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Everything posted by nitetrain8601

  1. Was posted last week. Eh well. I love Farmer and Rooney.
  2. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 05:52 PM) Not at this juncture is a lot different than no. That could simply mean, that he hasn't cleared waivers yet so obviously its not going to happen. I'd think if he clears waivers, the Sox and Reds would once again talk. If they reached a deal once than Kenny will try again and hope that the Reds GM to convince management. Plus, we all know Kenny is the type of GM who gets his mind set on a guy or two and will continue doing all he can to work a move out. I think for the most part its a good thing. Thats not to say he doesn't have other plans, but he seems to prioritize things and if its a guy that he thinks is a best option, he'll work his total butt of to do all he can to make a deal happen. On a sidenote, when and where did Kenny say that quote? Nope man, like usually he would giggle or do something that would suggest he might look down the road at it, but he said something to the effect that Reds management didn't want to do it so he won't revisit it with a very stern look and stern voice. I'm sure they'll show it again on Comcast Sportsnite. That's where I saw it from. Like if you saw it, you would even say, "Griffey won't be inquired about anymore."
  3. Kenny Williams actually ended this thread. They asked if a deal still could be done(waiver wire) and he said no or his exact words, "not at this juncture." PK seems happy.
  4. Also, couldn't the White Sox just trade Young, the lower tier guy and a PTBNL and complete the trade in the offseason including Rogo?
  5. That stinks. Okay, so when would a Griffey be put on the waiver wire?? And if the player could only be on waivers for 3 days, then why isn't the waiver deadline the first 3 days of August or August 16th?
  6. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 04:06 PM) Upside wise, Young has more than any OFer in the Sox system and almost every other system for that matter. Not saying I wouldn't make the trade though cause I think a healthy Griffey makes this team a whole lot stronger. As far as touted, I've heard Sweeney and Anderson more than Young. Honestly, I didn't mind which one we gave up of the 3. I know they're all pretty good. Also, it would've helped the Sox alot because Griffey is a guy people would go buy tickets to go see on the Southside because he's still a marquee player and cope that with winning and you have butts in the seats.
  8. QUOTE(VAfan @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 03:41 PM) Based on this, what does the Reds $4.5 million contribution per year cover? I always thought his contract in the later years is more on the order of $18-19 million, but only $12.5 million of that was paid in current dollars, with the balance deferred. If that is true, would the Sox be taking on his current contract plus part of the deferred money (whatever exceeds $4.5 million/year), or $4.5 million/year LESS than his current contract and NONE of his deferred money? In either event, it seems like a deal the Sox were lucky to have blocked. Let's be real guys. The value of Griffey this year is the marginal difference between him and Carl Everett, who will presumably go to the bench if Griffey starts at DH in the ALDS. What is that worth? Something, but not all that much. Griffey has the worst zone rating of any major league CF while Rowand has one of the best, so Griffey is a serious defensive liability in the outfield at this point. So if we make it to the World Series, we will be weakening our defense to play him in the NL park. Griffey is still injury prone, so there is no assurance he would even stay healthy to make it to October this year. And for that marginal value, we are giving up a whole hell of a lot. 1. Money better spent on a healthy, younger player. 2. Chris Young, who is touted more highly than any outfield prospect we have, isn't he? Won't Chris Young be better than Ken Griffey is now soon after he makes our major league team? 3. Certainty. With Griffey's injury history, we'd have to go into every season with someone like Carl Everett backing him up in case he went down for the year. Sure, depth is fine, but that would get ridiculous, ala Cincy. Be thankful that the Griffey deal appears dead. 1)You seem wayyyyyyyyyy to caught up on any prospect. If the White Sox gave up their worst prospect in the system, you would say it was a bad move. I was kind of hoping Brandon McCarthy flat out was cut just so we wouldn't have to hear you make several threads about not trading him. We're trying to win now. This is arguably our best year in franchise history. Wen that's the case, you have to go for it. 2)Young is not touted more than Sweeney or Anderson. He's a very good prospect, but we have OF depth in the organization. Is Young going to help us win the World Series this year? No. Is he even going to help us next year? No. That's why you do the move. 3)Griffey would be playing DH most of the time with some stints in CF. Ozzie isn't that stupid and neither is Kenny. And Griffey is a way better hitter than Everett. He's less streaky and he also could hit from the left side which sadly Everett can't. 4)Who would you have more confidence in at the plate in the playoffs for getting a key hit. Griffey or Everett?? I'd certainly take Griffey any day. 5)Cincy would pay 4.5 million a year until his contract is up. We'd take care of the deferred part which is only about 4 million. 4 million usually isn't the difference between making the playoffs or not. I wouldn't care about the deferred part. I'm sure JR and the ownership doesn't mind that either. Almost all great hitters have deferred cash. Manny, Vlad Griffey. Even A-Rod had that before he got traded to NY. Deferred cash isn't a problem.
  9. QUOTE(beck72 @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 03:00 PM) When I think Reds owner, I'm thinking crazy old impulsive rich man who doesn't really know his baseball team. If a guy is so out of touch with reality that he still thinks Griffey Jr is a PR bonus, he could change his mind very easily. It may be a matter of the GM taking the owner out for drinks in order to grease Jr's way out of town. In that you are still talking about the whole league minus the White Sox letting Ken Griffey go. I don't see that happen.
