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Everything posted by BaseballNick

  1. That was some of the worst managing I've ever seen. And to leave Jose out there to get shelled in the 8th (when you're trying to convince other teams he still has something in the tank and is worth trading for) is is beyond me. It seemed like EVERYONE BUT OZZIE knew what was going on tonight.
  2. QUOTE(WHITESOXRANDY @ Jul 13, 2007 -> 08:43 AM) I can't believe that people are actually discussing this. Dye for Lidge ? Are you kidding ? Kenny Williams would carry Dye on his back to Houston if they agreed to this. And, the next day Tim Purpura would be out of a job. Do you know how many teams would want Lidge as a closer and have been hot on him all year. The Red Sox would gladly give up more for Lidge than they would have for Buehrle. And, right now Dye can't bring the Sox squat. No way will they get anything close to the level of Lidge for Dye if and when they do trade him. Right now he is a banged up slow 33 y.o. outfielder batting .220 with and OBP below .300. I don't buy this for a second. Since when does a set-up man yield more in a trade than starting pitchers who throws 200+IP each year for 6 (going on 7) straight seasons?
  3. QUOTE(Steff @ May 29, 2007 -> 02:48 PM) Sigh.... I see it's still not allowed to have a differing opinion around here. Tony, knowing you personally, I think the part you'll love the best is the mice in the 4 star resturants. Top notch health codes out there. Sure, you're allowed to share your opinion, Steff...but Fenway and Wrigley are two entirely different baseball atmospheres. I'd say the fact that they're both old ballparks is about where the comparison ends. When I was in Boston, it was obvious the fans had a knowledge and passion for the Red Sox far more than anything you'd ever find at Wrigley for the Cubs. Maybe you were there for a poor game or something, but I thought the place was amazing. Don't be offended if I don't agree with you; that's what SoxTalk is all about.
  4. QUOTE(Steff @ May 29, 2007 -> 01:26 PM) They stay at the Westin which is approx $300 a night and a rip. Stay at the Marriot. The park is also a rip. Don't expect much. It's Wrigley east. You'll love Boston. I was there a couple of times and it in no way, is "Wrigley East." It's 100X the park Wrigley is. I recommend taking the tour of the stadium and checking out Yawkey Way before the game starts. Fenway is expensive, but still one of the best places to catch a game, in my opinion. Have fun.
  5. .282 AVG 36HR 118RBI Zero chance of making the Hall, but he will challenge for the all-time GIDP crown.
  6. I think we're in trouble if Cintron is our everyday SS. He's a fine utility/backup, but I don't want him out there 5+ days a week. His range and arm strength don't even compare to Juan's. So, why wouldn't Juan be available at all if he needs to be present 2 days a month in the DR? We have a lot invested in this guy right now. He needs to be playing for us in '07.
  7. No love for Robert Person? I say Chuck wins the spot for 5th starter.
  8. My group is in for the full season package.
  9. All of this talk about trading Crede now, while we can still get something for him, angers me as a Sox fan. There were 2.9 million fans who passed through the gates of The Cell last year, leading me to believe there money for Joe somewhere. Setting aside the "Josh Fields Experiment," why can't we sign Crede to an extension? We are no longer in the same class as the A's, Royals, etc. where we monitarily can't keep our developed players and we've proven that by signing Paulie and offering that huge, $70M contract to Magglio in '04. So why is KW still boycotting Boras clients? Boras represents a lot of the top players in the game, so obviously we're denying ourselves of the top tier free agents ever year when we refuse to negotiate with his players. FAs represented by seemingly every agent are being overpaid in today's market, so the argument that his clients are too expensive doesn't work any longer. Can someone please explain why we're giving up on Joe and why we refuse to negotiate with Boras?
  10. No thanks, but KW loves ARod so I can see it happening.
  11. Our glut of outfield talent is our greatest strength, and that enables us to pursue proven major league talent like Vazquez, Thome, and possibly Tejada. I don't know why some of you are complaining about what we are "losing" because no one knows what we are losing except for an aging/unreliable arm in Duque, and a last resort BP arm in Vizcaino. We know Young can perform at AA, but in all seriousness, he has no place to play on this team now, and probably not for a few years at the earliest. I don't think KW is going to go into the season with 6 SPs, leading me to believe a package of Garland and prospects are going to be sent to TB, BAL, or HOU for Crawford, Tejada, or at worst Willie Taveras. We need to stop doubting Kenny. If he hasn't earned your trust by now, then maybe you and I were watching 2 different teams last year because the one KW assembled last year was pretty damn impressive.
