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Everything posted by nitetrain8601

  1. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Apr 10, 2005 -> 03:31 AM) For rangercal because when in rome.... Now here's the argument on Dalembert; He's NOT going to get a max contract, like Eddy Curry will. He could be had for the mid - level exception for the next 5 seasons. Do you think Golden State would have loved to give him that instead of forking out $40 million over 6 years for THE Adonal Foyle? For those who think he scores nothing but dunks, have a look at the stats; Eddy Curry - 16.1 points, 5.4 rebounds, .92 blocks per game, 730 FG's attempted Sam Dalembert - 8.2 points, 7.6 rebounds, 1.69 blocks per game (he had 2.3 blocks per game last season). He ranks 13th in the NBA for rebounds per 48 mins (14.6), and 12th in the NBA for blocks per 48 mins (3.27). Now Dalembert has had 300 less shots than Eddy Curry this year, and if he came to the Bulls that number would rise. AI would have at least 20 shots per game, and Webber would have about 15, plus you've got Korver lighting up from the outside, and Jackson and Igoudola. When Eddy Curry is on the court, the Bulls are 2.1% worse off. When he is off the court, the Bulls are 3.2% better off. When Sam Dalembert is on the court, the 76ers and 0.9% better off. When he is off the court, they are 2.9% worse off. This site shows the diff in stats b/w the two; Salembert is +1.3 above the average (*PER), while Curry is +4.2, the main difference being Curry is down in rebounding, turnovers, blocks and assists, but he's way ahead in scoring. The Bulls have to decide whether or not they are willing to live with Curry's shortcomings in the other areas of his game other than his scoring. http://www.82games.com/04CHI13C.HTM How do Curry and Chandler play on the same court together? Not good, at a -7, something to keep in mind for the future. http://www.82games.com/0405CHIP.HTM Looking at PER Diff vs. On / Off Court Diff, Curry comes off with a -1.8, while Dalembert has a +1.2. http://www.82games.com/0405CHI2.HTM Funny how Eddy is on everyone of our top four 5-man units and 7 of our top 10 5-man units. He must be a detriment. Not. Just because you don't want to sign someone to a near max deal is a dumb reason not to sign someone. Again, if you feel that way, become a Clippers fan and ask the others how they feel on that. Even Shaq has praised him. Dalembert simply doesn't equal Eddy. AI would probably love to have Eddy as well. And qwerty, Eddy doesn't box out or pick good??? It's amazing how you have the NBA package so you could see nearly every game. Clearly you have missed all Bulls games this season.
  2. Use him in RF/LF every 3 days straight. Basically use him as a 4th OFer and have him play 3 games in a row and then sit 1 or 2. Get some 1B in for him.
  3. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Apr 9, 2005 -> 10:32 PM) IF the Bulls found another presence that could score in the low post. Say getting a Donyell Marshall who can shoot the outside shot and do some low post work or a shareef. They could play them at the 3 part of the time and give enough of a presence to prevent the double teamings. Plus Luol and Nocioni are both slashers and then they have enough to worry about. Plus with two guys that can crash the boards like Dalembert and Chandler, I don't think you could see too many double teams on the outside simply because they would be leaving the Bulls players open for so many offensive boards and tip backs. And I must admit on the defensive side, those two would just shut down the opponents drive. Then you have Noc, Deng, Hinrich and Duhon shutting down the permiter game. These guys may be young, but they are already some of the better perimeter defenders and I often here Hinrich's name amongst the very best (from other coaches in their quotes) and then of course Gordon whose a flat shooter. I also see reason in sticking with Curry. He's a monster of an offesnive player. Simply put the guy has all kind of touch around the hoop, good quickness, good athlete. I do think he's a better at boxing out that some people give him credit for. He's not great, but he also is lazy when it comes to going after the basketball. He tends to wait for it to come to him. And defensively he's made strides this year. He's not dominate, but he's made strides. I also see reason to worry about having two inept offensive players in the low post on offense. I mean it really can go both ways, imo and Eddy at 22 has lots of growth to make. Easier said than done, especially at the C position. Dalembert and Tyson are too thin to handle C's on a full time basis. They don't have much weight to carry around. So sure they might swat some balls, but when they face a Shaq or Curry or Z or Yao, or anyone with lots of body mass, they would get handled. Add that to the lack on inside offense(donyell really is a Chris Webber type as in he'll shoot the jumper rather than drive and dunk) and you're asking for tons of trouble. Don't matter though. Paxson was heard saying that he is keeping the core together.
