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Everything posted by backman

  1. When was the last time these two played each other? Anyways, it good to start the season with a blowout!
  2. scottie cuz you just have to love the name! 5 tied for second
  3. lets go washington, no one stopping you!
  4. QUOTE(hammerhead johnson @ Mar 19, 2005 -> 12:56 AM) Urlacure? Dude, what's up with the botch jobs. You said deparcher the other day. This is all on purpose, I'm assuming? Are you some kind of comedic genius? Curry is gonna be a free agent, and the trade deadline is long gone. We can't deal him. We don't win because of Curry. He's a sucker, IMO. He might have some value depending on your outlook. The Bears defense is stacked to the point where Urlacher's presence does not determine whether we win or lose. so sue me! i cant spell o well
  5. pearl will get whats coming soon enough!
  6. why would he do this? did they offer him more money then the bears he rather go be a back up and most likely never play, in minnisota then be the bears backup were he would most likely see action by mid season. this is s*** in the face. o well welcome Shawn King welcome!
  7. good, its bad to be happy at another persons problems but this guy blew so many games he made me so mad!
  8. i was at this new Orleans game tonight, and man was this disapointing, there is no way we deal curry under any circumstances, we can win with out him, just like the bears cant win without Urlacure. We Need Curry!
  9. kansas sucks! uconn has a easy trip to reach the elite-8! making it for sure! but then again nuttins for sure!
  10. utah scares the s*** out of me i decided to put them over oklahoma but they could barley beat utep what up with that?
  11. ive voted for borchard im not saying we get anything good for him but hes a hit a few in spring training, and im hopin other gm's are just going to look at st!
  12. thats kinda sad, i guess if they didn't have diener but comon! poor marquette fans!
  13. i like sanchez for his speed, he should use it more! (first he needs a team tho)
  14. Florida vs Villinova great second round matchup!
  15. i could see them utah loosing second round.
  16. after that whole last year/this offseason. i dont care how bad contrearas and el duque are pitching, as long as their healthy i want bmac in AAA, i wanna see him preform this year, he probily get some starting jobs if pitcher get hurt. i dont wanna go giving aways starting spots in spring trainging.
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