  10. QUOTE(beck72 @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 02:52 PM) One thing to consider, the Reds owner isn't the baseball man. His Gm is, and seeing how a deal was in place, it's not beyond reason something could still work out. If their GM could convince him to trade Griffey [which hasn't exactly been a PR bonanza,] and now when he's finally healthy, trading him somehwere to DH makes sense, it may be the only chance to get rid of his contract. The GM wants to trade KGJ, because then it frees up money to spend elsewhere. But it's the owner's decision Exactly. The owner's decision. The owner is afraid of bad PR which is stupid considering that most Red fans know they have to part with Ken Griffey Jr. to get better. They also know they must get rid of Sean Casey. Their owner won't do it though in fear of public backlash. If you read the Reds' messageboards you can't pretty much see their owner isn't socializing with their fans enough because they want Griffey gone so they could spend on players. If they owner didn't do it the first time, I doubt he does it the 2nd time around.
  11. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 01:25 PM) = no chance. As much as I hate you for killing my dreams of Ken Griffey Jr in a White Sox jersey, thanks for bringing in common sense. I know he won't be here anytime soon.
  12. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 01:01 PM) Over Honel’s last three starts, he’s pitched a total of 19 innings and given up only 13 hits and 5 earned runs to the tune of a 2.37 ERA. Honel has had only one bad start in the month of July, at Huntsville, where he gave up 8 earned runs in only 2 2/3 innings. Throwing out that start, he has had a 2.88 ERA for the month of July with a mere 19 hits allowed in 25 innings, including a start against a loaded Jacksonville lineup which did a lot for Honel’s confidence. Thanks for the info. Sounds good. Hopefully he continues over the year.
  13. QUOTE(GBlum27 @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 12:50 PM) You know this how? QUOTE(Kalapse @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 12:50 PM) How do you know that the Sox can't get Griffey. There's a good chance that he would clear waivers and KW has already shown a willingness to deal good prospects for him, the only thing blocking the deal would be the Cincy Ownership group. Why would you bring up Clemens adn Bonds, the Sox have a 1000000% higher chance of landing Griffey than either of those two what because we could of had them in Free Agency? s*** comparison. Because simply, there's every other team in the league that has to say no to Griffey before we even get a shot. Their owner Lindner(I think it is) basically didn't trade him from a PR standpoint. All Red fans feel that way and that basically the owner won't deal Griffey unless it's for a major league player back. The fans(Red Fans) personally think that it would just be better for them to get rid of Griffey, but if you read their board, they don't see it happening. They think there's a better shot moving Casey's contract. As far as Bonds and Clemens, I believe they made it known that they wanted to sign with the White Sox. Frank wanted Belle here over Bonds IIRC and Schueler thought Clemens was washed up so he didn't sign him. I honestly think there was a waaaaaaay better chance of those two signings happening over Griffey clearing waivers over every team in the majors to get to us.
  14. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 12:48 PM) Thanks Kalapse and 2k5....all this "Put Aaron in left and Griffey in CF"is moot... Yeah, cas this deal isn't happening.
  15. Wait, why are we talking about this? This deal didn't get done and I know it won't. Sad I know, but I hate having to talk about guys we could've had. Especially my 2nd favorite player ever. I mean if we talk about Griffey, we might as well talk about Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds(both guys we could've had).
  16. QUOTE(Ozzie Montana @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 12:39 PM) J Hood said that The Rockies dont want to resign Fuentes and will probably be put on waivers. On Sporting News Radio I heard Guardado's name mentioned that he'd be a guy that would pass through waivers cause of his injury and contract. Ive been high on Fuentes for a month now and this guy is good. I dont know what Guardado' contract is though. Either way, Fuentes and Guardado, both lefties, good closers. But I agree with you I'd like to see another reliever. J Hood also on Saturday that he would be suprised if Jose Conteras makes the playoff roster. Shows how much that guy knows about the White Sox despite his claims of rooting for the White Sox. He pulls so much s*** out of his ass.
  17. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 12:37 PM) Yeah but corner OFers put a lot more torque on their legs, J.D. Drew was talking about it, that's why he pretty much only plays CF now becuase his legs are in as bad shape as Griffeys and LF/RF put more stress on your legs than CF. Then I would say Rowand would play LF and Griffey CF.
  18. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 11:17 AM) If you really want to get excited, think of all the young arms in our system. Not to mention the re-emergence of Honel. What is Honel doing in the minors?
  19. QUOTE(Ozzie Montana @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 12:27 PM) Interesting but there is no space for Junior. Unless maybe if we moved Dye to SS and Junior to right and Uribe as backup INF. Anyways I dont got any feelings on Bor for Bor. I wouldnt see either contrubuting that much to the Sox in September and in the playoffs. There's a spot called DH. You could put a hitter there who you don't want to play the field. Honestly if the White Sox were to get him in that deal, then I could see Griffey going to LF and Pods becoming a DH since Pods isn't so great at fielding.
  20. I wish I could say there is honest hope for this deal to go down through waivers, but it won't happen. Good call Rowand. Reds management is dumb. I'd say Griffey would make it past the Yanks and Red Sox, but there are teams like the Angels he wouldn't make it past. Also remember that the Blue Jays and Tigers want to get a payroll of over 100 million within the next couple of years. This is a move they would definately make as well.
  21. I would look over the shoulder if I were the Sox too. Didn't the A's go on a crazy streak 2 years back after the all-star break when everyone thought they were out?
  22. Crede of course. I have a huge waiting list just to join Crede's Crew. Sorry if some of you guys can't join prior to the playoffs
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