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Everything posted by nitetrain8601

  1. I woulda gone to jail too if my younger brother wasn't there. Instead, I just decided to kick his ass when we got home for rooting for the Red Sox. And the "Let's Go Red Sox" got on my damn nerves.
  2. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 11:54 PM) If PK is a verb now, I'd figure it to equate to pulling the ball. I really don't remember Gooch pulling the ball, ever. That's because you have to get contact on the ball to pull it. He's trying to pull it though and he isn't trying for opposite field. Plus, he can't hit a curve if it depended on his life.
  3. I would like to see a platoon or see Iguchi given a couple of days off. I'm a big fan of Willie, but I can't give up on Iguchi yet. He needs to see that he shouldn't be PK'ing the ball and also, he needs to learn how to hit a curve. Willie, believe it or not, could teach Iguchi some things and vice versa. They should hang out with each other a lot more.
  4. QUOTE(Beastly @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 11:38 PM) By the way...I know there's a Crede club, but who wants to join mine? Its a supporters one. Sign me up.
  5. QUOTE(fathom @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 11:23 PM) In my car on the way home, I was begging Ozzie to take Buehrle out before the 7th inning. You knew that those guys, seeing him for the 4th time, would likely not go down quietly. Ozzie ALWAYS leaves his starting pitchers in until it's definite that they shouldn't be out there. Ozzie is hands-down the Manager of the Year so far, but he just doesn't have a good feel for when a pitcher is done with, and needs to get taken out BEFORE the runs come. That's how I feel on Ozzie as well.
  6. QUOTE(Leonard Zelig @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 11:19 PM) Boston is a bad hitting team? I'm saying he shouldn't be giving up hits like fat people are in line for getting free cake samples. It was happening all night and a big inning was inevitable. I would be fine if he was just rocked in the 4th or some other inning, but the whole night when Buehrle was pitching, you knew the big inning was coming and you just hoped Ozzie would take him out in time.
  7. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 11:17 PM) f***ing Christ. I was at the game tonight, my father to my left, and BAWSTON fans everywhere else in my f***ing section (112) Holy s***, these f***ers are annoying. Let me play out a situation and their reaction. There is a man on first, the guy batting grounds to short short... uribe makes a decent play to get the lead runner at second, then the throw to first is a hair late. The whole f***ing section goes nuts! You would think that the RED SAWKS had just hit the homerun to win the world series. Nothing important happened on the play except for the out at second. Also, those bastards jumped and flipped out everytime Ortiz hit a popout; they are worse than cubs fans and Chip Carrey praying for homeruns. The absolute most annoying thing was the four pricks in the rows in front of me, some old, near death tramp, some middle-aged douche bag man, and then two mid twenties women... each with their NESN signs that say in some different way how the "Biggest Red Sawks Fan in the world ended up living in Barrington or some s***," and everytime there was a break in play, they would stand up and smile next to the sign, dying to get on television somewhere in Boston. My God, these people are a bunch of fruits, and to be honest, did not know much about the game tonight, nor care. Bandwagoners, and regular Red Sox fans are all f***ing annoying!!! - not to mention the fact that we had to frickin' blow that one... geez what a way to end it. I am so glad I'm not the only one who felt that way. Seriously, they were worst than Cubs fans. That's no hyperbole, that's the truth. Seems like those b****es were having one huge orgy everytime a Boston player swung.
  8. QUOTE(fathom @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 11:12 PM) Iguchi should be thankful for the awful Willie Harris game against the A's before the break. It made people praise him for being able to get the runner over to 3rd with less than one out. However, Iguchi has been getting in the habit of just hitting grounders to 2nd base lately, and we're giving up the out to advance the runner. Instead of basically playing smallball, I'd rather see the Sox try to put big innings together. Iguchi is batting a little over .200 this month. In no way am I giving up on him, but he's become overrated on this site. Iguchi and Uribe's defense have become overrated, and Dye and Everett's offense has been underrated. Dye basically carried this team for 30 games. I agree completely.
  9. Knuckle ball means we should bench PK, but that won't happen which means, our O will be shut down.
  10. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 10:48 PM) Like I said in an earlier post this team is too much like the 2000 team. It's just too easy to shut our offense down. Very true. What's our record with big crowds, cas it doesn't seem good at all. I guess when all the flashes are popping and the crowds are there, the team shuts down. Also, it was nice to see fans there, but from where I was sitting(RF 108) it didn't seem loud at all except for when Timo threw out that guy at 3rd and that was until the whole crowd realize the run still counted.
