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Everything posted by nitetrain8601

  1. Told you guys that Gooch wouldn't be a top candidate. It's sad, but he won't make it unless he hits 10 HR's. Dye is a name, that's why he's top 15. AJ definately should be top 5.
  2. QUOTE(He_Gawn @ May 31, 2005 -> 02:08 PM) Make sure you have the Wireless adapter plugged into your computer and run the startup disc, it will find the network and that should be it. This pretty much should do the trick. I think you also got to set the wireless card to latch onto any connection that's being sent.
  3. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ May 31, 2005 -> 05:04 PM) You make personal attack after personal attack and then get on Jabroni for taking a cheap shot. You have a warped sense of reality. You can talk of Napolean conflicts and all but you are the kid who cracks the other kid in the head then complains when he hits you back. Read my post at 5:46. I tried to end it there and simply said that I accepted disagreeing and said JaBroni has not which is the problem. I thought it would end there. I'm not going to be the older brother who gives him what he wants. He doesn't want to end it so I got til 6:30 to argue with the runt if he wants.
  4. QUOTE(Cubs Suck23 @ May 31, 2005 -> 05:01 PM) A Padres fan would like to see his team make this trade... Buehrle,Mccarthy,Anderson and Uribe for Jake Peavy,Khail Greene,Trevor Hoffman I don't see Khalil that much of an upgrade over Uribe. Peavy is better than Buehrle, McCarthy has more trade value than Hoffman IMO because he is a young pitcher who could be a stud and Hoffman is older already. Anderson would be in there to match Buehrle and Peavy I presume. So the base of this trade would be Andersen and Sweeney for Peavy. Thank you, but no bait simply because Peavy is not that much of an upgrade in terms of helping us win more than Buehrle will and we're throwing in an asset.
  5. QUOTE(Jabroni @ May 31, 2005 -> 04:57 PM) I made a poll and the majority agreed that Uribe is a better defensive SS than Ozuna. I think it's more childish to refute the obvious. Oh yeah, because all these people are GM's in the league. In that case, whoever is Billy Beane, is it possible you trade us Chavez and Haren and Harden for a bag of balls? You keep going after I again agreed to disagree. Continue with your cheap shots though. Now I know how it's like to have a little brother that keeps following you around and continues to annoy the hell out of you. Everyone praise JaBroni as king so he could finally shut the hell up.
  6. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ May 31, 2005 -> 04:50 PM) just out of random curiosity, are you the youngest child Jabroni? That last little "20-2" stinger is right out of my brothers book. Yes that was childish. Of course the little brother always has to have a cheapshot in there because of the Napoleon complex. Keep going Jabroni. And for the last damn time, I did not vote in that damn thread. I'll bet 400 dollars in paypal cash, or do you want to chicken out little brother?
  7. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ May 31, 2005 -> 04:44 PM) there used to be this statement that applied to the argument you two are having. "We agree to disagree" move along folks, nuthin to see here. Just two people arguing over semantics...... I've already said those are just my thoughts. I never said anyone has to take them as fact. That's where JaBroni comes in. I have to take his thoughts as facts. I already asked a page or 2 prior when will it end and that I already know their thoughts on the discussion. I've already agreed to disagree, but JaBroni needs to argue.
  8. QUOTE(Jabroni @ May 31, 2005 -> 04:40 PM) I sent you one PM referring you to the poll thread. Once again, get over yourself. Never said you sent me more than 1 did I? No. And I already knew where that thread was going. You didn't have to make it, but you simply did it so you could have something to rub in my face. Again, it didn't tell me anything different. I already knew their opinions from this thread. It's not my fault you simply can't deal with me not looking at it and not caring.
  9. QUOTE(I-HATE-CREDE @ May 31, 2005 -> 04:37 PM) Hey, nitetrain said Ozuna is better defensively than Uribe and that is enough for me. Why can't the rest of you just trust his judgement? And where did I state my THOUGHTS are FACTS???
  10. QUOTE(Jabroni @ May 31, 2005 -> 04:35 PM) I was just trying to point you to the poll thread. I think it's safe to say that you were misguided. Thanks though. 17 votes for Uribe 1 vote for Ozuna I guess I couldn't come to the conclusion after reading this thread and people's thoughts in it. Your welcome to send me a ton more PM's telling me something I ALREADY KNOW. :sleep
  11. QUOTE(aboz56 @ May 31, 2005 -> 04:35 PM) I mean as much as I think Crede sucks right now, he was a two time minor league MVP and there is a chance that he could get hot at some point this season. This is not Crede defending, this is just logic. You're such a Crede apologist
  12. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ May 31, 2005 -> 04:30 PM) I thought that the purpose of boards like this was to discuss with sox fans about the sox. If a topic doesnt hold merit people will ignore it and move on. I never understood where people read something they dont like and then get mad at people for bringing up the point. Whitesox fans are pessimistic by nature. And I am sorry if I am not just overjoyed by this anemic offense we have. Our pitching is great. That's all good and all, but it has gone on in other threads. The same crap is being recycled everyday about 10 times a day. Again, Aboz, I suggest stickying a "I want to b**** about the White Sox thread". Anyone who doesn't b**** in there and takes it elsewhere gets a temporary ban.
