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Everything posted by gosox41

  1. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Nov 30, 2006 -> 11:21 PM) Royce Clayton was sleeping with Thomas' wife. I believe Thomas and his wife were divorced at the time but I'm not SURE about that. All the same, Thomas wasn't happy about it, I never heard that. I thought she moved out of Chicago after the divorce. Bob
  2. QUOTE(supernuke @ Nov 29, 2006 -> 09:34 PM) The Blue Jays sign Royce Clayton for 1.5 million. I wonder how the Big Hurt will like that. OK I must be missing something. What's the story between the two of them? Bob
  3. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Nov 23, 2006 -> 11:50 AM) Hey Bob, got any ideas for the off-season? You seem to be pretty quick to shot down other threads, but I haven't seen you offer too many ideas? What would be your plan? I have a few ideas. A lot of the reason I'm shooting down other threads is because they're 100% unrealistic. This team doens't need to reinvent the wheel to win. KW came out and said this team only needs some tweaking so my guess is he's not going to trade his best hitter from last season (Dye). Maybe I'm wrong. I can be part of the camp that says that the Sox haven't made any noise this off season so KW is working on something big. But I guess it depends on what you're definition of big is. I think KW is playing this right. Wait for some pitchers to sign ridiculous contracts and then trade 1 or 2 of the starting 5 to the teams that didn't overpay for the Ted Lily's of the world. My first concern would be to get a stealth bullpen. Based on recent rumor and speculation, I would assume that's coming when the Sox trade one if their starters. I would also think in this insane salary market the Sox could getting a couple of young pitching prospects, including one stud. I woud then try to trade a package of prospects (including McCarthy or the stud prospect) for Crawford. If they can't trade for him, I'd consider Baldelli for lesser prospects. I haven't had time to follow what every team has a surplus of that the Sox would want. But as long as a team has pitching to trade, then they should be able to substantially improve. I Crawford is unrealistic, the next option would be to trade a SP for a young up and coming lead off hitter. I also would keep my options openf or Crede. Odds are the Sox won't be able to sign him any way. I still think A-Rod would become available and if the Yankees eat some salary, I'd have no problem trading Crede/Garcia for A-Rod and Sanches. But back to the other rumors flying around. I don't see how this team is better with Manny and his ego and lack of heart and huge salary. Getting rid of Dye would be a mistake. I'd trade Thome or Crede before I'd trade Dye. Bob
  4. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Nov 22, 2006 -> 03:18 PM) When do we retire Aaron Rowand's number? Right after we give up prospects for Manny, trade JD and COntreras to the Dodgers, give up McCarthy for Figgins.... Bob
  5. QUOTE(beck72 @ Nov 22, 2006 -> 03:54 PM) I have only heard the speculation that Figgins might be moved if the Angels got a CFer. With Sarge Jr., on board, it only makes sense. The questions are, 1] what would the Angels realistically be asking for and get and 2] what could the Sox offer in return? Has anyone heard of names being mentioned with Figgins? I don't count the Crede talk because that must have come from fools. Mackowiak's versatility might intrigue them with Figgins gone. Mack and a young arm that doesn't fit with the sox like Heath Phillips. I wouldn't give up more then 2 mid level prospects for Chone Figgins. I think he's highly overrated, and overpaid relative to what he brings to the team. Bob
  6. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Nov 23, 2006 -> 11:04 AM) They were also losing 100 games a year, which makes it a hell of a lot easier to draft top pitchers... should we try that too? The A's have excellent pitching and when was the last time they lost 100 games? I know what you're saying about the Tigers, but the Sox have flaws in how they develop pitchers. Not every great pitcher is a top 5 pick. Bob
