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Everything posted by nitetrain8601

  1. ^^Sure was. I hope they beat the living snot out of UW-Milwaukee. Just to make him think he can't coach at that next level. Kill the damn Cinderella, KILL IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. QUOTE(TheDybber @ Mar 23, 2005 -> 09:10 AM) Found this is a NY Daily News article: Now I'm not saying it's true, but what if it is? Would this make Pearl more or less underhanded in his tactics? Maybe, if the NCAA wants to clean their games up, they should tape ALL conversations or send a representative with the coach on EVERY scouting trip. Of course no one has responded to that yet.
  3. They should've signed Mantei(who wanted to play in Chicago) or Percival. They simply dropped the ball on that. They have the money to take the chance on those players, but simply didn't.
  4. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Mar 21, 2005 -> 11:26 PM) They were put on probation, but not because of what Pearl taped. More reason to back off him. They were put on probation for other infractions. They cheated. Remember, Thomas made a verbal commitment to this "aggressive recruiter", then changed his mind, and told Pearl he was getting 80K and a Blazer. They weren't even put on probation for the Blazers, which was common knowledge every Illini player had. I am saying if Thomas never said Collins paid him, and never said he was gettting a car, all of this would never have happened. Pearl might not have been totally above board, but given all the information, there is no way the guy's a rat. Thomas bears a lot of responsibility for this. I don't know what the laws were back then, but considering Pearl was never charged with anything, and Iowa received no penalties, nothing illegal must have happened. I will guarantee you there were a lot of coaches and administrators around the Big Ten who secretly raised a glass to Bruce Pearl. A lot of crap was going on with that program, and everyone (except for maybe Lou Henson) knew it. Wrong buddy. He was pissed off because he lost out on a recruit. No one in the Big Ten liked the guy and everyone saw him as a rat, especially after the incident. Even Dickie V thinks he's a rat which is why he never comments on him.
  5. I have a player J. Allen who's originally a CF prospect in FA. Got him, developed him in the minors for 2 years, brought him up and changed his position as a 2b and he's one 4 GG and 5 silver slugger awards. His contact is 100 and his speed is a 98. His power is in the 70's as well. The whole left side of my infield are GGers.
  6. I said Frank because I think BMac could hold down the fort while Thomas for the past few years has been near the top in walks and OBP.
  7. Anyone else think LaMont Jordan is a bootleg RB??? I don't think he's that good at all and I've seen lots of people hype him up.
  8. I rather have QC personally. The Bears don't have a complete offense yet which means they are going to need someone who makes plays with their feet.
  9. QUOTE(TheDybber @ Mar 21, 2005 -> 10:54 AM) Oh Dick, Dick, Dick...c'mon...I'll agree with the Pearl over Collins coaching ability. But, the Deon Thomas and Illinois were cleared of allegations over that incident. They were put on probation for other infractions, which, if you opened up an investigation at ANY PROGRAM, would probably come up. Including Duke, UNC, Kentucky or Kansas. From what I remember (I was at Illinois at the time), Thomas was a 17 year old kid, trying to get an aggressive recruiter off his back. Did Deon say those things, probably, but the NCAA couldn't prove anything and instead saved face by putting Illinois on probabation for other infractions. Bruce Pearl is on the same level as Linda Tripp. Why wasn't he, or the Iowa team, put on probation for illegally wiretapping a recruit? Isn't that entrapment? Sorry Dick, but Bruce Pearl, good coach or not, is not a martyr, not a do gooder, he is a rat, plain and simple. I agree completely. Illinois was put on probation because of other things. I'm saying the Illini wouldn't have lost out on recruits, especially from Illinois(top recruits that is) if they weren't put on probation. Hell, they might've never made it back up ala UNLV.
  10. McCarthy is the way to go. Hopefully he performs just as well. I'm surprised he hasn't broke a bone, he's skinnier than Pod. Anyway, I'm scared that we're rushing him, but I don't think there are many other choices.
