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Everything posted by nitetrain8601

  1. I like the behind the plate cam. Gives you some insight on what the catcher is seeing. I haven't seen any other team with it(correct me if I'm wrong) so it's something different. Sox have alot of views on tv and at the park that many teams don't have. Here comes Luis Vizcaino.
  2. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 02:13 PM) Then why ruin it for everyone else? No one is making you watch the Sox or post on a Sox board. I'm just saying. You cannot possibly tell me this game is exciting. Monday's game was more exciting because you had guys from each team mowing each other's guys down and you weren't getting popouts on each contact. Plus we thought Westbrook is good. We know Millwood sucks and the Indians pen sucks and we still can't hit. I think there's a problem. I'm done watching the Sox-Yanks because noway the Yanks are coming back. This is not looking good at all for the Right Sox though. Not ruining it, just stating the facts. We're not getting on base and we're not even making realistic threats to do so.
  3. QUOTE(TheBigHurt35 @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 02:02 PM) No, that's not what I mean. Whether the owner is a single person, the chariman of a board (as is the case with us), or a national media conglomerate, fans are going to boycott when said owner pulls the plug on two competitive teams down the stretch not once, but TWICE. I agree with you. When the Cell first opened it was packed. After 94 the fanbase dwindled and now on the 2nd game of the season there should be alot more people. I understand people have work, but there is absolutely no one there. I could drop a pin and I probably would hear it. No team in the majors minus the Rays(if them) had or are having this bad of attendance problems. Not even the Twinkies and they play in a dump. They need to do something about this. I suggest they allow people from the upperdeck to the lower deck. It looks discouraging when even along the first baseline is empty.
  4. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 02:10 PM) Do we suck on TV as much as it sounds? Offensively, yes.
  5. QUOTE(tonyho7476 @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 02:08 PM) Are we changing this to the Red Sox board for a little more excitement? Yeah, because this White Sox game is flat out boring. I said it yesterday and I'll say it today. It's boring ball. Especially when you don't have players that can get on to implement it. BoSox Yanks is a far more interesting game. And I'm one who usually hates those games.
  6. Bellhorn gets across homeplate with a groundball out by Ortiz.
  7. QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 02:04 PM) I'm pretty sure I remember him doing big things before with the chant going. Only time I could think of is when he brought us back against the Cubs in that 7-0. BTW, A-Rod with the error when he had a double play ball. Now it's a tie ball game!!!!!!!!! This is fun baseball.
  8. This BoSox game is great. Bases jacked, 1 out and Manny at the plate. 9th inning
  9. I've noticed that whenever they chant Paulie's name(any crowd at the cell) that he either grounds into a DP or pops it up. The best he does is get a sac fly. And no I'm not basing this off of this game as I got so bored, I changed it, but every single game I've seen and I hear the chant Paulie, he ends up F'n it up. My friends have noticed this too recently. Watch for it next time you go to a Sox game, he'll F up. I think I've only seen him be successful once with that chant.
  10. QUOTE(robinventura23 @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 01:40 PM) Crede :puke The whole lineup :puke
  11. Offense looks pathetic. On Monday I was thinking, okay Westbrook was dominating and he looked great. Now I'm thinking, okay Westbrook was great because we sucked as Millwood is proving now.
  12. QUOTE(robinventura23 @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 01:22 PM) I don't think we can judge anything when the season is only 13 inning old. :headshake How come no one complained that we only scored one run on Monday.... Oh yeah, because we won. Obviously you didn't see the thread in which me and a couple of others were complaining about Ozzie ball.
  13. this whole ozzie ball isn't cutting it so far through 12 innings...so much for Kevin Millwood being overrated, huh guys??
  14. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 07:41 AM) Deron can shoot way better than Hinrich already. That is one big advantage. I will say I think Kirk is a better one on one defender. I think DeRon is the better one on one shooter. Kirk just looks like he's trying harder that everyone because in the NBA, no one really tries.
  15. QUOTE(T R U @ Apr 5, 2005 -> 08:18 PM) Yeah especially for a girl which is why I dont believe what he said.. I'm dead serious. She didn't even bother to play defense, she just stayed there and when she got the ball she shot. Hell she made the game winning shot from there in the 2nd game we played. It's not hard at all. I've seen Junior High Kids eat that with ease as well. Swear to God, it's not a lie.
  16. QUOTE(Jabroni @ Apr 5, 2005 -> 09:38 PM) I remember that there were actually rumors last season that Kenny was interested in trading for Gil Meche and/or Raul Ibanez while we were actually playing the Mariners. It was right after the rumors came out that we were going to a 4-man rotation. Yeah I remember that. People said hell no to him. Even at his worst, I think he was better than what we had for the 5th slot.
  17. QUOTE(whitesoxin' @ Apr 5, 2005 -> 09:30 PM) Frank? Joe Borchard isn't on the DL
  18. QUOTE(3E8 @ Apr 5, 2005 -> 09:20 PM) More importantly, couldn't Gil Meche have been had this winter? He had an ERA under 2 in spring and is pitching pretty well in this game. I was saying that the Sox should've gone after him last year. I think he could've been had for Loaiza or Borchard and Diaz. I suggested it on whitesoxinteractive, but they all blasted me for it. Problem is consistancy, but he always has one really good half and then he has a bad half of the season. I think Coop would help him with that. There's a reason why I don't post on WSI anymore though. Because they banned me for no apparent reason. And when I was going to email the mod or whatever, that email he provided doesn't work. I didn't try getting another sn though, because I found this board and it is tons better. No b****ing about green seats everyday and how the Sox should change their uni colors to green.
  19. Don't know. Supposedly they have an owner(dan gibson) who is an MSU alum and wants Izzo. I won't believe it either, but if he did, wow. I just don't know if I ever see Izzo leaving MSU.
  20. The Arizona Republic says that Greg Anthony will be the next GM and that, get this, Tom Izzo(yes MSU Tom Izzo) will be the next coach.
  21. I heard all these guys are just from the Cactus League and the Florida League or w/e's results didn't come in yet.
  22. I didn't think the questions were that bad. Even the PJ statement he could've laughed off and said he wouldn't get into that. I could've handled those questions. I think he was just hoping they would ask him, "What do you think about the White Sox?" "What do you like about Ozzie?" and "We like what you've done with the stadium"
  23. QUOTE(TheBigHurt35 @ Apr 5, 2005 -> 01:19 PM) IIRC, wasn't Garcia's debut a Sunday Night game last year at MIN? And didn't we win that one? Maybe I'm wrong, but that's what I seem to recall. Nope. It was against the Twins but it was a weekday game and not on ESPN. I remember because I was watching the game on MLB.tv.
  24. QUOTE(Punch and Judy Garland @ Apr 5, 2005 -> 12:00 PM) a bit of thanks for radke is the reason Thanks
  25. At then end, I also agree with whoever said that all the pieces aren't in place to play Ozzie ball effectively. We have a team that on days will look great playing it and others in which it will look horrible. Hopefully it works for at least 90 games.
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