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Everything posted by nitetrain8601

  1. QUOTE(rafacosta @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 07:33 PM) Frank using high socks? That would be strange... He would look stupendous.
  2. Yeah, I'm not dissing it. I love it. I wish more players did it. That would be awesome if our whole team did it.
  3. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 03:24 PM) Haha, did you just grab 'Roc' from the FOX broadcast? Yep, I like it much better than ARow. The guy does look like a boulder. Roc is soo much shorter though.
  4. Roc has started to wear them and now all of a sudden, Crede has too. So what's up with that?
  5. Yeah, I put the blame on EA, but it still doesn't change the fact that 2K sucks. I guess they didn't like having to lower the prices for games, so they thought they could monopolize(they were going to try to get every major sports game I believe) and eliminate competition that way. They were way wrong and it blew up in their face.
  6. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 03:06 PM) I went to school at De. IIT seems like the most boring college campus ever. It seems that way with me, but their student activities center is awesome. Plus being inbetween Soldier Field and The Cell seems like a great spot. I do agree though, it does look boring there.
  7. JimH and Juggernaut, I applaud you because you kept the thread about what it's supposed to be about. Why and what can be done about it? A+ Posts. Now jugger, what about the UIC campus and the high schools closer to the Cell. I went to St. Ignatius and 1/2th the people were Sox fans, but only about 1/4 of that actually go(the people who actually live in Bridgeport. I mean, Wrigley certainly has alot of colleges around it, but the Cell has UIC and the University of Chicago closer to it and IIT.
  8. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 01:05 PM) Actually if anyone kept watching Brantley had an excellent breakdown on release point, arm slot, injury, and movement. Yep, it was actually pretty interesting.
  9. QUOTE(Be Good @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 11:33 AM) Supposedly, Hermy told Ozzie he couldn't pitch. So its not fair to rip him on that. I thought they said he was talking about Hermy saying that Frank couldn't go back in the game.
  10. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 10:23 AM) Why? Thanks? I agreed with everything you said.
  11. QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 09:58 AM) So, what happens with the MVP MLB engine? Is that done with? Do I seriously have to go out and buy 2005 just because there won't be a similar 2006? This effing sucks. It'll be in the NCAA game. I won't buy 2K. I always wanted to play a college baseball game.
  12. QUOTE(Yossarian @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 09:42 AM) Attendance just isn't quite where it should be, taking everything into consideration. Nobody expects the Sox to match the cubs right now. At the end of the year I'll reevaluate. In the meantime I make my first visit to Chicago and the old ball yard since 2001 during the week of July 4. The mighty Devil Rays are in town. Maybe I'll see one or more of you. I may even pop for a beer. Exactly, attendance should be higher considering we're the first place team in baseball. QUOTE(BigNDfan80 @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 09:58 AM) What's even scarier about Friday's attendance.....There were A LOT of Indian fans there. I even decided to not take off my light coat so Indian fans wouldn't heckle me at Jacob's Field West.
  13. QUOTE(SHAFTR @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 02:16 AM) I like Podsednik Iguchi Thomas Konerko Rowand Dye Pierzynski Crede Uribe Thomas should be 3rd b/c of his high OBP. Also, I really like this idea of Dye learning to play 1st for next year. I don't like this lineup. Thomas and Konerko = GDP record. I like ARow at the 4, but I could see why he would be a 3. Konerko should be behind Dye right now.
  14. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 01:31 AM) And I've yet to hear a good way of improving it from ANYBODY. Personally, I don't even have any clue why attendance is the problem that it is to begin with. I have no idea why fans aren't coming. Which is the mission sox-r-us is on to find out.
  15. QUOTE(3 BeWareTheNewSox 5 @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 01:28 AM) Well then I'd have to disagree with you. Supporting the team is one thing, buy it doesn't mean you have to go to the park. I don't think a fan that has season tickets can be labeled a better fan than the one who goes to 2 games a year because of financial reasons. And as far as homefield advantage in baseball, that would be what the Twins have, being used to playing in a dome or on their turf or whatever or taking away opposing teams hot water, stuff like that. The rest is all mental which shouldn't matter if home or away if you're a professional baseball player, imo. It shouldn't matter just like a reliever shouldn't have to have a special mentality to close out games or a basketball player shouldn't feel any more pressure in a 1 point deficit with 3 seconds left and the ball in his hands than the middle of the 2nd quarter. . Fact is it does matter for whatever reasons. QUOTE(nvxplorer @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 01:28 AM) I agree with you completely about Chicago fans. Chicago is a die-hard sports town. Always has been, always will be. Living out west myself, I only have the media to rely on, but as far as attending Cubs games, I read that a lot of people are there for reasons other than being a hard core fan. Maybe it's true, maybe it isn't, but the neighborhood, the bars, etc., etc., all seem to suggest this is true. While I remember Bears home games being blacked out years ago (many, many years ago), the baseball games have always been broadcast on TV (RIP, Harry). I don't know, but maybe in this day and age, the ballpark itself is a big factor. I can't comment on the Cell as I've never seen it, but is it possible that the park isn't a big enough attraction? Just hypothesizing here, but what if JR built the new park on the lakefront, similar to the Giants' SBC Park, for example? With the games available on cable, local TV, the internet, the proliferation of sports bars; do you think this provides a disincentive to see the games live? I guess I could look it up on the Sox website, but since I'm posting, I'll ask you guys. What do seats cost nowadays? Are they overpriced? I haven't lived in Chicago since '77, but IIRC, tickets were only $5 that year. Back then, that was less than one hour's wages, on the average. http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/04003995...7&minorcatid=10
  16. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 01:27 AM) It helps because it's more logical than just saying our attendance sucks. It helps because sound arguments are presented as opposed to complaining about attendance. There is less tension on the board. Complaining about attendance when you live far away almost sounds like a personal attack on Sox fans who live here. It sometimes (not always) comes off as saying "Why aren't you doing your part?" Most of us on here do do our part. We had the same discussion on a DePaul message board. We came up with ideas and sent it to the school. There was far less bickering. Yeah, no one came out and just said the attendance sucks. sox-r-us was trying to have a discussion about why it sucks and what will improve it because so far, everybody who said, "wait til june" was wrong.
