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Everything posted by shakes

  1. shakes


    QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ May 17, 2005 -> 08:41 AM) Anyone thinking about "making the pilgrimage to the Promised Land" and buying a SRO ticket for the Cross Town Series? If we have some nice weather, I think I'll be in attendance for at least 2 of the 3 ballgames. Call me old fashion, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with going to an opposing ballpark and talking some smack--we have the best team in baseball and I don't plan on letting my "fellow Chicagoans" forget that. ...perhaps I'm still young and vigorous enough to enjoy these shenanigans. I'll be there Friday and maybe Saturday. I have no problem going to Sox road games anywhere else, so why should I there. I enjoy baseball games in any park and still can appreciate what Wrigley stands for. Of course, it has it's major flaws. I hope Zambrano pitches Friday, because I don't want any excuses. Besides, he'll probably be on a tight pitch count so we'll get to their pathetic bullpen early.
  2. shakes


    QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ May 17, 2005 -> 12:29 AM) Took the words right out of my mouth. For some reason now, he doesn't like to follow through on his pitches and I've noticed this also and have been saying it all year, even through his good outings. I don't know why he doesn't follow through because the ball is definately floating on him as soon as he let's it go. I have often noticed this year his fastballs to righties being high and out. I agree he just needs to adjust his mechanics to follow through. Hopefully, it can be corrected. His slider seems a little flat, as well.
  3. QUOTE(UofIChiSox @ May 13, 2005 -> 03:08 PM) No offense to shakes, but I think this survey is not gonna have a lot of different answers. Anybody who has followed the team at all will probably vote the same way. I agree with you. His control would just worry me out of the bullpen.
  4. I have a feeling who most would pick, but I'm interested to know.
  5. QUOTE(JimH @ May 12, 2005 -> 08:58 PM) LOL, you should get another cat and call it Scooter. Mikita, Ken Wharram, and Ab McDonald ... what a line. Mikita, Ken Wharram, and Doug Mohns ... the later version of the Scooter Line. I have a dog names Baines.
  6. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ May 13, 2005 -> 12:53 PM) and I don't see the big deal in moving Harris to center and Rowand to right for one game... I'm not a huge Willie supporter, but until Carl gets back I like this idea.
  7. QUOTE(TheBigHurt @ May 13, 2005 -> 12:44 PM) Nice. All the support is great. And u guys have reminded me of some of Hawk's best lines. Anyways, we all miss Tom, but I think DJ is a sound and fun announcer. But I saw teh game yesterday where Hawk, DJ, AND Robin announced and I wish they would make that permanent. Who says 3 commentators are too much? it seemed to create a lot more conversation opportunites. I couldn't agree more. Both Hawk and Dj seem to have a more friendly attitude when Robin is in the booth. One of my favorite Hawkisms. "2-0. H'es in the catbird's seat"
  8. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ May 11, 2005 -> 12:52 PM) That sounds really cool. Of course I don't want to see Buehrle or someone going 7 innings a few times during this tourney as opposed to him getting his normal work in spring training. On bbtn Tim K. said there will be pitch count limits and appearance limits. He also said teams will not be able to block players from participating. This should be fun.
  9. QUOTE(Spiff @ May 12, 2005 -> 02:12 PM) If Texas's bullpen gets it together they'll hang in it but I fully expect LA to cruise by default. I also think Texas will make a run in the division, as usual I just don't think their pitching will hold up in the end.
  10. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 13, 2005 -> 11:47 AM) That's a great write up, but I lol'd at this That was s great line. Good article. It's good to see Ozzie portrayed in such a positive light.
  11. http://chicagosports.chicagotribune.com/sp...-home-headlines
