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Everything posted by nitetrain8601

  1. I say the Sox will call up Greg Norton and Herbert Perry for today's crappy lineup of the series. Sad thing is those two wouldn't be the worst players on the team.
  2. I'm listening to the interview and Skiles is backtracking alot in this interview. More than I initially thought. North just was doing his job by asking the tough questions.
  3. Damnit, I had a huge post about this but it didn't go through. If any thinks about getting SBC YAHOO DSL, don't do it because it's s***ty. Basically Skiles backtracked on that interview from what him and his agent were saying.
  4. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Jun 7, 2005 -> 07:21 PM) Really? Glass; "I am not talking anymore. Scott has a contract. If they pick up his option, he will honor that" (goes against what Kashul reported on CLTV). This is NOT just about the money." Yes, he said it today on the Score on Mike North's show and went on about how unfaitful and loyal the Bulls were and talked about how it was going on since February.
  5. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Jun 7, 2005 -> 07:11 PM) Can you link me to a Skiles quote bashing the org? Skiles, not his agent. He was on the Score this morning at 9:30AM with Mike North. Mike North layed into him pretty good because the deal he rejected was 4 years worth 17 million which would've made him paid like a top coach already. He said it's about more than money and then said the respect is shown by the money you're offered. The Bulls right after that contacted Phil Jackson(reported by the Score and ESPN tv and Radio). He also said he probably wouldn't coach the Bulls next year if they picked up his option(which is stupid since he should have to because that's the deal he signed a few years back). He kept feeding the Bulls crap about it being just about respect and not about money when it was just about the money. He also tried to give out the notion that JR is a bad guy and that he shouldn't have leaked the numbers(when it wasn't even JR who leaked them). Skiles is now getting as much money as Larry Brown. He causes problems everywhere he goes. In PHX no one and I mean no one liked him. Here he has caused riff raff with EC, Deng and Gordon.
  6. QUOTE(Benchwarmerjim @ Jun 7, 2005 -> 06:38 PM) I wish EA would of incorported more of the Madden stuff in MVP Like in Madden you get the Training Camp stuff where you can take one player and build his stats a bit by doing the drills. Well, in MVP, you should be able to take some AAA reliver and do some pitching drills and gain better stats. I would gladly take this if it means I dont have to sim A-ball games. But I guess thats all a pipe dream They've already worked their way in that direction with the minigames. They have a pitching game where you can improve your control drasitically and another where you could improve your swing drastically. I would like to see a fielding one, but eh well. It's a good start.
  7. I would've made the asshole wait and sweat. Ric Bucher on ESPN said that Phil Jackson said he would love to coach Chicago again and that they were on his few list of teams he would coach. Even LA was afraid of the Bulls not signing Skiles because they thought Chicago would have a great chance of swooping him away the same way they did with Kobe last year. Skiles acted like an ass throughout the whole negotiation process to even blasting the organization. If he got the money he wanted he's now paid like a top 5 coach. Newsflash, he isn't a top 5 coach. He shouldn't be getting paid the same amount as Larry Brown.
  8. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Jun 7, 2005 -> 12:02 AM) This is how I would have things. Guardado = Closer Politte and Hermanson = Setup men Marte = Use in 7th inning, or in 8th when we need a lefty - lefty matchup. Cotts = Keep him in the 6th and 7th for what he's been doing. Vizcaino and Shingo = Mop up duty until they show they can handle more crucial situations. I would go with the same.
  9. This is what I've always thought, but I've thought it's better if you mix and match everyday instead of getting mass substitutions in there.
  10. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jun 6, 2005 -> 11:16 PM) God no, it would be awful. This team would be horrid in the triangle, horrid. Elaborate please.
  11. QUOTE(qwerty @ Jun 6, 2005 -> 11:48 PM) I would have guardado close over hermanson i. I know no one else will agree with me because '' he has earned it''. But i think it is pretty clear he is pitching way over his head. He might have a flukey year and posts crazy numbers but chances of that happening seem slim to me. With guardado you know what you are getting more or less and i would feel safer with him in big time games. Another reason i can see guardado over hermanson is because we would not have three left handers in middle relief ( cotts, marte, guardado). If we put hermanson as our closer we would have one right hander out of the pen we can rely on ( politte). I agree with you. I think Hermy would make a better setup man.
