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Everything posted by nitetrain8601

  1. It's funny how Yanks fans are pissed, but a Cubs fan is defending Pods(pretty good might I add) and one Yanks fan is calling out others for not showing that much passion before the voting ended. It's true. If they think Jeter deserved it, they should've voted more. NY has a bigger community than Chicago.
  2. QUOTE(ChiSox_Sonix @ Jul 6, 2005 -> 07:35 PM) explain...? Somebody from soxtalk.com emailed Hawk & Dj and told them we voted for Pods a ton. Honestly, I don't think Pods wins without this board.
  3. QUOTE(Rohan @ Jul 6, 2005 -> 07:35 PM) over like 5,000 Anyone just catch that on the game???? "Soxtalk.com... YES!" Yeah, I heard that part.
  4. Lisa Dergan is at the game. She's friggin' hot.
  5. F YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PODSY!!!!!!!!!! I wonder what the final numbers were.
  7. Um, Jugger my browser already does that. I'm using my SBC Yahoo! DSL Browser and the only thing I have to put in again is my selections and the veri code. It doesn't ask for my email or zip code or if i want mail again. It's automatically in there.
  8. I'll stick to what I originally thought and will say Contreras was a good pickup for us. He's been above average for the most part. Most people expected a 5 ERA again anyway.
  9. I voted from work. Just finished a good 2 hours plus a 20 minute speed round.
  10. Milwaukee. He'll be the man, possibly have Flip Saunders and have a big man to go along with him. It's more certain than Cleveland in which Bron might even leave after his contract is up.
  11. QUOTE(TheDybber @ Jul 5, 2005 -> 03:38 PM) I understand what you are saying, but players can put it together. Whether it's an arm angle adjustment, a batting stance adjustment or a headspace adjustment, sometimes things click. Jenks could be that guy. Baj could be that guy. Or not on any of them. You still have to decide who is worth keeping and who is worth trading to get what you need. But to say that everyone is available and we should trade them because we don't know what they will do...that will just decrease their value. Might as well not have a farm system at all then. Yeah, I hear where you're coming from, but Frankie had it when you saw him pitch. I think Jenks can be that guy in the bullpen, but as far as starting, no one can come in. BMac has proven he can't be that type of guy. El Duque has been oft injured. Clemens is a game changer just like Pods, cept a lot better.
  12. QUOTE(Wedge @ Jul 5, 2005 -> 10:23 AM) It's funny because it seems like most of those in support of trading for Schmidt are against trading for Clemens. Lol I agree. Clemens is one of those super health freaks. I guarentee anyone he's in better shape than 90% of ballplayers out there. Can't believe people would actually reject the Rocket. Realistically I don't see him coming here, but it's worth an inquiry. He could be the guy that makes this team sexy. Andy Pettite would be a guy I look at. He wouldn't cost as much as the other guys(Burnett & Shcmidt). He has a decent ERA as well.
  13. QUOTE(BigNDfan80 @ Jul 5, 2005 -> 11:44 AM) Looks like they only have upper deck left for the Saturday game. Looks like quite a few lower level seats left for Sunday though. Tickets are going to be harder to come by as we get into the 2nd half of the season. Yep, for the Boston series all of the lower deck is basically sold out.
  14. That's crazy stuff. I didn't realize he had an ERA of below 1 for the month.
  15. QUOTE(DukeNukeEm @ Jul 4, 2005 -> 10:59 PM) Marte Don't you mean Marty??
  16. QUOTE(qwerty @ Jul 4, 2005 -> 10:14 PM) Brandon mccarthy is my new one. How could he be your heart attack player?? A heart attack, you cant really prepare for. BMac, we know he's going to get rocked and do his best to be the best player on the other team.
  17. ...I don't have an answer. Sowwy.
  18. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Jul 4, 2005 -> 10:42 PM) B-Mac might be lonely on his flight to Charlotte -- why not send Walker with him? And, Baj and Jenks can come up at the same time? Hopefully he's only transferring planes at Charlotte straight to BHam.
  19. Hell f***in Yeah!!!!!!...Game never ended though...i dont know if last weeks detroit tigers was a more boring victory than this...nonetheless, a win's a win.
  20. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Jul 4, 2005 -> 08:40 PM) I really don't think that's the case at all... Jim, wouldn't you say so? Of course, if there's a guy who can throw 99 but can't locate it, and there's a guy who can throw 91-93 who can locate it, they'll go with the latter. But I don't see much of a problem with that. Again, they went with a lot of 'stuff' guys last year -- Whistler and Gonzalez come to mind immediately. Gio is a lefthanded BMac from what I remember. He's a bit more raw though. Hardly a stuff guy.
  21. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Jul 4, 2005 -> 08:34 PM) I realize his fastball was just average, but all I heard was rave reviews on his knucklecurve. And I'd also heard about the mentality problems, sort of a cockiness, overconfidence? I'm just saying, there's complaining, and then there's b****ing just to b****. He says he doesn't like that the Sox don't take enough guys with good 'stuff', yet they've drafted Gio and Honel? Then he calls McCarthy, a 17th round pick of a couple of years ago (right?), a bust? I'm sorry, that's just b****ing just to b****, IMO. IMHO that's not b****ing just to b****, but that's calling someone out on the truth. I am one who hates "b****ing just to b****" but clearly the White Sox have taken the control over stuff approach with the pitching draft picks. I'll say it again, it seems like they're trying to find another Buehrle and not trying to find anyone with just nasty stuff that they have to develop.
  22. That's just sad. 6 runs should be enough for a win. We'll be lucky to win this game. And F it. Go with a 4 man rotation up until the ASG. This just isn't working. And don't send him to AAA, send him to AA because he clearly isn't ready for AAA. As for Honel, his knucklecurve was wicked, but in terms of his fastball, I don't remember it being much faster than an El Duque fastball.
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