  12. QUOTE(longshot7 @ May 12, 2005 -> 01:31 PM) here's my e-mail to him. btw, his email address is [email protected] "Look, the White Sox wear ugly uniforms in an ugly ballpark with an ugly name, and the truth is that it's just not easy to like them." Rob, First of all - ouch. Did you really say this in a chat? I don't want to flame you - but I feel that kind of comment goes beyond "expert analysis." Whether or not they're a fluke, or if their hot streak will or won't last is up for discussion (as you go on to say later in your response) but starting with that kind of quote just seems mean-spirited and wrong. Ugly uniforms? Black and white pinstripes with the S-O-X in olde english script is ugly? It's traditional - a variation on uniforms the Sox have been wearing for most of their existence. Besides, media types love the Yankees with their pinstripes and logo. why are the Sox any different? Ugly ballpark? Ten years ago that might have been a valid argument, but now? Renovations since then have made The Cell one of the nicest, cleanest (unlike their North side counterparts), and in my opinion, (and I have been been to about half of the major league stadiums) one of the best baseball-watching facilities around. Ugly ballparks - I'd call Tropicana Field, the Metrodome, and Shea Stadium ugly - but not The Cell. It's really changed. You should visit it. It doesn't have the saloon atmosphere that Wrigley has, but I think that works in its favor. No stupid drunk frat boys pissing in the middle of the street, and it has plenty of parking - something in Boston I'm told is something one can appreciate. Ugly name? True, U.S. Cellular Field doesn't have the ring that Comiskey Park has, but in this age of corporation-sponsored naming deals, there's not many parks that do have GREAT names. Citizens Bank Ballpark, Comerica Park, Petco Field, Network Associates Colisseum - all bad. And truthfully, if you think about it, besides that bs-phrase of "tradition", what makes the word "Wrigley" or "Fenway" a great name? I don't have a problem with you (or many other "experts" for that matter) thinking the Sox's success won't last or picking them not to make the playoffs (btw, didn't you pick the Sox to win the AL Central?) That too is opinion, but one based on facts. But making broad generalizations that I feel are untrue is really uncalled for. Why are the White Sox (whose streak of not winning the World Series is longer than any other team in baseball besides the Cubs) generally maligned in the media? I don't know. Maybe because they're not "the lovable losers" or that they don't hang their failures on a "curse" of some sort. I don't know, but I'm hoping winning cures all these issues. I don't remember the same disgust shown by the media when they were winning divisions in the early 90's in the same ballaprk, with the same uni's. Thank you for your time, Kjell Hilding Los Angeles, CA Well Put.
  13. QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ May 12, 2005 -> 12:21 PM) I don't think Chavez is going anywhere. They let Giambi and Tejada walk and made a big deal about how Beane selected Chavez to build around They also traded Mark Teahan, who was their up and coming third basemen. They have too mucch invested in Chavez.
  14. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ May 12, 2005 -> 07:01 AM) Another soft tossing lefty. Uh Oh. Did you mean Uh Oh...Bye Bye.
  15. QUOTE(Steff @ May 12, 2005 -> 09:23 AM) I think the win yesterday helped. I know several folks here at work were waiting on buying tickets depending on if they got swept or not. Why, were they giving up on the seeason iy they lost? :headshake
  16. QUOTE(Wedge @ May 11, 2005 -> 03:29 PM) I almost got in a fight in a bar over the Sox... whoops... I have got in a fight over the Sox, but I'm not proud of it.
  17. Way to avoid the sweep!!!
  18. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ May 11, 2005 -> 03:04 PM) Scrubs just blew another save opp, hilarious. But Dempster was wearing a wig. He's loose.
  19. QUOTE(qwerty @ May 11, 2005 -> 02:51 PM) Less than an inning in each outing? He has not been used too much at all. Still, already his 18th appearance.
  20. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ May 11, 2005 -> 02:50 PM) start the chant: HERMY, HERMY, HERMY Hermy, Hermy, Hermy
  21. QUOTE(robinventura23 @ May 11, 2005 -> 02:47 PM) Maybe Ozzie should see what Walker can do in these situations. Marte has been used an awful lot lately. I agree, I think he's been used too much at this point.
  22. QUOTE(fathom @ May 11, 2005 -> 02:08 PM) Timo has been up 3 times this season in which he simply needed to make contact, and he has failed each time. He's a piece of s***. It's official...I hate him.
  23. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 11, 2005 -> 01:30 PM) Hollins steals 2nd easy. he was halfway there before Hernandez released the pitch. I thought he picked him off?
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