  7. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Nov 17, 2006 -> 01:57 PM) Even if he stays healthy, he'd have to hit about 56 a year the next 2 I believe to get to 600. I doubt that will happen, but I'll say he stays healthy for one of the years, gets hurt a lot the other, and ends up hitting about 50 homers up there. 2 years and 18 million isn't actually too bad, but 2 years, HUGE risk. Oh, and there is a 10 million dollar team option for the 3rd year? Well that means Frank will leave bitter at them for not picking it up, even if he stays healthy the 2nd year of the deal. The 3rd year is guaranteed if Frank totals 1000 plate appearences in 2007-2008 or 525 in 2008. Bob
  8. QUOTE(GoSox05 @ Oct 17, 2006 -> 02:18 PM) i wouldnt be suprised. It seems like there isnt a lot Pierre fans, but i like him. He doesn't walk all that much and has a rag arm. At least he can field better then Pods. Bob
  9. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Oct 15, 2006 -> 02:30 AM) Sorry, Jay gets no love from me. It's just too easy to do what he does. I agree. Anyone can look at the popular opinion, then take the complete opposite side of it while in the process skewing or exagerrating a lot of facts. Bob
  10. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Oct 12, 2006 -> 10:57 PM) BUT I SAID IT FIRST YOu got dibs then. I just don't have time to read through all the posts. Bob
  11. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Oct 14, 2006 -> 09:17 AM) How is this any different than Sox fans saying that Ozzie didn't have a high batting average, he wasn't a smart ballplayer and the such so he sucks as a manager? How is this any different than some of the irrational (as opposed to the rational, legitimate criticisms well founded in things like fact, logic and reason) ranting and ravings here about Ozz? It's not. Oh wait, this is the Cubs. I forgot. You're right it's not. Luckily, I don't recall any rants made here by myself regarding Ozzie. So I have no problem mocking other irrational rants inlcuding those of Ozzie. Bob
  12. So I'm reading the 'Other Views' section of the Tribune sports and naturally the Cub fans are out in full force on their managerial opinions. Here's a sample of the first 2 letters: 1. First letter says "Lou Piniella...would be a company many who would not rock the boat....He would joing a long list of retread failures only the suits in Tribune Tower would hire." Huh? Isn't Piniella a hard nosed guy who teaches fundamentals and won't put up with excuses and lazy play? 2. This is better. It's on why Joe Girardi shouldn't be manager- "This guy only hit like .254 and isn't qualified to be a manager." There you have it. Career batting average is a direct correlation to how good of a manger you'll be. I guess people missed Tony LaRussa's .350 career average. I love it. I hope the Cubs hire Brenly becuase he won before. GIve any team 2 dominant starting pitchers, an average offense, a weak division, and a good bullpen and they probably can make the playoffs and win any short series. Bob
  13. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Oct 12, 2006 -> 09:14 PM) I am so taking credit for this Crede and McCarthy for ARod puts the Sox at a payroll nearing $120+ million. That's why people aren't giving up McCarthy. What about this? http://www.soxtalk.com/forums/index.php?sh...54893&st=90 I mention Crede and Garcia and I look on page 1 on the sports and whose pictures do I see? Bob
  14. QUOTE(longshot7 @ Oct 12, 2006 -> 05:23 PM) Took a look at next year's schedule - and there's some interesting stuff in there. 1) There's a lot of four-game series - much more than the past couple of years. 2) We play the Yankees an awful lot. 10 times. 3) We play the Tigers only 5 times in the 1st half. 13 after. 4) Both series against the Twins in May are in Minnesota. 5) We play the NL Central again. Hosting Houston & Florida and going to Philly & Pittsburgh. (so much for variety every year.) thoughts? If I remember correctly, the A's are in town towawrds the end of May. That may be around the time Frank will be going for #500. Bob
  15. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Oct 8, 2006 -> 12:11 AM) The Twins season next year is pretty dependant on Liriano imo. If he's healthy they're going to be pretty darn good again, if he's not, they wont even be a thought. Radke is going to retire and Matt Garza is going to be a disappointment. Oh ya, Jason Tyner isn't going to hit .312 again, Jason Bartlett isn't going to hit .309 again, hell Nick Punto will not hit .290 again. If the Twins win it's going to be on the arms of the two studs at the top, only problem for them is I doubt Liriano can make it through a whole season healthy. I agree about the offense, but I think the pitching is better then you give them credit for. Why do you think Garza will be a disappointment? Granted, he's no Santana, but I think he can be a solid #3 pitcher. I like Bonser a lot, but he needs to stay healthy. Anything they get out of Liriano is a plus. But it's Minnesota's bullpen that's awesome. Bob