  17. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 01:21 AM) Can someone post how many fans we've drawn so far this season, compared to this time last year? Last year we didn't have an as good record. Go back and take the attendance of the last time we started this hot. QUOTE(3 BeWareTheNewSox 5 @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 01:21 AM) Players create a vibe on their own, and there have been plenty of crummy crowds, and the Sox have been winning. Bigger crowds come with better teams anyways, so there should be no worry under current circumstances with your logic. An empty stadium is quite a bit of a stretch from what I was trying to imply By your logic though, an empty stadium wouldn't matter because fans don't translate into wins or losses.
  18. QUOTE(3 BeWareTheNewSox 5 @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 01:18 AM) The players are getting paid millions of dollars to do their job, and I optionally spend money to support the team and salaries. I don't have a job to do, it's every fan's personal option whether he goes to a game or not Pride and chants don't translate into wins I'd say as a fan of any team, it's your job to support them. Even if you were a Cubs fan I would tell you the exact same thing. It's your job as a fan to go out and support your ballclub. That's what being a fan is. Pride and chants give you that extra boost which translates into wins. That's where the phrase, "homefield advantage" comes into play. The White Sox have none of that.
  19. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 01:16 AM) It's the friggin first week of June. Wait for the crowd over the weekend at least FFS. And we heard it's barely April two months ago. That excuse is out the window. Most kids are out of school. I'm taking summer classes and still have found ways. Fans aren't showing up. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 01:18 AM) But the implication is that attendance CAN be changed, which it should, as opposed to Crede or Timo who are lost causes. We can't change how the players play, but critiquing is fair game. The original post essentially calls out White Sox fans. Most of us are doing our part. I ask again. Does anybody have a solution? At least b****ing about Crede and Timo usually brings about solutions such as trade scenarios, changing their swing, demoting, any way to get rid of them, etc... I'd like to see some examples of ways to fix the attendance problem instead of what sometimes just comes off as complaining. How does it help? Does any of our ideas of changing Crede's swing or trade suggestions get to the front office or coach's office?
  20. QUOTE(3 BeWareTheNewSox 5 @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 01:15 AM) Yes, that what I was saying, it's a nice atmosphere for the fans, but I don't think it affects a team's performance (the most important thing). It obviously hasn't until this point You're right.Let's have them play in an empty stadium. I don't think Sox players would care since it doesn't help them at all. I mean that extra energy and vibe you get off a packed house means nothing. I don't think Sox fans will miss it that much anyway.
  21. QUOTE(3 BeWareTheNewSox 5 @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 01:10 AM) Posting hear about those things is a way of venting, I see attacks on attendance as an attack on the fans and fellow posters, which is extremly lame when you don't go to the games yourself So it is okay to attack the players or call them out, but not fans when they aren't their job of showing up to the game and supporting them live? You can chant Paulie all you want at a TV screen, but they won't hear you. You chant Paulie at a couple of games and it makes a difference. Else games would just be played in empty stadiums with just cameras around and the players playing the game. Attendace would help this team's payroll(notice as attendance has increased ever so slightly, the Sox have spent more money? Also, it gives the Sox more pride in what they're doing. How do you think they feel when they got more fans at the Angels/Sox series in Anaheim last week(LAA averaged 40,000 fans for the series) and then come home and see one game with good attendance. You would've thought the Sox were battling to stay out of last place.
  22. QUOTE(nvxplorer @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 01:06 AM) Let me pose this question to perhaps shed some light on the subject. If it wasn't for the "atmosphere," and if going to Wrigley wasn't the "in thing" to do for many people, what would the Cubs' attendence be? In other words, how many people in Chicago are actually interested in going to a baseball game for the baseball? Here's another angle. The two Los Angeles teams draw 3 million plus, year in and year out, but the city will not support a football team. Figure that one out. (I don't think it's as easy as saying Los Angelinos don't like football.) About the football team, contrary to popular belief, the city just doesn't give a damn about football. In Chicago, baseball is a major sport and tons of people care about it. I don't think Cub fans don't get as much credit as they deserve. Their fanbase has increased knowledge of the team. I mean, I even know this one completely ditzy girl who doesn't watch any other sports who can tell me what's Aramis Ramirez's stats and stays up to watch the Cubs play the west coast games. So far, most of the Cub fans I've met this year are actually baseball smart. Even they will be the first to tell you Nomar shouldn't be starting in the ASG.
  23. I thought Ozzie ball was supposed to put us up there, not at the dweller of these stats.
  24. QUOTE(Jabroni @ Jun 4, 2005 -> 01:03 AM) I just found it hilarious that someone living on the west coast was b****ing about attendance. The irony is delicious. Just as relevant as someone from the suburbs b****ing about Timo or Crede.
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