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Everything posted by nitetrain8601

  1. QUOTE(CYGarland @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 02:37 PM) I just don't want to see Timo starting, period. We already need another big bat in the lineup even w/ Everett in there. Now Gload might not be as good as he appeared last year, but he is definitely more of a threat than Timo. And if Everett is going to be out for an extended period, than Gload is are best option.................I guess what ticks me off more than anything is that we are the best team in baseball, playing the Yankees, in Yankee Stadium, and Timo is batting 5th. These are the games i get pumped up for, and that's the best we can do?? I'm sorry Look at Timo's career numbers against the Yanks. I suggest you then retract your statement. Playing Timo was/is smart against them. Maybe not in the 5 hole, but Timo is useful. You're hating on Timo just to hate on him.
  2. Leave red and white alone. He's a fan like us. He has some points. We're all Sox fans here.
  3. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 10:38 AM) If Griffey is placed on waivers, I gaurantee with 100% certainty that the New York Yankees will NOT claim in. They simply do not want to spend the money on a 36 year old CFer when they're planning on making a run at a CFer in the offseason + pitching and offer DLee $100M+ after the '06 season. If they picked up Griffey they won't be able to afford alll this. Most of their player's salaries are going way up over the next 3 years. The Yankees do not have unlimited money, otherwise Shawn Chacon would not be starting for them tonight. Listen to this man. He knows what he's talking about.
  4. I think Dye should've batted ahead of Timo, but I'm not mad that Timo played last night or if he plays today or tommorow since he generally does good against the Yanks.
  5. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Aug 8, 2005 -> 09:22 PM) Timo is 1 for 11 lifetime against Moose. That comes out to a whopping .091BA. There was no real reason to bat him 5th outside of Ozzies love for alernating leftys and righties for matchups late in the game. Which again doesnt make any sense because Mo is harder against lefties than he is against righties. And over his last 7 days Timo is batting .083. So he is slumping right now also. I meant the Yanks. Sorry. At least that's what I thought I read around here. He should'nt have been batting higher than Dye though IMO.
  6. QUOTE(ISF @ Aug 8, 2005 -> 04:08 PM) 1. See my post. They'll both be blocked. 2. Dunn is not free agent eligible, and he won't make Griffey money in arby. He's making 4.6 mil this yr. If you're talking prospects, I'm unconcerned. I'm interested in winning the World Series this year, not 3 years from now. 3. Dunn has K'ed 40 more times than Griffey. He's also walked 29 more times. His OPS is .100 points higher than Griffey's, .114 greater than Kong's. That is a fairly significant difference. If you're going to compare someone to Kong, it had best be Griffey. Neither is in Dunn's league in overall production right now, and Dunn hasn't hit his prime yet. I know Dunn is a cheap player. That's why he'll cost tons in prospects. Griffey is all we need. You have to go for it all, but you still have to protect yourself. Face it. If this team sucks in 3 years, no one will show up at the Cell. We can't have that. Dunn would cost two great prospects and another good one. I'd say it would probably cost BMac, Chris Young, & Lumsden. That's alot compared to Young, Rogo, & some lower tier guy. And I was comparing Dunn's K'ing to PK's. 40 times more is a killer. Especially for this team. We need someone who could hit lefties and guys who are equally as good against Righties. That's Griffey.
  7. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Aug 8, 2005 -> 08:21 PM) You have to love the .217BA on the ole number 5 hitter. That strikes fear in the Yankees and ballclubs all around. He was batting over .400 career against Timo. Same goes with AJ. Lineup was pretty smart if you ask me. It just didn't produce. We need another big stick. Unfortunately, we're going to have to stick with what we got. It wasn't one single player's fault we lost tonight. It was the whole offense.
  8. QUOTE(knightni @ Aug 8, 2005 -> 01:35 PM) Would there be day games for the playoffs at all? Freddy would be better in a day game, I think. Exactly my thoughts. I think he has to play that day game.
  9. White Sox all the way. It's friggin preseason. I could care less about football right now.
  10. UIC starts on the 22nd. Man, and my vacation just started 2 weeks ago. It's okay. I like college so it's no biggie. I heard some schools in Florida start this week too and some schools in GA started last week.
  11. Wow. This is just, ugh. I can't believe someone would do such a thing. I mean I don't own any animals, but still. I wouldn't be able to do taht to anyone or anything. Not even a plant.
  12. I told people when the deal was made that it was lopsided because when Barton was traded he was considered the best catching prospect in the league. Haren was a guy they were grooming and was I think the Cardinals #1 guy pitching wise for the future and Calero was pretty good all last season.
  13. QUOTE(The Critic @ Aug 8, 2005 -> 11:12 AM) I agree, but it'll never happen. The Sox are having a GREAT season and I still see tons of "Cubs Suck", "Magic Number 911", and other anti-Cub t-shirts at USCF. I just don't understand the obsession. It's fun to point out stupid s*** that Santo says or some idiotic thread on a Cub board, but if you're going to watch a Sox game where the opponent is not the Cubs, why wear an anti-Cub shirt to the game? It's not clever or funny. Or the dreaded, "Cubs still suck" chants when we aren't even playing them.