  16. QUOTE(beck72 @ Oct 9, 2006 -> 05:05 AM) Cowley looks at the bullpen. Sounds like Cotts will be shopped to gauge his value. He probably won't go anywhere. But if a team is willing to overpay, the sox would have to consider it with Thornton going so well. http://www.suntimes.com/sports/baseball/wh...T-sox09.article sounds like the sox will add three new guys [with Cotts staying on]--one via trade, one via free agency, and one via the farm system, IMO. 1] Free agency--a reliable RH like Justin Speier 2] Trade--another reliable RH like Chad Qualls 3] Farm--Charlie Haeger Thoughts on your 3 additions? Cotts has to have some good trade value. Assuming he's healthy, lefties are always in demand. Bob QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Oct 9, 2006 -> 04:57 PM) Logan, not Haeger, will likely be the in-house addition to the pen. He has pretty darn good stuff and should be a very nice option. He would also be the guy who would replace Cotts if Neal was moved. As far as the Haeger comparison to that of Shields/Wakefield, well that is far from what Haeger would be. He'd be the guy that came in games when we were up big or down big and we just needed innings eaten. The best place for Haeg is in AAA where he waits if one of our guys goes down, imo. Unless of course he has an amazing spring or Logan has an awful one. I've seen enough of Boone. I'd trade him before Cotts. Bob
  17. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Oct 9, 2006 -> 04:58 PM) I'd add Arod using a pitcher and Josh Fields, but than I'd also go ahead and swing a deal that moved Thome or Konerko out of Chicago because financially we'd need to clear some stuff up, imo. I have no problem trading Thome and making PK the every day DH and using Gload as the every day first baseman.
  18. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Oct 8, 2006 -> 01:44 PM) I don't think Kenny does a whole lot w/r/t the draft. Last year at Soxfest, someone asked him about Anderson Gomes, and KW barely knew who he was. I'd venture to guess that Dave Wilder has 99% of the pull when it comes to the draft. I think the Sox do a decent enough job drafting. Their problem comes from their lack of production in the international market. With Ozzie's connections to Venezuela and the success of Iguchi mixed in with Chicago's diverse population, I'm surprised they don't do a ton more internationally. What are they waiting for? Bob
  19. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Oct 7, 2006 -> 07:56 PM) I'll root for Frank over Maggs any day. Bob
  20. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Oct 8, 2006 -> 01:25 AM) He's been saying that for a while actually, I think most of us have realized this for a long time. That's not really the point though on why some people criticize you for the way you post this stuff. Kenny uses the minor league system different than others and it got us a world series and we're going to be in contention for a while(contention is not good enough but you get what I'm saying). The point is, the people who disagree with you think you praise the Twins way too much when the Sox have accomplished more than them because we've won a championship, it's that simple. KW does use his minor league system differently in that he uses them as trade bait. But does that mean he goes into a draft not rying to draft what he things the most talented players around are? He doesn't seriously draft someone wiht the idea of trading him a year from now does he? I have a hard time beleiving that. If you can trade a lot of mediocre to good prospects for major league talent, then I'm all for it. But it would be nice to actually draft and develop a great prospect once in awhile. It's easier said then done, but it can be done. There's may come a point in the next year or 2 where an injury will happen or the payroll will be maxed out, and we're going to need someone from the minors to step in and have some immediate success to help the team stay in contention. Bob
