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Everything posted by nitetrain8601

  1. QUOTE(daa84 @ Jul 28, 2005 -> 01:40 PM) there was an article saying that rooney and farmer were the best radio announcers among AL announcers. anyone have the article that can post it? santo and hughes were like 3rd from last in the NL lol congrats rooney and farmeio...you guys rock They are awesome to listen to.
  2. QUOTE(southsideirish @ Jul 28, 2005 -> 01:37 PM) So did he move or did he get hit? Which is it? Frank crowds the plate that is news to me. Again. I was never arguing it helps him hit home runs. Get that through your f***ing head. Point out to me where I said that at anytime and I will admit I am wrong on this whole argument. He got hit, and then he proceeded to move. It's possible you know in the game of baseball. And the argument from what I see is that the elbow pad helps him hit HR's. If not, then what the f*** are you arguing about?
  3. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jul 28, 2005 -> 01:35 PM) Bonds is probably the greatest player ever, bar none. Even before he was suspected of juicing, he was a force in the batters box and on the basepaths, not to mention in the field. The guy has accomplished more in his career than almost anyone else. This argument is pointless. You Barry Bonds apologist!
  4. QUOTE(southsideirish @ Jul 28, 2005 -> 01:31 PM) Jesus f***ing Christ kid. Carl Everett does stand on top of the plate, but does not wear body armor. The pitcher can brush hm off the plate as much as he wants and Carl WILL move. Bonds has no need to as he is protected. They won't pitch Bonds inside. Biggio doesn't stand on top of the plate. Closer than Frank, but not right on top of it like Bonds or Crazy Carl. He sometimes puts his elbow out there to get plunked. He has tried to get hit at times. I have never seen Bonds do that. Bonds does move. Did you not see him the game where Prior plunked him and he was getting pissed off at Prior? All the elbow pad does it make a HBP hurt less. You could still aim for his legs and his head if you really think that his elbow pad has the magical power to allow him to hit more homers. Again, Frank and Sheffield and Biggio all wear armor and crowd the plate, you don't see them hitting a crazy # of HR's.
  5. QUOTE(Finkelstein @ Jul 28, 2005 -> 01:31 PM) That's because he is better than anyone else, IMO. Pretty much. ssi, you were arguing that he hits more HR's because of his elbow pad. That's not the case.
  6. QUOTE(southsideirish @ Jul 28, 2005 -> 01:20 PM) Nonsense Thanks for the insight. Couldn't answer it because you know its a contradictory statement. How come Gary Sheffield who uses the same elbow pad as Bonds doesn't have as many HR's as either Bonds or Thomas??
  7. QUOTE(southsideirish @ Jul 28, 2005 -> 01:19 PM) wrong on both accounts 1) you don't know this Nostradamus 2) It helps him to become more selective in order to find a pitch he can drive out of the park. He is not one of the best hitters in the game only because he hits home runs, but also because of his high on base percentage, walk total, and average. Oh yeah, I forgot, the big bad elbow pad is going to jump out and hit the pitcher right in the face if he hits him there. It's a non-issue. If it a pitcher wants to brush him off, he could. Simply give him credit for being able to hit the ball, steroids or not. The elbow pad is not the difference between a HR and a single.
  8. QUOTE(southsideirish @ Jul 28, 2005 -> 01:16 PM) OK, it allows him to stand as close to the plate as he wants. If an inside pitch comes in it deson't bother him. He doesn't care about getting knocked off the plate, he will just put that big pad up to protect himself. Since a pitcher can't throw inside he is able to cover the whole plate, which is why his batting average, walk total, and on-base percentage is so high as well as his home run total. So by that logic, how come Frank Thomas doesn't have as many HR's on him or hits them at a pace Barry Bonds does? I don't buy that argument a bit. Bonds loves the ball inside so he could turn on it. Using your logic, pitchers wouldn't pitch inside therefore decreasing his HR total.
  9. 1)I don't see Bonds getting traded. 2)Elbow pads don't help driving balls out of the ballpark.
  10. QUOTE(juddling @ Jul 28, 2005 -> 12:42 PM) But the HUGE difference is that while Maggs was here he didn't suck. Hawkins sucked and sucked BIGTIME. He just about single-handedly stopped the Cubs from making the playoffs last year and helped contribute to their crappy start this year. Hawkins came into Cubdom being a prick and bashing the fans and the media, and even said stuff in the S.F. paper about the Chicago fans. Keep booing Cub fans....even though i'm shocked you all were watching enough of the game to even know he sucked. juddling I disagree strongly. He started sucking when the Cubs tried to turn him into a closer in which he admittedly said several times, even before he went to the Cubs, that he is not. They forced him into a role he's not comfortable with and he failed. What did you expect? Hawkins was a great setup man and I think he still could be one with the right pitching coach(Coop, Mazzone, etc). I feel sorry for Hawkins. And I would say he wasn't the reason they didn't make the playoffs last year. It was a crappy bullpen that forced him to be something he wasn't and an even s***ter Sosa and a bunch of babies crying what the announcers were saying instead of doing their jobs.
