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Everything posted by BaseballNick

  1. I know that Wright is out, but I was just making a point that if we stay within the organization for a 5th starter, like we did last year with Wright and the others, that we likely won't see many Ws on the days these guys pitch. And in my previous post I stated that I don't understand taking the unescessary risk of waiting to sign this pitcher. I know that 99% of you agree that we should make the move now. I don't think KW believes we need the pitcher now, and I don't understand why he'd be thinking this. It baffles me.
  2. No kidding, that fat catcher was supposed to be the s***. I think he was out of Auburn or Alabama. Anyway, I haven't heard much about him.
  3. Guys, I don't see the logic in waiting till June or July to sign/trade for a pitcher. We've witnessed loss after loss after loss with Grilli, Diaz, Wright, Munoz, etc. Why are we going to handcuff ourselves again for half the season when we can be winning these games with a solid starter? We'll be losing ground by waiting!!! Say we lose the division by 1 or 2 games because we waited to make a trade. Plus who's to say that a crop of pitchers will be available at the deadline? Make the move now!
  4. I was at the game too, unfortunately. Our offense is fricken EMBARASSING. We can't do anything with the ball. We have to be leading the league in 3 & outs. When we finally decide to throw downfield, it's to Terrell and that man CANNOT CATCH. He's a receiver, and he can't catch. He's gonna get s*** for a contract when his current one expires. :puke
  5. The Yankees are throwing some cash our way each year Contreras is under contract too.
  6. Wondering who will be our ace in 2007 doesn't win us any games in 2005. Let's for once put it all together for one year and not worry about 2007. We haven't won since 1917.
  7. Believe it or not, cheapass isn't going to raise the budget. Thank you Jerimiah Reinsdorf. :fyou
  8. KW said that they've lost money the past 2 years. For that reason alone, I don't see an increase in the team's budget.
  9. I think Pierzynski is a complete jackass (mostly cuz he played for Minnesota, but he's still an ass regardless of that). Apparently we have a mild interest in him. He would be an upgrade over Davis and Burke, but like Addison asked: since when do we have all of this money to sign a pitcher and a catcher??? We didn't free up that much form CLEE. :headshake
  10. You know what? At one time in the not too distant past, Joe Borchard was our top prospect!!! Prospects have proven NOTHING, that's why they are prospects. Proven MLB players are just that... proven. I'd take my risks on a young proven player anyday over a Brian Anderson. But that's just me. We may be hanging on to the next Joe Borchard for all we know.
  11. If wouldn't be pissed if we give up Anderson as part of a deal to land a front line starter. I don't think Anderson is going to be a perennial All-Star when he gets called up. Sweeney is our prized jewel. Anyway, I don't think Vazquez is the guy we need. We need a guy like Hudson for a top level prospect. Anderson is too much to give up for Vazquez. Would I give him up in a Hudson deal? YES. Vazquez? NO
  12. I'd love to dump Everett on some other team, but we all know in the back of our minds that we'll end up trading for him again in June. I'm not crazy about getting Vazquez and his Garland-like ERA. Not only this, but we'd be trading Garland to get him, leaving a hole in the rotation. This deal for Vazquez doesn't do much for the team.
  13. Willie all the way. The man hit .370 in Charlotte which leads me to believe he has the potential. He also had that 5-5 game last year. Pods and Rock will teach him how to run the bases and get the most out of his speed. Look for 35-40 SBs and an average near .290
  14. I just don't see it fellas. We don't sign FA pitchers, especially for $10M per year. I have heard 0 reports. Until I hear we have him, I can't believe it. The Sox don't spend $ on FA. They look for what's a 'servicable" substitute, like Jermaine Dye. I smell BS.
  15. I like how we shape up defensively. They should really help out our pitching staff as far as ERA and staying away from the big inning. Crede is good (great at times) with the glove, Uribe is servicable at SS, Harris has a very good glove, and Konerko can pick (he just can't run). Typically, our pitchers can field their position as well. On offense, quite simply, we will be weak. I believe Pods will struggle to get on base. When he is on, he will kick ass. Rowand should hit well, and will likely be our most consistent hitter. Konerko should be streaky as usual, but will be our power stud. Dye will put up decent numbers, nothing All-Star like. I don't see how it's reasonable to assume Thomas will be MVP-like because he hasn't swung a bat or seen pitching for a year. Everett blows, and he's fat. I hope Uribe can avoid a sophomore slump because he can be a huge spark plug in this line up. Crede should improve his average and keep his power numbers. Ben Davis/Jamie Burke will hit .250 combined. Finally, I expect Willie to hit better and get on-base more often. Pods and Rock should be excellent mentors for him on the basepaths.
  16. It killed me watching the Sox last year. Everytime we had a situation that demanded a bunt, or a groundball to the right side we couldn't do it!!! I wish I had stats on how many innings we led the inning off with a double and left him stranded there. I truly believe things will change this year. We need to play "Ozzieball" with this group.
  17. Milton's OK, but we can do better...I hope.
  18. Pods is staying here. Kenny is targeting speed and defense; therefore, I can't imagine a grinder like Pods being a move to trigger another move. I read some thread about a 4 team deal where we'd give up Pauly and Garland for AJ Burnett in return. DON'T SEE THAT HAPPENING!!!
  19. I love what Jason Varitek would be able to add to our pitching staff and our line up, but another solid starter would be the way to go IMO. We've witnessed first hand what an illigitimate 5th starter does to a team.
  20. Is pitching the most glaring weakness? :fthecubs
  21. I can't fully asses the trade without seeing which pitcher we get in free agency. That was part of the reason we made the deal after all. I like Podsednik, but I like the 2003 version of him more. I like the look of our bullpen now as well. Pitching, speed, and defense is the way you win this game. Fairwell Carlos, you will be missed.
  22. Acquiring RJ at the expense of JG, PK/C.Lee, and a high level prospect would cripple our offense. An offseason where we lose our 2 top offensive threats, but gain the most intimidating pitcher I've ever seen raises a lot of questions. Where will our offense come from? I suppose we'd be hopefull that guys like Crede and Harris will finally come into their own, and that Uribe and Rowand's seasons from last year were not flukes. I just don't think that Everett is an everyday player at this point of his career, and if we send C.Lee to AZ he'd be the frontrunner for left. You have to give something to get something.
  23. I love Maggs and hate to see him go, but damn; it's one thing after another with his knee. I do believe some team will take a chance and be happy they did when all is said and done, but that's 100% pure speculation on my part. With the payroll being strapped as it is on the South Side, KW really had the decision made for him. We could not take a chance on him with the lingering questions of his health. HOWEVER, Jermaine Dye??? not exactly a guy who has proven he can withstand a 162 game schedule.
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