2005 -> 07:52 PM) no, when they went to the righty miller outa the pen, ozzie went to timo for the L and R matchup, and then they countered with rhodes Thanks, must have missed that when I was walking my dog.
  13. QUOTE(fathom @ Apr 13, 2005 -> 07:48 PM) He was out, terrible slide. Was he? The Indians announcers aren't really saying much about it.
  14. QUOTE(fathom @ Apr 13, 2005 -> 07:47 PM) Ozzie.....let Willie bunt for Crede if you're going to call for the bunt! If you're not going to use Willie to bunt or pinch-run, there's no reason to have him on the roster! SMARTBALL!
  15. While we're talking grammar, I can't count how many people say "should of" or "could of" when they mean "should've" or "could've".
  16. On ESPN radio, while Everett was up the announcer said, "I love a hot Carl"
  17. QUOTE(Al Lopez's Ghost @ Apr 13, 2005 -> 05:00 PM) Well, the real question is who goes away? It would have to be between Harris, Timo and Ozuna. If it were me making the choice Willie would go, but I'd understand it if they decided Ozuna has less potential. For the 25th spot on the roster, I'd take utility over potential.
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