  21. QUOTE(BobDylan @ Oct 7, 2006 -> 07:30 PM) If the White Sox could pitch an offer to the Yankees (and of course the Yankees would pick up a MEATY portion of his contract) what level would that pitch need to be in? And, is A-Rod a player worth having? I think it'll take Garcia and Crede to get A-Rod and money from the Yankees. I'm not saying I'd do the trade, but I think that's what the asking price will be. Bob
  22. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Sep 30, 2006 -> 05:09 PM) Crede = ~$6M Dye = $6M Thome = ~$7M Konerko = $12M Contreras = $9M Vazquez = $9.5M Buehrle = $9.5M Garcia = $10M Garland = $10M IMO there's much more productive and realistic ways of freeing up money than trading a slugger. I would also trade a starter. I think this team needs more then just some 'tweaking'. This is where I'd like to see holes filled: 1. 3 bull pen spots are wide open as far as I'm concerned. 2. Back up catcher 3. SS- I know KW has faith in Uribe, but he is getting older and it's time to reach that potential. He regressed as a hitter this year. I like his D, but why should I be optimistic about his hiting. 4. Left Fielder-Pods doesn't cut it here. That's 6 players or 25% of the roster that could be improved. Bob
  23. QUOTE(Princess Dye @ Sep 30, 2006 -> 04:24 PM) not that i have anything specific in mind, but does anyone else wish there was at least a way of trading one of Konerko/Dye/Thome .... in exchange for solid hitters than can actually score from second on a single? too often we had the big three on the basepaths, all at the same time. not saying this is all that possible (especially not Paulie) but i'm wondering what others think. moving Crede is another possibility in this line of thinking. I was going to post something about this. this team's offense reminds me so much of 2003-2004 when the Sox had Thomas, Odonez, Konerko, and Lee in the middle of the line up. All are great hitters, but what good is all that power when the top and bottom of the order don't get on. These guys tend to pound the a lot of pitchers but they don't match up well against dominant pitchers. The way the AL Central is looking the next couple of years, the Sox need to add some more flexibility to their line up so I no longer need to watch them flail away at guys like Santana and Rogers. The Sox have 4 great hitters in the middle of the line up and I think one should go, if not for the sole reason of freeing up some salary to add some depth to somewhere else in the line up. Who should go is a whole different debate. Bob
  24. I thought of this topic after reading Sox message boards for the last week or so (when things have really gone down hil) as well as all the talk around work about how certain Sox players got fat and lazy after last year. So I propose we name names. Who do you thinj is phoning it in and why? I know we're not KW and we're not in the clubhouse, but there are certainly enough accusations at this board alone that I'd expect some responses. Who is playing corpse ball?? Personally, I won't accuse anybody of getting fat & lazy and not caring as much after last year. Sure, I've ripped Javy for being gutless at times, but that doesn't mean he doesn't care. And his last month and a half he's pitched like I thought he could. I think there are certain players on this team who are reverting to there norm--see Uribe and Pods. Thome has hit only 20HR's since June 1, and while he wasn't on the team last year he still doesn't own a ring and I don't think he's satisfied. I don't think any of the starters turned into Jaime Navarro after signing the big contract nor do I think PK is hitting into a lot more DP's then last year because he just doesn't care. So who do you think is phoning it in? Bob
  25. QUOTE(Damen @ Sep 18, 2006 -> 09:35 PM) Even though I agree Ozzie's bastardization of our defense has been terrible, I just can't see this team making the playoffs even if we did have a competent manager. We've just collapsed on too many levels. This has ended up being a complete team failure in the second half. Yes it has. I blame Ozzie for some moves, but then again if certain players had done their jobs to begin with we wouldn't be questioning some of his strategy. Perhaps the one thing Ozzie has done that bugs me the most (outside of not letting Anderson be the everyday CFer) is his insistence to keep Thome batting 4th against lefties. He's done nothing against them in a while. Why is he batting clean up when he should be batting 7th? Is it because he is a big name player? Bob
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