  4. I love Carl Everett. We need to start his own fan group.
  5. Outside the Lines, Baseball Tonight, and NBA Fastbreak all within an hour.
  6. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Apr 9, 2005 -> 09:22 PM) A pass-first mentality, although great for a PG, just doesn't make up for sucking on offense. Tonight, for example, Kirk had 25 pts., 8 assists, 1 TO, and 2 steals compared to a weak 8 points, 3 assists, and no steals... Just an example of a season-long trend. Kirk's numbers are just so much better. But yeah, it's good to have them both, for now... Once Ben improves on defense, I wanna see duhon on the bench behind Kirk as it should be... Well yeah. Duhon would make a great backup at PG simply because he could set up the offense and get everyone on the bench going. The guys on our bench aren't really good at knowing the offensive sets, so that's one place Duhon would help - directing the traffic. Kirk has been coming on as of late.
  7. Yeah, just wait until summertime. There will be nothing interfering with pre and post games.
  8. White Sox starters are undefeated on the season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Apr 9, 2005 -> 09:12 PM) I believe that a PG needs to have an effective offense to keep the defense honest. That will enhance his PG abilities. If you dump it down to your big men and the guy guarding you isn't worried about your shot so he doubles, than I'm not satisfied with that. duhon is just way too inconsistent with his shot and is more likely to miss an open 3 than make it. I think that Kirk's numbers, and especially his assists, speak for themselves... And yeah, I did laugh at qwerty's post, but probably not because of why he would have wanted anyone to. Sad to see somebody talk up a good game and wuss out when they get owned... Well we could go back and forth why Duhon/Hinrich is better. But we could keep them both, so who needs to argue??? As long as the team wins, no need to trade either one unless it's going to make your team noticeably better.
  10. QUOTE(qwerty @ Apr 9, 2005 -> 08:57 PM) My cousin/girlfriend that has never played basketball either can nail 50% of her three pointers too. :headshake Too much made up stuff for me to respond any more. Can't defend yourself and now you refer to something that is true. I don't mind a good argument. I do mind a an argument with a dumb poster who doesn't know the in and outs of something he's talking about and says, "that can't be true" because FACTS go against what he says. qwerty's post = I lost, so I'll say something else that someone will hopefully laugh at. And no, Pietrus' size isn't a reason enough to trade KH. I wouldn't trade KH for a package centered around Pietrus. I do believe Duhon is the better PG(not player). I'm not trading KH for peanuts though.
  11. QUOTE(qwerty @ Apr 9, 2005 -> 08:51 PM) Curry boxes out period? Holy f***ing s***. Now that had to of been a joke. That is one of his biggest problems and it is well known. Boxing out is not one of his problems. Going after the ball after he boxes out instead of letting someone else take it, is his problem on rebounding.
  12. QUOTE(qwerty @ Apr 9, 2005 -> 08:49 PM) You always have to worry about how you spend your money unless of course you want to be the knicks. Curry is hardly ever in the fourth quarter and even the third quarter because he cannot do anything well but score. Curry has been good in maybe a handful of fourth quarters this year. When we need stops on the last five minutes of a game do you think he should be in? If curry could score 25+ don't you think he would? We should just be able to feed him the ball and boom he scores... or wait he is not on the floor long enough fo that. Plain and simple curry is a liabiliy except for shooting... and by the way scoring is not half the game. I believe half of my questions were not answered. Your questions were answered. You don't want to listen, that's fine. Curry was in a stretch when he wasn't in the 4th(3 games) and after that is when he went on his really big tear. That doesn't just include offense, defense as well. And no one with the exception of Kirk plays enough minutes to average 25ppg. There's a reason why even Gordon isn't averaging that. And feeding a guy the ball isn't what offense is all about. You feed him and what if the defense doubles from the blindside?? Then you have a turnover if you try to force it. You kick it out and the ball swings for the open shot. Curry isn't a liability anywhere, except for rebounding, but I already told you why he's not so much a liability at that either. BTW, Offense does not solely equal scoring. Might want to learn that.
  13. Sox need to take advantage of this and beat the hell out of the Twins. Jump ahead by 20 games. Damnit, I think I'm obsessed with the White Sox dominating the Twins.
  14. QUOTE(Palehosefan @ Apr 9, 2005 -> 08:30 PM) I just want to know how in the world a 6'11 280 pound center can average only 5.4 rebounds a game in almost 30 minutes of play. You would think if he just spread his butt cheeks out and held his arms up in the air he would A) get atleast 7 rebounds a game and B) have the entire Duke bench in heat. He boxes out for others. Watch some Bulls games and you will see that he clears the lane for Chandler, Deng, and Antonio. His biggest problem is after boxing out to go and jump hard for the ball. It's alright. BTW, BULLS ARE CLINCHING TONIGHT.