  11. Haha, this is great. I even felt that it was very classless when watching it. I mean it went on the whole time he was in there. I feel sorry for the guy. That would be funny if the Sox were to get him and the Cubs and White Sox played each other in the WS and Hawkins strikes out the heart of the order with him pitching in the 7th. I'd laugh my ass off so damn much.
  12. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jul 28, 2005 -> 11:12 AM) KW has been trying to get AJB to flip him for Wagner for awhile now, and now has a notion of three team deal where we flip AJB to philly and Philly grabs Baez from TB, we get huff and wagner and supply TB with the prospects. Doable? Won't happen. I heard that's one of the main reasons why Florida doesn't want to deal Aj Burnett to the Red Sox because lots of talk say that he'll get flipped for Wagner which means the Marlins have to face Burnett in the heat of a playoff spot. I don't see Wagner getting traded and I don't see Burnett getting flipped for anyone unless it's for Schmidt. As for anyone who asked how do you the price for Vizquel and Schmidt, well they wanted to major league pitchers for Schmidt alone to start with. I'm sure they wouldn't take a lesser deal especially when it involves them throwing in another player who's damn good might I add.
  13. I still say I would've liked to seen him dealt for LaTroy Hawkins.
  14. QUOTE(KevHead0881 @ Jul 28, 2005 -> 08:47 AM) I guess you can interperet it in several ways. But my guess is that he's not complaining about playing time, but rather bashing himself for blowing a game in one of the few opportunities he gets to play. Yep.
  15. Honestly, I don't see anything happen between now and the deadline. I wish Oakland was out of it so we could inquire about Zito, but that ain't happening. If there is a deal made, here are my most likely to happen to lease likely: Huff & Baez Burnett & Lowell Overbay Schmidt Schmidt & Vizquel(I just don't get where people get the idea that SF is going to want to downgrade at SP and SS, especially when they have publicly said they are going to want to contend next year when Barry is back)
  16. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jul 27, 2005 -> 10:12 PM) I don't think anyone could be pissed at KW, no matter what. The guy pulled this team out of his ass, and it's a huge success. I will, however, be pissed at the situation. I won't blame KW, Ozzie, JR, etc. There will be no one to blame, but I'll still be pissed off. The way this team has played the last few weeks shows that they need a kick in the ass to get them going. They seem to think they have the division wrapped up or something. They certainly aren't playing anywhere near the way they once played. Excellent post.
  17. QUOTE(GreatScott82 @ Jul 27, 2005 -> 07:23 PM) We are 12-11 this month. And this WILL be the worst month we will experience in the 2005 season. No need to worry- we will take 3 out of 4 in Baltamore and we will get back to our winning ways. I hope this was a lesson learned for Ozzie. Quit playing all of our B players all the damn time!! I don't care who we are playing. I'm guessing Ozzie was just playing Willie twice so the SF scout can get a good look at him. I expect Contreras (or BMac), Willie and Marte to be traded this weekend- hopefully for Vizquel and Schmidt. Right now it looks like the Orioles and Red Sox will be getting into a bidding war for Burnett. I don't know about that. August is going to be really rough. If we had this record after next month, I'd be fine, but we have this record after playing essentially our division.
  18. Can we lock this thread for now considering that it's old news. Can we at least change the thread title.
  19. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Jul 27, 2005 -> 08:24 PM) When it happens, I will be convinced it is done. Me too. WIth that said. I'm pretty sure it isn't going down.
  20. QUOTE(GASHWOUND @ Jul 27, 2005 -> 07:54 PM) Well, coming into the season i thought again we were gonna hit our share of HRs, but we do lead the league with sac flies and bunts, and SB I thing so we are tryin to play small ball..but we do have some slow hr hittin guys in the middle of the line up with the uppercut swings...Don't know how to change that.. Three Words: "Fire Greg Walker" I know that won't happen though. Especially this late into the season.
  21. I know I'll be pissed if KW doesn't make a move. It's pretty obvious one is needed. Does anyone think we could beat the Yanks, Red Sox or Cardinals with this lineup? I for one do not think so.
  22. Like I said. "Corpseball is officially back in season" Goddamn right it's a concern. Pods isn't stealing like he was at the beginning of the year. PK has gotten to the rest of the hitters and everyone is basically trying to pull. PK isn't really productive at all for a #4. Tad can't hit a curveball. What's really hurting us is that we're giving away these games defensively and pitching wise which is how we won games in the beginning of the year. Remember, the playoffs aren't here yet and they might not come this year if we don't get our s*** in gear.
  23. Alomar. But AJ already wears 12 IIRC. Guess he'll have to change his number because Roberto's is 12. So when do we retire his number?
  24. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jul 26, 2005 -> 04:13 PM) I really hope we resign Tyson and Eddy because I really loved that bulls team and with basicly everyone getting better... it should be fun. Deng is my favorite player and now it seems this injury could really help his game since now he can use his left hand better. Chris Duhon Im a little iffy on. Id like to bring him back but if he is going to be a b**** in terms of money screw it. Duhon is near signing with the Bulls. I think it's going to be 3 years for a total of 6 million. 2nd round picks don't cost much.
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