  11. So basically Buehrle is going to miss at least 3 starts?
  12. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Mar 20, 2005 -> 09:00 PM) That fact of the matter was Illinois was doing some illegal things. A lot, if not all players were indeed given use of Chevy Blazers. Pearl turning them in was frowned at by Illinois coaches and fans. If it were Jimmy Collins turning in Tom Davis, Illini fans would have an incredibly different take. The Illini were put on probation for violations. I don't remember if the Blazers had anything to do with the probation, but Pearl definitely got the ball rolling on the investigation. Pearl has become one of the top small school coaches in the country. I'm sure it chaps Jimmy Collins' ass that Pearl is 10 times the coach he is. Pearl did Illinois a huge favor. If this scandal hadn't happened, Collins probably would have succeeded Lou Henson, and regardless of Jimmy's ties to the public league, there is no way the program would be in the position it is today. You're right, It would probably be stronger. The fact that Illinois basically couldn't recruit from one of the biggest and best cities for basketball hurt them big. Look at Duke, they were getting Chicago Public League recruits all the way down there.(Latest 2 were Dockery and M. Thompson) and they wouldn't have had such a problem building up their program again. They were absolved of all things and the reason why Pearl did it was because he lost out on a recruit. Hell Duke gave Chris Duhon's mom a $155,000 job "coincidentally" as they were recruiting him. They also gave Carlos Boozer's family some money from what I remember too. I don't see Bruce Pearl trying to get Duke popped off. The Blazers didn't have anything to do with the investigation. He was just a bitter man. Hell Dickie V. doesn't even like him and that's why he's pretty much "blackballed" from a major program.
  13. I always thought Jason Phillips was a 1B. Eh well, decent trade for both teams.
  14. I had the seats upgrade up til level 3(outfield and more upperdeck seats) and I benefitted from them because they are cheaper and I made sure I bought every concession shop and gift shops possible. I was making 1.5 mil per game in my 6th season. Everything was a near sellout so it does benefit you. I haven't bough ads yet simply because I don't think they give you enough money in revenue.
  15. Yeah, I didn't see Jenks at all. Did he do anything?? How'd he look?
  16. What does plethora mean???? Just kidding. Nice preview.
  17. What are these? MVP simulated season???
  18. Yea it's weird. I haven't seen him pitch at all. Same with Buehrle, but then again, he pitches in about an hour
  19. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Mar 20, 2005 -> 12:04 AM) Ok... Bruce was an assitant at Iowa Illinois had won the recruiting battle for Deon Thomas. Pearl illegaly recorded a phone convo he had with Thomas where Deon said we would give him a car or something. But Pearl edited the part where he told Deon he would top our offer. He turned it in to the NCAA we go on probation for 5 years. It's even bigger than that though too. See Jimmy Collins was an assistant for the Illini and next in line to be head coach of the Illini. Pearl alleged that Collins was the one who offered all the benefits to Deon Thomas which Illinois was basically forced not to give him a job and eventually led to him having to leave. Now you say what's the big deal about that?? The big deal is that the public leaguers loveeeed Collins and were pissed off Collins wasn't the coach at Illinois so all the public league coaches told their players to stay away from UofI in Urbana because they were racist or w/e. That's why it's been such a tough task for the Illini to recruit in Chicago(more specifically the Public League up until recently). That's why you see Jimmy Collins getting more public leaguers at UIC and the rest going to Depaul or out of state. That's why UIC and Jimmy Collins hate him so much and is why they have never shook hands after a game. Sort of the Kobe-Shaq thing, but much more real.
  20. Low risk- high reward. Maybe this guy could correct him. It's only a minor league deal. Calm down guys.
  21. QUOTE(qwerty @ Mar 17, 2005 -> 03:47 PM) So he dressed up to speak for one minute? Do you think steroid use in cheating. Mcqwire~~~ '' that is not for me to determine''. Yeah, as it goes on, more evidence goes against McGwire being clean. How can you say that's not for me to determine when you're asked to give your personal opinion. It's like answering all of the above to a true or false question.
  22. He's not irish. He's probably rehabbing and taking it easy. Hell he probably was wearing shorts or pajama pants.
  23. QUOTE(El Caballo @ Mar 17, 2005 -> 03:27 PM) Isn't Herges a real good friend of PK's? No wonder PK and AJ don't talk. AJ = Future Clubhouse Cancer
  24. He did it. He keeps saying he won't talk about the past. The guy from Maryland is going straight at him and I appreciate it. He did it. That son of a b****. I knew it back in 98 too. I always told my dad that he was on it because if you look, the man took light swings at homers that were porch shots. His swing was very light and he looked like he wasn't trying then. I can't speak about him prior to STL because I didn't see him, but with STL, he didn't look like he tried when he hit HR's.
  25. I like Schilling. He speaks his mind on anything. You may not agree with it, but I like hearing his thoughts.
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