  15. QUOTE(qwerty @ Apr 9, 2005 -> 08:27 PM) So you do not need two of the best big defensive big men in the nba? Why will teams keep driving to the hoop if they are getting swatted constantly and their shots keep getting altered? I will argue with anyone any where on, bbb, realgm, hoopshype, etc... that dalembert is the beter player for this team and the better deal considering he will not be getting any where close to the money curry is. Curry is better at one thing over both chandler and dalembert, one thing. So because of that we want to give him a ridiculous contract? Is it that the bulls share the ball so well that curry does not score more or is it because he has an excellent first quarter ( offensively anyway) and he gets tired or pulls some stupid s*** and gets pulled. Up until very recently he would disappear after the first quarter. We need a four quarter player not a one quarter player maybe two if he really feels like he is up to it that day. Yes, offense. That's half of the game just in case you didn't know. And Curry is making enough strides on defense to warrant him getting big bucks. Pax and Skiles have taken note of this. Again, it's a money issue with you. Go be a Clippers fan if you don't want to pay him. It is because the Bulls share the ball so well(other players and coaches have said that we execute and run the best team ball in the league), we go away from Curry after the first because teams start collapsing the double teams on him and Skiles likes to get everyone going. Up until recently, Kirk was holding the ball. Curry was good the whole game when Kirk was out because Curry touched the ball on every possession(Duhon got it to him, part of being a better PG than Kirk, early in the shot clock) and was allowed to create for himself and others. If the double came, then Curry quickly kicked it out and the guy who received it would quickly shoot the jumper. If it didn't Curry just handled whoever was guarding him. This was possible by him getting the ball the whole game as opposed to just the first quarter when Kirk is in there.
  16. QUOTE(rangercal @ Apr 9, 2005 -> 08:14 PM) sheeds the backup pg. Sheeds the starting PF.
  17. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Apr 9, 2005 -> 08:10 PM) You can thank Jim O' Brien for that benching, simply because they had Marc Jackson to hit the mid range jumper. Now Dalembert has started like the past 30 to 40 games, and puts up double - doubles almost every night. You put Dalembert and Chandler together and teams won't want to drive inside against the Bulls, they'll have to settle for outside shots all night long, and with Kirk, Deng etc on the perimeter, the Bulls will be better. Detroit have shown you don't need your C and PF to be great scorers to be sucessful in this league. And I seem to remember the Sixers doing pretty good when he was on the bench. Dalembert does the exact same thing that Chandler does. Catch alley-oops, and dunks for offense. There is no offensive skill set there. Wanna argue that, try going to RealGM. You'll get laughed at big time. Dally is a good defensive player, but you don't need two. Will teams be afraid to drive??? Probably not. Will teams be able to double our guards??? Yes, because there will be no low post presence to be scared of. Curry gets the job done whether you want to admit it or not. Your outside will not always fall in, especially for this Bulls team who's starting backcourt shoots around 35%. Imagine that with them getting worse looks??? Probably around 32%. Curry is a better player than Dally. Just because you don't want to pay him the big bucks is just stupid not to have a player, especially a top 4 Center(at least statistically) in the league. You have to pay him. He's only 22 and is averaging around 16ppg and that's not because he can't average more, that's because he like the rest of the team shares the ball. And Rasheed Wallace wasn't or is a great scorer??? Are you freaking kidding me??? There's a reason why he was a big acquisition. He can post up anyone in the league and he could step out and shoot the three. Brown just has him, like the rest, share the ball. Detroit has a great scoring PF and a C who gets his points off of rebounds and dunks. Curry is the 'Sheed and Chandler is the Big Ben.
  18. QUOTE(Mathew @ Apr 9, 2005 -> 03:24 PM) O.k I'll bite, he's done nothing to play himself outta the majors? A.285 OBP last year is more then enough. Clutch hitting keeps him on. And he didn't bat below the Mendoza line and his defense is solid.
  19. QUOTE(Yoda @ Apr 9, 2005 -> 07:52 PM) Guys, let’s not forget that tomorrow we’ll be televised on ESPN. That's what I'm afraid of. Ah hell, who cares.
  20. Hopefully we get the sweep tommorow. I want Buehrle to flat out dominate and for Johann to give up 30 runs.
  21. QUOTE(qwerty @ Apr 9, 2005 -> 06:09 PM) A chandler/dalembert front court is better than a curry/chandler front court. I am also very scared about signing curry to a crazy deal and have him die on us. I mean come on he has heart problems at the age of 22? Not a good sign if you ask me. I an sure we will definitely have insurance on him if and when we resign him. The same Sam Dalembert who was being benched by the 76ers, earlier this year?? Hell no. Chandler does everything he does and is better at it. Dalembert and Chandler would just get in each other's way and that would equal no offense. I understand defense is important, but offense is important as well. Many other players have had heart problems. In fact, two pretty good players(can't remember names, but it was noted on the radio had irregular heartbeats and they were nothing more than a simple complication. Dalembert
  22. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Apr 9, 2005 -> 04:22 PM) big mistake. How did the guy go from leaving the park yesterday, to being ready today? Radke was probably gonna light him up anyway, Girland's chances just got worse. So much for Garland getting lit up, right???????
  23. Marte gets in trouble when he doesn' t follow all the way through on his pitches. When he does, he's unhittable. I guess Ozzie wants to see if he could pitch longer than one inning. Remember, Damaso did say that he wanted to be a starter a few years back.
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