  14. QUOTE(Punch and Judy Garland @ Aug 8, 2005 -> 11:34 AM) I don't think the Yankess would spend the $60 million or so. I really don't I don't think so either. Also, wouldn't their payroll be around 300 million or close to it if they were to pick him up?
  15. Crede will hit the game winning Grand Slam in Game 7 of the World Series to win it all. Bank it!
  16. QUOTE(GBlum27 @ Aug 8, 2005 -> 11:09 AM) I would do everything humanly possible to pitch Freddy on the road. Also try and keep MB at the Cell. Again it depends on who we are facing. Also schedule plays an important part.
  17. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Aug 8, 2005 -> 11:07 AM) You have got to be kidding me. "And so continues the pussification of America..." I heard the Bulls are going to have to change their name because the term "Bulls" hurts the actual animals' feelings
  18. It's halfway true what they say. Nothing about the t-shirts because they are just as guilty as we are in that, but all this talking about the Cubs stuff. We have lots of sn's with CubsSux or something similar. We're always talking about them. Honestly, I'd like to see for the rest of the year to just get off the Cubs as a thought. They don't exist to us. We're not playing them any time soon. We got bigger fish to fry.
  19. If we're facing Oakland, I'm going with Freddy in Game 2 of that game because IIRC, he pitches pretty decent against them. Buehrle probably would be my #1. In fact, I would set up so Freddy could play the day game. Right now, it's honestly too hard to tell.
  20. When the Sox came back against Kerry Wood at the Cell and PK was riding the heat wave. 2nd favorite was AJ's walkoff.
  21. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Aug 8, 2005 -> 02:50 AM) As great as Garland's been this season, I don't think you can go past Buerhle. He had that streak going, had a huge stretch of games in the middle of the year after the Minny game at the start of the year where he didn't lose, and I think he just deserves because he's been so good for so long at someone his age which is really quite remarkable in itself. Ask anyone around baseball and the streak is pretty much useless. It doesn't really mean a thing. I could understand if he had 49 QS in a row, but that's not the case. And with Ozzie at the helm, he usually leaves his pitchers in there for long enough. I don't think the streak is going to give it to Buehrle. Garland has been our stopper this year which has been said and has 3 more wins. That counts for something.
  22. QUOTE(ISF @ Aug 8, 2005 -> 08:47 AM) I have to agree with the anti-Griffey sentiment. If we're going to trade for a Reds DH let's get Dunn. I don't see either passing waivers though, since the Spank-mes need OF help. 1)Dunn would get blocked by the first team in the waiver process. 2)If you think Griffey costs alot, then Dunn is going to give you a heartattack in what he's going to cost. 3)Dunn K's too much. That's the reason we want Griffey. We don't want inning ending K's. Griffey is a guy who could move guys over. Dunn is a better version of PK I suppose. I'd take Griffey over that anyday.
  23. QUOTE(VAfan @ Aug 7, 2005 -> 10:32 PM) Chris Young for Ken Griffey is not a good deal for the Sox, as much as I want us to win a WS. 1. What are the odds Griffey even makes it through August-Sept into October this year to do us any good? 2. In 1999, when Griffey was still in his prime, he went 2 for 15 in the ALDS. He's just one bat. Sure he's hitting better than Everett from the left side, but the marginal difference between him and Everett is anything from a slight positive to a slight negative depending on which one of them got hot. 3. Next year, Griffey's $12.5 million is better spent signing AJ Burnett. Pitching is what is carrying this Sox team, and what will continue to lead us of KW is smart. 4. Griffey isn't reliable enough to count on filling any position over the 2006-08 years of his deal. He isn't good enough to play the outfield anymore. He's a very expensive DH. 5. Is Griffey going to be happy as a DH? Is he going to be happy with the Sox? Did you read his comment about having spring training in Tucson? He cares more about where he plays spring training than he does getting to the World Series. 6. Chris Young is the best athlete and has the best speed of any player in our system. You can bet the year he makes the majors he will be better than Ken Griffey Jr. is at that time. Get off the Griffey trade. The Sox were lucky it was killed if that is in fact what happened. He's healthy already. Get over it. Plus he would be playing DH. I don't see you bringing up the 95 numbers when he was pretty damn good in the playoffs. Griffey > Everett, no matter how you slice it. We're not signing AJ Burnett. Main reason for him not coming here is because he said he wouldn't sign an extension with us. That means he won't be signing with the White Sox. Plus he is no more consistant than Jose Contreras and you use your 4th starter in the playoffs twice at most. I'd say spending cash on Burnett is dumber than gettting Griffey. Griffey most likely would be happy as a DH since he would get a couple of days off in the OF and that would probably prolong his career. Get off the prospects. The White Sox could have a chance to trade Chris Young and BMac for Randy Johnson(in his prime years) and you would say no because of the awesome potential. Screw potential, we're trying to win it all. We have enough young guys on our team and in our system to survive without one Chris Young.
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