  13. No Jabroni, I will not go out with you. I'm a heterosexual male. In the words of Cam'ron, No homo. Thanks for the PM though. And no, I did not vote in that thread because it's simply lame and I already knew it was a form of baiting. I know most people are saying Uribe. That was expressed in this thread. Don't know why you had to make another thread about it.
  14. I would say offense is underrated in basketball, but it ultimately leads to a balance of both. My theory is, defense keeps you close, offense will win you the game.
  15. QUOTE(Palehosefan @ May 31, 2005 -> 02:38 PM) Larry simply said he would be retiring in Detroit, and he's not going to be retiring in Detroit if the latest reports are true. But even if they are true, do you honestly think Larry can go without coaching the Cavaliers and just sit back and let someone else do it? Thats asking too much from him, he has an ego and if the Cav's falter, I see him taking over immediately. He said that Detroit would be his last coaching gig. He didn't say he would no way be involved with basketball after Detroit. Would you rather have him take Dumars' job?? Larry will just quit if it doesn't work out in CLE.
  16. QUOTE(Jabroni @ May 31, 2005 -> 04:24 PM) It's not opinion. It's fact. Uribe is a better defensive SS than Ozuna. Sorry for questioning you God. I will never doubt your opionions, I mean facts again. Praise Jabroni
  17. Point was that there was already 15 other threads b****ing about what and who is going wrong. That's the point me and aboz are trying to make.
  18. QUOTE(Jabroni @ May 31, 2005 -> 04:21 PM) The polls are now coming in. It appears that you are losing the majority vote. Obviously you didn't read what I just said, so I'll slow down and say it for you again. Iiiiiiiiiiii alllllreadddy kknnooowww thhhheeiiirrr opppionnnioonnssss annnd thhouugghhttss, Iiii don'tttt need to rreeerreaadd theeem. Itttt issss a llaammme attemmppptt att baiiitttting peeerrrrrrioooddd
  19. QUOTE(Jabroni @ May 31, 2005 -> 04:13 PM) See my new thread... http://www.soxtalk.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=34493 Why when I've already seen what people think in here. It's stupid and a lame attempt at bait. I saw people's thoughts and I have my own. I don't need to go over them again.
  20. Can't you see aboz, if the Sox lose, it wasn't because the other team was the better team that day, it's because someone on the White Sox is f***ing up. Hell even when we win.
  21. I think Shingo will turn it around, but I don't know about him being as good as last year again. He needs to learn to throw that chanegup over the plate instead of in the dirt or way out of the strikezone. That's his problem. He tries to throw the fastball down the middle and not his changeup so they could just sit on the fastball and Boom the dynamite goes.
  22. QUOTE(RockRaines @ May 31, 2005 -> 04:08 PM) Yeah, I never pegged Jeter as great defensively, but he doesnt make alot of mistakes, just makes the plays he should make. I always thought they should let A-rod take his spot and move his ass to 2B, but whatever. Well that's what I would do. Jeter is good, but A-Rod is better defensively. They don't want to do that though because they consider Jeter the leader and don't want him moving to accomadate an outsider.
  23. Chavez Wells Lyle Overbay(I do realize he would be costing lots of prospects) Wagner
  24. QUOTE(Jabroni @ May 31, 2005 -> 04:02 PM) Heh, it must suck when you can't just admit defeat and say you were wrong. I guess stats are pretty meaningless if your eyes are the only thing that matters when judging a player's defense. :rolly How long are you going to try to argue? Seriously, I'm trying to engage in other discussions and I've already given my thoughts, so how long does it take?? Does it stop when everyone gives you a cheer and tells you how much of a badass you are? It's getting annoying, very annoying.
  25. QUOTE(Jabroni @ May 31, 2005 -> 04:00 PM) No, I am not God. But MANY other posters already tried to tell you that you were wrong. Uribe is a better defensive SS than Ozuna. I'm sorry we had to break it to you. I'll wait for many of the posters to jump off the bridge so you'll do it too.
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