  12. I'll be at all of the games My ticket rep called and asked if my brother and I wanted to upgrade from weekend season tix to full-season. That would enable us to get WS tix for each game. There was absolutely nothing to think about.
  13. I love when Ozzie is aggressive! Hit and run with Crede and Widger.
  14. QUOTE(Queen Prawn @ Jul 27, 2005 -> 12:59 PM) Just checking in while I have a second (f***ing phones) - is the home plate ump as bad as Carl seemed to think? No, they were strikes. Good pitches down and away, but in the zone.
  15. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jul 27, 2005 -> 12:55 PM) Hopefully Timo doesn't hit another bullet right at somebody. I don't like your karma :banghead
  16. Dolgan is OK, not great, not terrible, yet somewhere inbetween. I liked Wills because he was a fan, but I was annoyed by his Cubs antics. I listen to the pre and post to hear White Sox talk, not Cubs bashing or references to "The Shrine." One guy who is getting on my nerves is Bill Melton. People will call in the post game show after a tough loss questioning certain managerial decisions, or game tactics and Melty will bash the caller for even questioning Ozzie. He'll always side with the organization even if it was clearly not the right decision at the time. He needs to grow a set and be able to say Ozzie, or whomever was wrong.
  17. Where is Overbay going to play??? We have a 1st baseman, and we're paying him a ton of money. We have 3 guys who can DH on a regular basis...I don't see where Overbay fits in, unless we get him for next year when we don't resign Pauly. As for this year, I just don't see where there's room.
  18. The Red Sox have a terrific offense but their pitching isn't all that good right now. Fact of the matter is we split a 4 game set against a good team. Woulda, coulda, shoulda won 3 games but Iguchi made some bad plays, Crede dropped a C.O.C. foul ball and we lost that first game. With the current rosters, I like our chances in the playoffs because our starters and BP are stronger, maybe even much stronger than theirs. Boston's offense is better than ours top to bottom, but it's not like we're sending nobodies up to the plate. Our offense isn't too bad, hence we've outscored our opposition 65/98 games this year.
  19. QUOTE(southsideirish @ Jul 5, 2005 -> 06:30 PM) As soon as I heard this on the radio I immediately thought that a trade is going down. We shall see. I think we may get to see a little of Bobby Jenks tonight. I don't think Crede is going anywhere. He has an awesome glove, but I'd rather see a guy like Pablo in there more often. He has a good glove, can run, hits the ball on the ground, and doesn't have the longest swing in the game (Cough, Crede, Cough). Let's go out and get that tonight!!!
  20. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Jul 6, 2005 -> 10:07 AM) On Carmen and Silvy this morning they replayed Rooney's call on Thomas' homerun last night. I got pumped up just listening to it, Rooney definitely makes the game exciting to listen to. I love Rooney's calls...he'll give you the chills cuz he's so into the game. You can tell how passionate he is for the Sox, it's refreshing to have a fan in the booth, not just a Joe Schmo. Anyway, DJ's HR call may just be the worst I've ever heard. I think he does a decent job as the analyst, but definitely leave the HR calls to Hawk. Hawk DJ
  21. Carl Everett gets hit for no apparent reason and afterwards we see that it was likely intentional. Carl was pissed, looking for someone to scream at, jawing all the way to 1st base. Later on, Damaso was called for a balk which brought home a run for the A's. Damaso was irate, pleading his case to the ump, but to no avail. My question: we have players so pissed for various reasons that they are on the verge of being tossed from the game, WHERE THE HELL IS OZZIE when all of this is going on??? He needs to come defend his guys, because if he doesn't nobody will.
  22. I can't make it; damn night class. I will be following along thanks to the internet on my cell phone. They say series early on aren't as important as ones later in the season, well last I checked they all count the same. Let's take it to 'em. Sox Twins
  23. QUOTE(3E8 @ Mar 27, 2005 -> 01:58 PM) science > bible
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