  11. Instead of reading this thread, I just decided to put my rant in here(it's better than making another thread). I just got back from the game. I was really really pissed. I was hoping I sat in the UD at the end of it so I could throw my brother off of it since he was a Red Sox fan and a gloating one at that. Couple of things: Buehrle needs to show me that he can go out and beat bad hitting clubs. All of tonight was horrible, from the first pitch. When he actually got ahead of hitters(0-2, 1-2 counts) you knew after the 3rd that the guy would get a hit. And they proceeded to hit him and hit him hard. This isn't the playoffs yet and he needs to learn how to buckle down like a true ace. He's our guy, so he needs to be able to make 5 runs into a win. Iguchi is just lost. Couldn't turn a couple of DP's quick enough(what happened to that fast arm?). His offense is really sucking and it looks like he has caught PK-itis. Pull and hope for the best. His only hit was an an opposite field hit. Gee, I wonder where I should be aiming at. Trot Nixon never shifted right at all for whoever came up to bat. Joe Crede, I love you and I love how you got a clutch hit, but you need to catch that ball. As soon as he dropped it, I said, "f***, now he's probably going to make us pay with a HR." And it happened. C'mon Crede, I want you to be a part of this team, not only this seaosn, but the future and with a defensive play like that, it makes management and fans wonder. Pitching and defense is what this whole team is built on. Well we had 3 errors and our pitching gave up 6 runs. Not going to win that way. Ozzie needs to learn that Viz is not a 2IP. Use guys strictly one inning. Get it, got it, good "su-chi" man. Last but not least, offensively this team needs to get back to what it was doing at the beggining of the season. Pods doesn't nearly bunt as much(yes I saw him try on 0-1 pitches when you should try straight out of the gate). Iguchi has caught PK-itis like I said earlier and Carl Everett looks like the only guy not lost at the plate. Oh AJ, how I want your offense to show up one day. Uribe, well I just lost hope on you. Timo is a better hitter than you and it's not even close.
  12. I thought that it was changed and George Lopez and Jermaine Dupri were going to be there.
  13. Fla would probably do Burnett for Wood. Maybe a prospect or two would have to be added into the deal from the Cubs side, but Burnett is basically the uninjured version of Wood.
  14. Crap, figures. Big series against the defending champs and the injury bug hits us big time. And bug bites could take you out. I once got bit in the neck by a spider I believe it was and I couldn't move my left shoulder at all for a good week or two.
  15. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 11:59 AM) geez, one would think you were jose's mother... Contreras, it seems, has had the curse that Matt Clement had with the Cubs last season... his team's bats just seem to go to sleep on him. He has been decent. My thoughts exactly. He should have way more wins than he has right now.
  16. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 11:55 AM) 60% chance of rain... boy id be pissed if tonight was rained out. O it better not be. I'ma be really pissed if it is.
  17. I'm encouraged by his last two performances. He's attacking the K zone and getting ahead in counts. That's what we need from him. Tuesday, he just got beat. Nothing we could do about that. Our offense is what I'm worried about. Everyone besides Pods are not hitting their averages this year.
  18. QUOTE(DABearSoX @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 11:40 AM) I hated those sleavless ones.....I'll take the black anyday.....my personal fav is the grey road jerseys Yeah, most fans do for some reason. I have no idea why. I think we have the best sleaveless jerseys in the leagues.
  19. Going to tonight's game. We better end this losing streak now. Go get'em Marky B.
  20. Yeah, I love the sleaveless ones. They hardly ever wear them anymore. Instead they are overusing the black ones IMO.
  21. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 10:26 AM) Aaron Rowand is not a 2 hitter. He can't bunt, and he doesn't have a swing to move runners over. He also doesn't hit well down in the count, and doesn't have the patience to take as many pitches as you need with Pods on base. Rowand in the two hole is not a good idea. He seemed to excel in the 2 slot last year.
  22. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 10:00 AM) I think he is sick of playing for the (expos). I think so as well. This guy is a beast. Get him on the southside. I would happily trade BMac for him.
  23. I like him, but again, as you said there is no where to put him. He doesn't like playing SS(he refused to in Texas and that's why Michael Young was moved to SS) and Tadahito can't anymore from what I hear.
  24. I say put Rowand at 2 and Iguchi at 3rd. Iguchi gets to hit for power like he's accustomed to and we get to see if Rowand just needs to be in the 2 spot.
  25. QUOTE(daa84 @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 08:09 AM) hes a decent option, but i dont think hes THAT much of an upgrade, especially not to trade a lot for. like you said if they include him in the burnett deal i wouldnt have a problem with it. i think alex gonzlaez is pretty underrated. Bingo!
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