  12. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jun 6, 2005 -> 09:49 PM) I'll f***ing puke if I have to see the triangle ran without a total superstar who can make buzzer beaters all game long. Triangle offense is horrid, only reason it worked for the Bulls/Lakers is because they both had total superstars at the guard position who could bail the team out when the shot clock would die and the triangle wouldn't get the offense a good shot (happens way too much in the triangle). You don't need total superstars. That's a huge misconception. The Bulls would be perfect for the triangle if they have Eddy coming back. It'll create perfect space between everybody and allow for easy buckets for everyone. We have guys who could knock down the shots as well. I'm convinced some people don't know a thing about the triangle offense.
  13. Skiles' agent went on the radio today and on Chicago Tribune Live and basically said it's much more than money and length, then when they asked what he wouldn't say which translates into we want more money. If they give him anymore money he'll be a top 5 paid coach. He certainly isn't that good. I don't see Washington paying Eddie Jordan that and they beat the Bulls. Plus Skiles almost a completely new team from the one he inherited. Skiles is asking for too much. He wants to get payed like he's Larry Brown and he's clearly not on that level. He hasn't even won a championship yet so screw him. I'm confident Pax will find someone better whether that be Phil or Flip. And people don't underestimate Phil. He had Kobe who's arguably the most selfish player ever to play the game. The triangle would definately work with Gordon in it. There's other coaches out there I wouldn't mind. Eric Mussleman whos a younger less stubborn Skiles comes to mind.
  14. QUOTE(DonkeyKongerko @ Jun 6, 2005 -> 09:33 PM) Sox merchandise is always a top seller. Sox fans are alot harder to find for some reason. Well the merchandise is because it has probably one of the best logos in baseball. So many Hip-Hop people wear it(look at all the rappers wearing White Sox hats) and White Sox gear is more nice clothing than team apparel by most people.
  15. I hear there a tons of *Insert Rockies Opponent here* fans in Colorado. I don't care if any of them are fairweather fans. That's how you get their children to become diehards. It starts with the fairweather fans. I'll take it.
  16. QUOTE(Steff @ Jun 6, 2005 -> 02:22 PM) Not a chance, and thank God for that. Seriously, I don't want another Wrigley on the southside where it's a hassle to park. If they were to get rid of one of the parking lots I would be fine if they built a parking garage, but that isn't happening.
  17. If this was my team, all of them are touchable for the right price. The least guy I want to trade is Gio Gonzalez. He'll be better than BMac IMO.
  18. QUOTE(Wong & Owens @ Jun 6, 2005 -> 01:38 PM) I can't read minds, but I think he's referring to the continued makeover of the Bridgeport neighborhood, as well as the neighborhood directly across the Ryan. Once those projects are gone, and replaced with a more affulent populace(and it will) and some bars/restaurants, the area will be much better than Addison. He's absolutely right though, in that if the Sox's stadium was in any west/southwest suburb, they'd draw much better than they currently do. Yep. Hopefully it bolds true. I know I'm going to stay a southsider my whole life(not in Beverly, but probably around Bridgeport/South Loop/Pilsen/Hyde Park).
  19. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Jun 6, 2005 -> 01:23 PM) So much for Thomas' lack of lateral movement preventing him from playing 1B. Guillen: "If we play him in the field, it's because we need him. I think Frank is willing to do what we think is good for the team. He knows what we want to do here. It's all about winning. I don't want him to sit for six days. That's why it's hard for us to play in the National League.'' It certainly sounds to me that if Koney is 0-2 in a game Guillen will not hesitate to replace him with Frank. I would like to see it. It's better than trotting Timo out there at 1B.
  20. http://www.rockymountainnews.com/drmn/rock...3833479,00.html
  21. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jun 6, 2005 -> 01:09 PM) I've talked to some pretty hardcore Red Sox fans in the past 20 minutes, and they say that he's tradeable for a good deal (something that doesn't involve rentals). Which means BMac.
  22. QUOTE(sox-r-us @ Jun 6, 2005 -> 12:49 PM) Those #s are sad. I would say so. I mean Sunday was beautiful. Saturday, I say there should've been 30,000(I wasn't expecting 40 because I know some people thought it was going to rain hard) and 30,000 on Friday.
  23. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 6, 2005 -> 07:45 AM) Its hilarious to hear you say that about Griffey, but when it comes to Thomas who is 37 and has suffered 2 season ending injuries in 5 years, you totally block that out as a possibility Very True. And also again DBah0, Reds would do this for money.
  24. Just asking, but does anyone know what Willie did last year that was so bad?
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