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Everything posted by nitetrain8601

  1. Vizcaino has been good for the past 2 months. I don't know why when bullpen problems occur, the first sign points to him. Politte was literally all over the place today. He did not make one mistake today, he made multiple mistakes today. He had wild pitches, couldn't find the k zone and when he did, he served up a meatball. I don't like the fact that Ozzie took out Garland after only 88 pitches. I really don't like the fact that Ozzie took out Cotts after 6 pitches I think it was. He wasted his bullpen early on.
  2. This past week has to be the worst in White Sox baseball for the whole year. We need to get it together. Ozzie should do something wacky and just put in all the bench players the next game and allow rest for our starters.
  3. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Jul 27, 2005 -> 12:17 PM) Why do you say that??? Because it's clear other guys should be cleanup hitters on this team, but Ozzie just won't move him. I honestly don't see PK moving from the 4 spot either which is dumb IMO.
  4. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jul 27, 2005 -> 12:09 PM) Cliff's not going anywhere if he did, I'd kill Kenny. Call me up cas I'd help you dump that body.
  5. I don't see us trading anyone but Marte in the bullpen. Anything after that is asking for trouble.
  6. QUOTE(JimH @ Jul 26, 2005 -> 08:26 PM) They just showed the Giants top scout, Ted Uehlander, sitting there in the front row of the Sox KC game. Harrelson mentioned he talked to him during the rain delay and specifically mentioned the Giants are a team rumored to be in discussions with the White Sox (duh). But it is a bit unusual for Harrelson to comment specifically on a rumor by naming a particular team. He also said Uehlander has been watching the Sox minor leaguers too. Could Buehrle Be on the way out??
  7. I will turn into a Cubs fan for a day if both trades were to happen. That's how confident I am that they won't.
  8. QUOTE(VAfan @ Jul 26, 2005 -> 05:20 PM) By the way, I couldn't respond to your post on the AJ Burnett thread that is now locked. I wasn't saying Contreras, Marte AND BMac, I was substituting Contreras for BMac if they want to compete this year. You could then spice that up with less valuable B-list prospects. Sounds good.
  9. Damn MB. For a guy who throws junk, he sure put a damper on their season. Hopefully he gets well soon. I know he's in our division and all, but I don't like hearing about anyone getting hurt like that.
  10. Apparently that's the kiss of death by Doug Melvin if you talk to their fans.
  11. While we're in fantasy land. Joe Crede for A-Rod. Kenny Git R Dun!!!!!
  12. QUOTE(VAfan @ Jul 26, 2005 -> 05:02 PM) A lot of the deals mentioned in the rumor mills scare me more than excite me. Danys Baez? Please NO. At any price. AJ Burnett as a 2-month rental for BMac and Marte? Marginal. Aubrey Huff? Ok, depending on price. ********* The best deal would still be Schmidt/Vizquel for Contreras, Uribe, and Anderson. AJ Burnett would be okay if he'd sign a 3-year contract. Billy Wagner would be a big plus, but he's also a likely rental, so I wouldn't overpay. BE CAREFUL KENNY. DON'T MAKE A SPLASH JUST TO PROVE YOU ARE WORKING. Make the RIGHT DEAL(s) or don't make one at all. I agree on Baez. I agree on Burnett. I agree on Huff. As far as that SF deal. No reason for SF to do it. Vizquel to Uribe is a definate downgrade. Schmidt to Contreras is a downgrade, Bmac barely makes up for one of those players being downgrades. So far everything I've heard, the Giants are going to have to be wowed by an offer if a team wants to trade for Schmidt. 2 SP at the very least. Plus the whole reason to make the move is to have insurance of a 6th SP. That deal wouldn't make sense for the White Sox either. I know my dreams of Griffey Jr. are just that, but these dreams that the Giants are just going to give us their 2 best players for marginal ones(and I love Contreras) is a pipedream.
  13. It was on Sportscenter. Jayson Stark was doing a thing on who he thinks what each team in contention should target. No way in hell are we giving up Politte or Cotts. Obviously, they don't do their homework.
  14. Hmm, put me on this as long as it's not a cheap bat. Griffey, Overbay, Soriano I'm down with. I want middle of the order. And someone who's not constantly pulling. I'm alright with Burnett when he decides he's open to signing an extension with whatever team trades for him.
  15. QUOTE(Ishmookie @ Jul 26, 2005 -> 03:40 PM) join my club. Put me in that club Ish.
  16. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Jul 26, 2005 -> 03:54 PM) Bmac/Marte for Burnett Anderson/Tracy for Overbay Yes? No? I would do Anderson/Tracy for Overbay. As far as Burnett, unless he opens himself to signing an extension with us, F HIM!!
  18. QUOTE(chisox2334 @ Jul 26, 2005 -> 03:37 PM) Seein burnett speaking very positive is just giving me feeling something getting done. I havent been able post much but I have good feeling like buerhle by monday something will be done When has he spoken positive about us?
  19. Joe H here's a link for you guys at the Brewer fansite on our prospects. 1-10: http://www.futuresox.com/modules.php?name=...article&sid=163 11-20: http://www.futuresox.com/modules.php?name=...article&sid=161
  20. Welcome JoeH. Hope you decide it friendly enough here to visit more often. Also glad you enjoyed your time at the Cell.
  21. I watch it. I admit, I'm addicted to it. Watched all of last season and will watch all of this season.
  22. I think next year we for sure make the 2nd round and if we face anyone not named Miami, we have a good chance against them.
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