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Everything posted by nitetrain8601

  1. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! I object. DBah0 is the 99% of baseball fans Carl Everett was talking about Congrats man.
  2. I want Bill Mueller!!!!!!1! I don't know if I would trade Damaso though.
  3. I saw this late, but I must say, I could care less about him giving his opinion. They are just that. I won't dig into the guy for giving it. I in fact share most of the same views as him. Especially the Wrigley one.
  4. Yeah, those pics are from last year, but they've been planning it for awhile. Same with the A's. The Twins new stadium look badass. The new Mets stadium is supposed to be a replica of the new Yankee Stadium IIRC. Here's where you could view them. http://www.ballparksofbaseball.com/FutureBallparks.htm
  5. I can't make it out there so I go to ABT.
  6. He won the World Bowl with Amsterdam. He currently holds most passing records at Illinois IIRC and he was the guy who led us to the Fiesta Bowl with Brandon Lloyd and Walter Young.
  7. He probably finds it hard that all his boys(Deron, Luther, Powell) are leaving him at Illinois. Those are his roaddogs. He probably feels left behind and cope that with the money and probably a better chance of winning an NBA championship than an NCAA title, he wants to be gone. I still see him staying, but he's just going to wait until the last hour to say so.
  8. Duque is still better than any of our 5 pitchers. I'll take it. Our offense though has gone back into a slump.
  9. I love baseball much more. The Bears are alright I guess, but I don't really like them.
  10. QUOTE(Wedge @ Jun 14, 2005 -> 02:43 PM) Does Griffey add something that Dye, Rowand, or Pods (maybe toss Everett in that list, too) adds to our team? Name power, and that's about it. Pods adds speed, Rowand is pretty balanced, and Dye would probably put up similar numbers to Griffey over the season (maybe a little worse offense, but a bit better defense). I'd say he'd be comparable to Everett, maybe a touch better offensively and defensively. We already have a log-jam at DH. No thanks. Griffey would be better overall than Dye. Better offense and better defense. Way better defense.
  11. First baseman and reliever, first baseman and reliever, first baseman and reliever.
  12. Well that sucked. It's pretty much a loss with our 2nd team out there.
  13. Well, our offense can't do any worse than it did last night with the run already on the board. I wish Ozzie wouldn't go with the extreme bench lineup. Kinda OT, does anyone know if the White Sox stay at the hotel connected to Petco or do they stay at another hotel?
  14. I also got A-Row and Everett and El Duque. It's not like I do it intentionally. The best players that are there to take waivers on are usually White Sox players. I picked up Clint Barmes 2 days before he got injured and Brian Roberts at the beginning of the season. Some dumbass actually dropped Peavy in on of my leagues.
  15. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jun 11, 2005 -> 09:13 PM) I'm sorry but they don't need ten (10) FBI agents looking into this matter. It is such a non-story that it isn't even worth covering, let alone the non-stop coverage of it. And hey, if any of my relatives was stupid enough to leave friends/chaperones at a bar or not go out with them (all while in another country where they don't know where things are) and then go off with random people that they didn't know, then they deserve what they get (especially if she was at the bar with other people from her class & they let her go). For an honors student, she sure seems like she was a moron. I agree strongly with this. She should've been smarter than that.
  16. http://mlb.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/mlb/transactions/index.jsp Told you guys that Kearns was the one on the trading block and that they want to keep Willy Mo around for a long time.
  17. Drafted Pods, Iguchi, Buehrle, Garcia and AJ. Picked up Garland and then Hermy and then Contreras.
  18. Yeah, this is bad. This is exactly what got Podsednik to his piss poor BA last year. He tried swinging for power and got 12 HR's, but his AVG sucked ass.
  19. Sucks to be Buehrle, but it really sucks to be Contreras. We should be talking about All-Star Game for him, but he won't go because of all the ND by this pathetic offense. I think Frank should've at least pinched hit last night. He eats junkball pitchers alive which is what was being thrown last night.
  20. QUOTE(greg775 @ Jun 11, 2005 -> 04:28 PM) Great question. I would say I would like to be in the race all year. But a six game lead all year would be nice. I mean a six game lead is nothing in reality. I don't want to lead by 11, 12 games. But let's face it, it probably doesn't matter either way. There's still that danger of our bats being completely silenced in the playoffs like against Baltimore that one postseason. Minnie sure has sucked in the postseason the past several seasons after winning the division comfortably. Pretty much. I rather just get a hugeass lead. I could care less about excitement. We'll save that for next year.
  21. I use CounterSpy(which the Microsoft Beta is based off of) AdAware and AdwareSpy. All work great.
  22. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jun 10, 2005 -> 11:49 PM) I love how everyone pretends they don't know what happened and why. This story reminds me of a song from that Spike Lee movie: She's got jungle fever She had jungle fever She's got jungle fever yeah yeah yeah .......and if that didn't piss ya off, how about this for speculating and generalizing: She's from Alabama right? She probably figured that was her only opportunity to get some 'chocolate in her milk' without someone getting lynched and the other person getting disowned by her family. Flame away. Um, she got boinked by 3 Arubians. None of them look black and one of them looked really white.
  23. Figures, it was the white guy who wore the G-Unit shirt. That looked suspicious enough to me. j/p. But I still blame the girl partially.
  24. Navarro. Wells was liked by some of our pitching staff and he was just a guy who turned sour after we started losing and things were going downhill. When he first came over he loved Chicago and was glad to be here. I could understand how he was pissed. Ritchie sucked, but he didn't say anything to make him be hated for the most part.
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